The Vatican Indiana Jones and the Great Circle Map
Interactive map of the Vatican, the second location we visit in Indiana Jones and the Great Circle. The map features locations such as Chapter Notes and Photos, Field Notes, Lost Artifacts, Ancient Relics, Mysteries, Medicine Bottles, Puzzles, Discoveries and many more interesting locations.
The clue left behind by the giant cat mummy thief lead Indy to the Vatican. With political turmoil brewing in the Holy City and Fascist Blackshirts are patrolling the streets, Father Antonio Morello, an old friend of Indy's, was willing to help him get in and solve the mystery.
Points of interest
Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "The Vatican" map.
Maps of the locations we visit. Some of them you have to find, and some, for the dungeons, etc. you get automatically when you reach a certain place.
Castel Sant'Angelo On a kneeler standing against the wall, near the door. A map of the Castello and the secret passage to the Vatican.
Castel Sant'Angelo An alternative place where you can find a map of the castle if you don't already have one.
Castel Sant'Angelo An alternative place where you can find a map of the castle if you don't already have one.
Fountain Underground Map
Library Map You will unlock this map automatically after leaving Antonio's office.
Necropolis Lower Map You will unlock this map automatically after the cutscene in which you enter Necropolis.
Tower of Nicholas V You will unlock this map automatically once you enter the tower through the main entrance.
Underworld Map You will unlock this map automatically once you go down the spiral staircase.
Vatican City Map On top of a wooden cabinet located near the library door. A detailed map covering parts of the Vatican City.
Vatican City Map An alternative place where you can find the Vatican City map if you don't already have one.
Signposts allow you to fast travel between them. In order to be able to select a specific signpost as a destination, you must first unlock it by reaching it on foot.
Apostolic Palace
Belvedere Courtyard
Belvedere Courtyard
Castel Sant'Angelo
Sistine Chapel
Tower of Nicholas V
Disguises allow you to hide from enemies and enter restricted areas without being noticed.
Blackshirt Uniform
Clerical Suit You will receive it from Antonio shortly after arriving at the Vatican.
Adventure Quests
Adventures are the main story quests where your objective is to solve the mystery of the Great Circle.
The Stolen Cat Mummy Previous adventure: The Adventure Begins. The clue left behind by the giant cat mummy thief lead Indy to the Vatican. With political turmoil brewing in the Holy City and Fascist Blackshirts are patrolling the streets, Father Antonio Morello, an old friend of Indy's, was willing to help him get in and solve the mystery. Objectives: Enter Castel Sant'Angelo - Antonio, an old friend, is waiting by the Passetto di Borgo, "the village steps", which is on the far side of Castel Sant'Angelo. There is no entrance from this side, but where there's a whip, there's a way. -= continued in full description =- Next adventure: The Race is On.
Chapter Notes
Chapter Notes, Gizeh. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
Ark of Bulrushes Rotations You will automatically receive this note after solving the section related to Moses in the "Fountain of Confession" puzzle. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Artifacts List Paper. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Atonement Prayer Paper. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Biblia Sacra Cover Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Caruso's Letter Letter. On a small table standing against the wall. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Chariot Card Card. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Crescenzo's Map On the desk in front of the skeleton. You need to collect the "Mad Scribbles" note first. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
De Vito's Letter Letter. On a desk in a room on the first floor. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Explorer's Journal Journal Page. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Father Antonio Obtained automatically after speaking to Antonio during the "The Stolen Cat Mummy" quest. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Laetus' Letter Letter. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Laura Photograph Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Lockpicking Nun Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Mad Scribbles On the desk in front of the skeleton. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Mario's Note Note. On the wall, to the left of the locked gate. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Paranoid Writing Journal Page. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Priestess Card Card. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Rossi's Letter Document. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Strange Writing Page Paper. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Trapped Account Journal Page. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Vatican Secrets Secrets of the Christian Church. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Warrior Giant's Parchment Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Ziggurat Dig Report Document. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Chapter Photos
Chapter Notes, Gizeh. Chapter notes are documents or photos related to the adventure you must complete to uncover the mystery of the Great Circle. They contain all sorts of related interesting info. Collecting each of them is not mandatory but is worthwhile as it provides additional adventure points.
Anointment of Jesus Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Body of Christ Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Courtyard Plaque Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Fountain Gate Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Fountain of Confession Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Gold Path Forge Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Gold Path Plaque Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Holy Chalice Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Left Tower Inscription Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Right Tower Inscription Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Sacred Wounds Mural Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Silver Path Forge Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Silver Path Plaque Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Spear of Longinus Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Strange Mural Chapter Photo. Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
The Ark of Bulrushes Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
The Baptism Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Trials of Augur Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Walking on Water Related adventure: The Stolen Cat Mummy.
Fieldwork, The Vatican. Fieldwork are local activities / side quests that are of greater importance and may or may not be related to the main adventure.
A Nun in Trouble How to start: Bring the parchment to Antonio and then exit the library during the "The Stolen Cat Mummy" adventure. Reward: 350 Adventure Points Objectives: Talk to Gina - After the encounter on the balcony, Gina, the journalist posing as a nun, agreed to trade information if it could help her find her missing sister. Talking to her might help shed some more light on the mystery of the stolen cat mummy. -= continued in full description =-
A Savage Discovery How to start: Read the "Theft Report" note. It can be found in a number of places. Reward: 300 Adventure Points Objectives: Find the Professor - There's supposed to be a big excavation ongoing in the Vatican at the moment, lead by a British professor. Perhaps he's discovered something connected to this mystery. -= continued in full description =-
The Mad Priest How to start: Read the Catherine's Letter you can find at the post office. Reward: 225 Adventure Points Objectives: Find Sister Catherine - There's a Sister Catherine in the Sistine Chapel waiting for a delivery boy from Antonio. It concerns Father Crescenzo, the mad priest who made the map of the secret inscriptions. -= continued in full description =-
The Secret of Giants How to start: Take a photo of the fifth strange inscription. Reward: Ancient Relic (Library #2). Objectives: Photograph Inscriptions - Crescenzo's map had a total of ten inscriptions marked on it. Antonio would probably be interested in seeing the photos of all of them. Return to Antonio - I've gotten photos of all the Nephilim inscriptions on Crescenzo's map. I should return to Antonio and show him what I've found.
Fieldwork Notes
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
Castello Photograph Photograph. It will be found by Gina when you check the other clues. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Catherine's Letter Letter. On a desk in the main hallway of the post office building. Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Confiscation Manifest Document. Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Contraband List Document. Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Crescenzo's Diary Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Dig Site Schedule Guard's List. Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Fool Card Card. Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Gina's Note Note. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Giuliana's Information Given by Giuliana at the end of the "A Nun in Trouble" quest. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Gold Ring Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Identification Card Card. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Interrogation Document Note. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Ipeo Card Card. : On a sofa located against a wall on the second floor of Apostolic Palace. Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Mother-in-Law's Letter Letter. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Piece of Cloth Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Sidney's Letter Letter. Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Theft Report Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Theft Report Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Tower Card Card. Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Ventura's Letter Letter. Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Fieldwork Photos
Fieldwork Notes. Notes and photographs that are related to fieldwork tasks.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription On the north side of the fountain. Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
A Strange Inscription Related fieldwork: The Secret of Giants.
Blood Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Footprints Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Handprint Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Discoveries, Gizeh. Discoveries are activities that span over greater sections, some of them throughout the entire game. To complete one of these you will have to explore the world to find something that relates to the discovery.
A Remedy for All How to start: Talk to Valeria or find one of the Medicine Bottles in the Vatican. Objectives: Find Medicine Bottles in the Vatican x 15 - The local medical worker is in dire need of medicine and all recovered bottles should be brought there. Summary: All the medicine bottles have been returned to the local medical workers.
A World of Knowledge (The Vatican) How to start: Buy the "Vatican Books" adventure book. Objectives: Find Adventure Books in the Vatican x 23 - Learn new abilities by collecting Adventure Books and taking a moment to study them. Summary: All the Adventure Books and Map Guides have been discovered.
Lost Artifacts of Europe How to start: Buy the adventure book "Vatican Artifacts" or find the first of the Lost Artifacts located within The Vatican. Objectives: Find Lost Artifacts x 5 - Artifacts from different parts of Europe. They should be returned to the right museum. Bronze Mirror Drinking Horn Golden Xiphos Parade Helmet Venus Figurine Summary: Found all the lost artifacts in the Vatican. They'll be returned to their rightful home.
Riddles of the Ancients (The Vatican) How to start: Find the first of the Ancient Relics. Objectives: Find Ancient Relics in the Vatican x 10 - A collection of curious hand-carved prehistoric stone relics.
Underground Boxing Ring Hot to start: Attempt to enter the Underground Boxing Ring. Reward: Money earned after each fight. 150 Adventure Points. Objectives: Find Disguise - This place is not welcoming to people not in uniform. Blackshirts only. -= continued in full description =-
Field Notes
Field Notes, Gizeh. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Angry Note
Briscola Flyer On a corner of the table.
Cacio e Pepe Recipe Recipe.
Gizeh Postcard Postcard. On the bed in the sleeping room on the second floor.
Lockbox Note
Pope Article News Article. It is on top of a wooden crate in the attic area of the chapel.
Propaganda Flyer Paper.
Risotto ai Funghi Recipe Recipe. On a small table in a hallway inside the post office.
Saltimbocca alla Romana Recipe Recipe. On a bench.
Shanghai Article News Article. On the workbench. It can be collected while following the nun during the "The Stolen Cat Mummy" quest.
St. Peter Postcard Postcard.
Swiss Guard Postcard Postcard.
Tales of Dread #1 Comic Book. On the table, next to which there is a motorcycle.
Tales of Dread #2 Comic Book.
Tales of Dread #3 Comic Book.
Ticket Stub
Valeria's Letter Document. It is on the table at the back of the radio operator's room located on the first floor.
Field Photos
Field Notes, Gizeh. Interesting notes and photographs gathered while out on the field. 58 such notes and photographs can be found in The Vatican.
Adjusting Painting
Anchored Airship
Belvedere Courtyard Take a photo of the courtyard from the balcony above the stage.
Bird Feeding
Boxing Ring
Chapel Altar
Cobblestone Workers Take a picture of workers repairing the pavement.
Coffee Break
Dragon Statue In one of the rooms on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace.
Ernesto You can take this picture right after you buy a camera from Ernesto.
Facade Painting You can take a picture from a small canopy that you can get to using the Zipline.
Fixture Work
Great Tower Hall
Jerusalem Cross
Lovers' Tomb
Marble Statue
Metatron Statue
Nike Statue
Ornamented Gate
Ornate Door
Pendulum Trap
Roman Murals
Secret Room
Sewer Bridge
Sister Catherine
Sistine Chapel Ceiling
Stage Construction
Stolen Artifacts In the storage room of the Apostolic Palace.
Study Group
Teacher and Apprentice You will be able to take this photo after completing the "A Savage Discovery" fieldwork.
Tomb Fresco
Tomb of the Warrior Giant
Treasure Chamber
Valeria Take a photo of Valeria after you talk to her.
Vatican Apostolic Library
Vatican Excavation
Vatican Seal
Washing Tent
Window Cleaning You can take a picture when you climb the scaffolding.
Adventure Books
Adventure Books allow you to learn new Abilities to tackle harder challenges. Adventure Books are divided into a few categories depending on which kind of Ability you can learn from it: Survival, Fitness, Packing, Brawling, and Combat. You can also collect Map Guides which are listed under the Exploration category. These will unlock important information about the locations that you visit and place markers on maps.
Brawler I On top of a small crate in the room after going down the spiral staircase. Category: Brawling Description: Deal increased damage in armed and hand-to-hand melee combat. Adventure Points To Unlock: 200
Brawler II Category: Brawling Description: Deal increased damage in armed and hand-to-hand melee combat. Adventure Points To Unlock: 400
Climbing Ace I On a barrel standing in the corner of the rooftop balcony. Category: Fitness Description: Drains less stamina and enables faster movement by using [L Shift] while ledge climbing. Adventure Points To Unlock: 100
Cutman I It's inside the Secret of Secrets Safe. Category: Fitness Description: Improved health bar regeneration efficiency. Adventure Points To Unlock: 250
Fruit Bag Category: Packing Description: Carry twice the amount of fruit. Adventure Points to Unlock: 250
Hardboiled I You can buy it for 720 Lire from Shady Vendor (The Vatican). Category: Survival Description: Harden protection by merging two health bars into one. Adventure Points To Unlock: 350
Iron Grip I Category: Fitness Description: Indy can clinch enemies for longer. Adventure Points To Unlock: 225
Lucky Hat I On the second floor of the building, in the captain's office, on the table. Category: Survival Description: After being knocked out, Indy can pick up his fedora using [E], giving him a second chance at the fight. Lucky Hat is disabled while Indy's Outfit's Fortitude is on cooldown. Adventure Points To Unlock: 125
Lucky Hat I An alternative place where you can find this book if you didn't pick it up when passing through Castel Sant'Angelo (Lucky Hat I). Category: Survival Description: After being knocked out, Indy can pick up his fedora using [E], giving him a second chance at the fight. Lucky Hat is disabled while Indy's Outfit's Fortitude is on cooldown. Adventure Points To Unlock: 125
Marshall College Guide It will spawn on the table and you will be able to collect it after completing the "A Savage Discovery" fieldwork. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook concerning things of interest one can discover in Marshall College.
Moxie I You can buy it for 5 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Fitness Description: Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness. Adventure Points To Unlock: 250
Moxie II You can buy it for 10 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Fitness Description: Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness. Adventure Points To Unlock: 500
Moxie III You can buy it for 15 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Fitness Description: Extend stamina bar to improve overall cardio fitness. Adventure Points to Unlock: 950
Pep I Category: Fitness Description: Add a boost to stamina recovery speed. Adventure Points To Unlock: 275
Punch Out I It is on the wooden crate in the radio operator's room located on the ground floor. Category: Brawling Description: Restore stamina when an enemy is knocked out. Adventure Points To Unlock: 25
Sawbones I You can buy it for 400 Lire from Shady Vendor (The Vatican). Category: Packing Description: Bandage inventory capacity is increased by one. Adventure Points to Unlock: 250
Shaping Up I You can buy it for 5 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Survival Description: Increase health reserve by adding one bar.
Shaping Up II You can buy it for 10 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Survival Description: Increase health reserve by adding one bar.
Shaping Up III You can buy it for 15 Medicine Bottles from Valeria. Category: Survival Description: Increase health reserve by adding one bar. Adventure Points To Unlock: 1200
Splinter Smash It's in a locked container. Examine the Ticket Stub to learn the code needed to open the safe: 5238. Category: Combat Description: The last hit before an improvised weapon breaks deals additional damage. Adventure Points To Unlock: 300
Street Scrapper I Code: 1136. Category: Combat Description: Deal increased damage with one and two handed melee weapons. Adventure Points To Unlock: 250
Throttle Category: Combat Description: Knock out unaware light-weight and medium-weight enemies with a whip pull. Adventure Points To Unlock: 200
Vatican Artifacts You can buy it for 300 Lire from Ernesto. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook to finding all the lost artifacts in the Vatican.
Vatican Books You can buy it for 300 Lire from Ernesto. Category: Exploration Description: A compendium of adventure books found the Vatican.
Vatican Medicine Category: Exploration Description: A handy guide to the locations of the medicine bottles in Vatican.
Vatican Mysteries You can buy it for 300 Lire from Ernesto. Category: Exploration Description: An informative guide to discovering the mysteries of the Vatican.
Vatican Notes You can buy it for 600 Lire from Ernesto. Category: Exploration Description: A guidebook concerning various notes to be gathered in the Vatican.
Vatican Relics Category: Exploration Description: An esoteric research journal concerning ancient relics rumored to be in the Vatican.
Medicine Bottles
Medicine Bottles can be exchanged for Adventure Books that either raise your HP or stamina bar permanently.
Medicine Bottle On a table on the upper floor of a two-level tent building.
Medicine Bottle On the crates located in the locked military tent. To get here you need the Blackshirt Key.
Medicine Bottle On a small wooden bench standing next to the crates, against the wall at the end of the alley.
Medicine Bottle On a table standing in the tent of the Blackshirts.
Medicine Bottle On the table inside a military tent.
Medicine Bottle On a table standing against a wall in the side alley.
Medicine Bottle On a desk in one of the rooms on the second floor of the Apostolic Palace.
Medicine Bottle You will be able to get here after completing the "A Nun in Trouble" fieldwork.
Medicine Bottle You will reach this place after crossing the Tower of Nicholas V and the sewers.
Medicine Bottle On the crates at the end of the staircase.
Medicine Bottle On top of the table standing in the alcove at the bottom of the staircase.
Medicine Bottle On a wooden table standing in a small courtyard.
Medicine Bottle On a wooden box located at the top of the wall. You can get here, for example, by climbing up using the Grappling Point & Drainpipe.
Medicine Bottle On a wooden bench inside the excavation site foreman's office.
Medicine Bottle On a wooden bench standing at the side of the courtyard.
Ancient Relics
Finding all the ancient relics is the objective of the "Riddles of the Ancients (The Vatican)" discovery.
Ancient Relic (Fountain Underground #1) On top of a broken pillar in the pit under the pendulum trap.
Ancient Relic (Fountain Underground #2) On the stone ledge in a small, locked room, accessible by activating a nearby pedestal.
Ancient Relic (Fountain Underground #3) On a wooden shelf, next to the books.
Ancient Relic (Library #1) On the table in the basement of the library.
Ancient Relic (Library #2) It spawns on Antonio's desk after completing the "The Secret of Giants" quest.
Ancient Relic (Necropolis #1)
Ancient Relic (Necropolis #2) On the stone ledge, in the room after passing through the burnt door.
Ancient Relic (Necropolis #3) On the ground in a small, locked room, accessible by activating a nearby pedestal.
Ancient Relic (Necropolis #4) On the edge of one of the tombs, accessible after climbing to the uppermost level.
Ancient Relic (Necropolis #5) In a small locked room you will get to after activating the nearby pedestals.
Lost Artifacts
Finding all the lost artifacts is the objective of the "Lost Artifacts of Europe" discovery.
Bronze Mirror In a flooded corridor you can enter after destroying a nearby Weak Wall. Related discovery: Lost Artifacts of Europe.
Drinking Horn Inside a locked safe. To open the safe, use the code 7171. The code is written on the crate located near the door with a small lamp standing on it. It will become visible when the lamp is turned off. Related discovery: Lost Artifacts of Europe.
Golden Xiphos In a secret compartment behind a painting in a small museum at the back of the Sistine Chapel. To open it turn the painting which is upside down.
Parade Helmet At the very top of the broken spiral staircase. Related discovery: Lost Artifacts of Europe.
Venus Figurine At the end of a secret room located at the top of the Borgia Tower, which can be entered after destroying a Breakable Wall. Related discovery: Lost Artifacts of Europe.
Mystery Quests
Mysteries, Gizeh. Mysteries are shorter and sometimes quite challenging activities, and will give you adventure points when they have been completed, in addition to a variety of different smaller rewards.
A Date to Remember Open the Shipment Container - There is a locked shipment container in one of the Blackshirt tents. Maybe it's possible to relieve the container of its contents? Reward: 100 Adventure points.
A Free Spirit How to start: Read the Missing Cat Flyer. Snap Photograph of Cat - Father Bianchi has lost his cat. Better keep an eye out for this spectacular black satin-haired wonder of nature. Pin Photograph to Missing Cat Flyer - Father Bianchi's lost cat was kicking back on a rooftop. Better let the father know that his precious friend is safe. Reward: 100 Adventure Points Summary: Father Bianchi will be happy to know that his lost cat is just exploring the rooftops. The little fella will find his way home when he wants to.
A Snake in the Garden How to start: Read the Bookcase Note. Solve Ventura's Bookcase - There seems to be something special about Ventura's bookcase. Should be worth investigating. Reward: 100 Adventure Points. Solution: Read the Bookcase Note and investigate its back to see four symbols: Francorum - Crown Symbol Logicae - Triangle Symbol QDV - Sun Symbol Philosophiae - Wheel Symbol Approach the bookcase and pull out books with symbols in the following (alphabetical) order: Crown Triangle Wheel Sun Pick up the Mussolini's Letter.
Father and Son Find the Locked Door - Giuliana handed over a key that unlocks a door somewhere in the Borgia Tower. She said it might lead to further clues about the cat mummy mystery. Search the Agency Room - Giuliana's key lead to a locked room used by the Vatican Secret Agency. Could be some interesting leads in there. Collect Evidence - This place looks like a center for some kind of secret operation. Perhaps there's useful information to be found regarding the cat mummy. Reward: 100 Adventure Points.
House of God How to start: Read the Cleaning Note. The Basilica replica has a handle on the front and some other strange features. Deserves a closer look. Solution: Move the handle located on the front of the replica as far to the right as possible. Proceed to the left side of the replica and take the Relief Medallion from the compartment that opened. Move the lever located on the front of the replica as far to the left as possible. Place the Relief Medalion in the slot on the right side of the replica. Proceed to the left side of the replica and pick up the Golden Chalice from the compartment that opened there. Place the Golden Chalice on the top of the replica. Reward: 100 Adventure Points Summary: The Basilica replica turned out to be a puzzle box with a secret compartment containing a very interesting book.
Secret of Secrets How to start: Read the Nicoletti's Letter. Open the Locked Safe - A priest found an old manuscript and locked it away. The code to the safe has something to do with two saints. Reward: 100 Adventure Points. Solution: The Nicoletti's Letter contains a clue that Peter is first and then Paul. Find the Planetary Chart. The symbols correspond to the numbers from 1 to 8. Find the Saint Peter Statue and turn it around to see two symbols. There is no such symbol on the Planetary Chart so it must be an erased "4". So the beginning of the safe combination is 44. Find the Saint Paul Statue and turn it around to see two symbols which correspond to the numbers 7 and 1, so the second part of the combination is 71. Use the code 4471 to unlock the safe. Take the Hidden Note lying under the forged book.
Signs of Trouble Find the Information - Gina left a note with instructions to retrieve information from one of her informants that has been locked away in a safe in the dig site. Return Information to Gina - The information was sparsed, but intriguing - an airship ticket to Peru issued in Laura's name. Gina needed help retrieving information about her sister from a contact. It turned out to be an airship ticket in her name to Peru beginning of March.
The Bulls of Blood How to start: Read either Russo's Note, Red Bulls Card, or Angel Courtyard Map. Reward: 100 Adventure Points. Find the Secret in Castel Sant'Angelo - There is a secret hidden somewhere close to the Angel Courtyard. Solution: Read the notes: Russo's Note, Red Bulls Card, and Angel Courtyard Map. Open The Bulls of Blood Hidden Door by turning both paintings upside down so that the brown bulls are on top. Read the Cesare Borgia's Letter. Summary: Two bull paintings next to the fireplace were the key to a hidden door that revealed a secret passage.
Mystery Notes
Notes that are related to the mysteries.
Angel Courtyard Map It is on the desk. Related mystery: The Bulls of Blood.
Bookcase Note Related mystery: A Snake in the Garden.
Calendar Page Reladed mystery: A Date to Remember.
Cesare Borgia's Letter Mystery Note. It is on the crate in the hidden room. Related mystery: The Bulls of Blood.
Cleaning Note Related mystery: House of God.
Code Lookup Table Reladed mystery: A Date to Remember.
Contact's Message Related mystery: Signs of Trouble.
Gina's Request Related mystery: Signs of Trouble.
Giovanni's Letter Reladed mystery: A Date to Remember.
Hidden Note Inside the Secret of Secrets Safe. It lies under a forged book. Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Italian Poem Related mystery: Father and Son.
Junior Report Related mystery: Father and Son.
Mussolini's Letter On Ventura's Bookcase after completing the "A Snake in the Garden" mystery. Related mystery: A Snake in the Garden.
Nicoletti's Letter On a table with a typewriter in the corner of a room on the second floor of the Sistine Chapel. Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Office Photograph Related mystery: Father and Son.
Planetary Chart In a desk drawer. Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Polybius Square Diagram Related mystery: Father and Son.
Red Bulls Card It's on the desk. Related mystery: The Bulls of Blood.
Russo's Note On the desk in the middle of the room. Related mystery: The Bulls of Blood.
Secret Delivery Letter Reladed mystery: A Date to Remember.
Senior Report Related mystery: Father and Son.
Siwa Photograph Related mystery: Father and Son.
Mystery Photos
Photographs that are related to the mysteries.
Black and White Cat The cat will be here once you talk to Valeria. Related mystery: A Free Spirit.
Black Cat / Signor Smushki This cat is on the roof, which can be reached by climbing up the Scaffolding. Related mystery: A Free Spirit.
Brown Cat This cat is sitting on the scaffolding. Related mystery: A Free Spirit.
Orange Cat The cat is on the roof, which can be reached by climbing up the Drainpipe. Related mystery: A Free Spirit.
White Cat This cat sits on a chimney on the roof. You can get here by climbing up the Drainpipe. Related mystery: A Free Spirit.
Puzzles and riddles that need to be solved to push the game storyline forward, gain access to new places, etc.
Fountain of Confession Solution: Get the Fountain Gate Key, enter storage room, climb up to the scaffolding and get the Dragon Claw. Climb to the top of the left tower and place the Dragon Claw on the white dragon and rotate it. Use the lever that comes out to rotate the white dragon statue so that it faces the black dragon located on the right tower. Get to the right tower and turn the black dragon's claw so that the lever comes out and then use it to turn that dragon so that it faces the white dragon. This will cause the little dragon in the fountain to rotate. -= continued in full description =-
Gold Trial Solution: Go to the west side, and pull two chains to position two tubes over the hearths. Use the grappling point on the left side, climb up and jump onto the tube that has a grip. Gina will move it to the east side. From the tube, use the grappling point on the other side, go through the hole under the ceiling and jump down. There you will find two more chains you can use to move the other two tubes. Position them above the hearths. Return to the main room and pull the lever located next to the door.
Sacred Wounds Solution: Pour some wine into the bowl in front of the Sacred Wounds Mural. Five levers will be revealed around different parts of Jesus' body. Then pour some wine into the bowls in front of other five murals to reveal numbers. Right Foot (Walking on Water) - III Left Foot (Anointment of Jesus) - IV Left Hand (Holy Chalice) - II Right Hand (Body of Christ) - II Chest (Spear of Longinus) - III
Silver Trial Solution: Get the Stone Tablet and place it on the altar in the middle of the room. Use the eastern grappling point to get to the second Stone Tablet. Take it and give it to Gina through the bars. Return to the central platform by climbing over the edges of the wall. Use the western grappling point to get to the other side get the stone tablet from Gina. Place the stone tablet in the western altar. Return to the central platform using the grappling point and exit the room.
Key Items & Objects
Various other items that are useful during the adventure.
Antique Bust
Antique Bust (Necropolis #1)
Antique Bust (Necropolis #2)
Antique Bust (Underworld) After solving the "Sacred Wounds" puzzle take it and place it on the Pedestal (Underworld).
Camera It will allow you to take photos that are both needed for the main storyline of the game as well as many side activities.
Candle Pick it up to be able to explore the Secret Entrance.
Cat Mummy
Dragon Claw
Missing Cat Flyer
Saint Paul Statue Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Saint Peter Statue Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Stone Tablet
Stone Tablet
The Stone Fragment
Unknown Language Book
Various types of switches, levers, pressure plates and other items that can be switched, shifted, etc.
Crusader Shield / Hidden Lever
Golden Dragon Path Lever
Hidden Lever
Pedestal (Fountain)
Pedestal (Necropolis #1)
Pedestal (Necropolis #2)
Pedestal (Necropolis #3)
Pedestal (Necropolis #3)
Pedestal (Underworld) Place the Antique Bust (Underworld) on it.
Silver Dragon Path Lever
Ventura's Bookcase
Locked Containers
Safe Lock combination: 5873.
Safe Lock combination: 1891.
Secret of Secrets Safe Safe combination: 4471. Related mystery: Secret of Secrets.
Shipment Container Lock combination: 6380.
Keys you can use to open some locked doors, gates, etc.
Ancient Vatican Key To get here and collect this key you need to revisit the Vatican after you reach the Sukhothai and buy the Rebreather. You can get here through the Underwater Passage. Related discovery: The Serpent's Chest. Description: One of three ancient keys scattered across the globe.
Blackshirt Key
Burial Chamber Key Description: An ancient burial chamber key found in the catacombs underneath the Vatican. Unlocks: Burial Chamber Gate.
Captain's Key On the second floor of the building, in the captain's office, on the wall, on a small board with key hooks. Description: Opens the northern gate of the Angel Courtyard at Castel Sant'Angelo. Unlocks: Angel Courtyard Gate.
Cellar Key Description: An old iron key marked with the address "3 v.d. Pellegrino". Unlocks: Post Office Cellar.
Clerical Key You will receive it from Antonio when you collect the Crescenzo's Map. Description: This key allows access to areas only available to Vatican clergy members.
Fountain Gate Key Description: A key to the storage room next to the Fountain of Confession. Unlocks: Storage Room.
Giuliana's Key Given by Giuliana at the end of the "A Nun in Trouble" quest.
Guard House Key On a small board with key hooks attached to a corkboard hanging on the wall in the radio operator's room located on the ground floor. Description: A key to the guard house by the south wall of Castel Sant'Angelo. Unlocks: Guard House Door (Top Floor), Guard House Door (Middle Floor), Guard House Door (Lowest Floor).
Jail Cell Key Description: A key to the jail cell in the Blackshirt barracks. Unlocks: Jail Cell Locked Door.
Rampart Key On a small board with key hooks hanging on the wall. Description: Opens the rampart gate on the southwest bastion of Castel Sant'Angelo. Unlocks: Rampart Gate.
Sewers Key Given by Antonio after you visit him during the "The Mad Priest" adventure quest. Unlocks: Sewers Gate.
Locked Passages
Various locked or blocked passages. Some of them can be opened with the right key. Some can only be unlocked from a certain side. Others can be unblocked by, for example, using a large hammer or setting them on fire.
Agency Room Locked Door
Angel Courtyard Gate Key required to open it: Captain's Key.
Apostolic Palace Door This door can be opened from the inside during the quest "The Mad Priest".
Borgia Tower Locked Door
Borgia Tower Locked Door This door can be opened from the inside during the "A Nun in Trouble" fieldwork.
Burial Chamber Gate Key required to open it:Burial Chamber Key.
Burnable Door You can burn them and thus create a passage when you approach them with a torch. You can throw the torch into the room through a hole in the wall and then enter the room through a gap with pouring water.
Burnable Door
Burnable Wall
Clerical Door Key required to open it: Clerical Key.
Clerical Door
Clerical Door
Clerical Door Key required to open it: Clerical Key.
Clerical Door Key required to open it: Clerical Key.
Clerical Door x 2 Doors are located on both floors of the library. Key required to open it: Clerical Key.
Courtyard Gate Key required to open it: Blackshirt Key.
Gold Trial Door
Golden Dragon Path
Guard House Door (Lowest Floor) Key required to open it: Guard House Key.
Guard House Door (Middle Floor) Key required to open it: Guard House Key.
Guard House Door (Top Floor) Key required to open it: Guard House Key.
Guarded Gate The gate will open as you progress through the storyline, when you reach the post office by an alternative route and talk to Ernesto. Then also the area around the post office will no longer be restricted.
Jail Cell Locked Door
Locked Door It is in the attic of the chapel. This door can be unlocked from the west side. You will be able to do this once you use the Zipline.
Locked Door
Locked Door Gina will unlock it for you.
Locked Door Gina will unlock it after investigating all five clues.
Locked Door Gina will open this door for you during the "A Nun in Trouble" fieldwork.
Locked Door Key required to open it: Giuliana's Key.
Locked Door
Locked Gate
Locked Gate This gate can be unlocked from the western side. You will be able to do this when you use the Zipline.
Locked Gate
Locked Gate
Locked Gate This gate can be unlocked from the east side by pulling the lever on the wall.
Locked Gate
Locked Gate
Locked Gate
Locked Gate
Locked Gate To open the gate, jump into the water at the Diving Spot and swim to the other side of the tunnel and then use the whip to pull the chain.
Locked Gate
Locked Gate To open this gate place the Antique Bust (Underworld) on the Pedestal (Underworld).
Locked Gate Blackshirt Key
Locked Gate It can be unlocked from the inside after going through the Tower of Nicholas V and the sewers.
Locked Gate
Monastery Gate
Museum Entrance Unlocks automatically while following Gina during the "A Nun in Trouble" fieldwork.
Post Office Cellar Key required to open it: Cellar Key.
Post Office Door Key required to open it: Clerical Key.
Rampart Gate Key required to open it: Rampart Key.
Scriptorium Door
Secret Entrance Use the Giant's Symbol to unlock it.
Sewers Gate Key required to open it: Sewers Key.
Silver Dragon Path
Silver Trial Door
Sliding Wall It can be opened from the tunnel on the south side by pulling the lever.
Storage Room Key required to open it: Fountain Gate Key.
The Bulls of Blood Hidden Door To open this door turn both paintings upside down so that the brown bulls are on top. Related mystery: The Bulls of Blood.
Underground Boxing Ring
Ventura's Office On the second floor of the Apostolic Palace. This door can be opened from inside the office.
Places where you can buy various items, such as adventure books or tools.
Ernesto He sells: Camera - 379 Lire Vatican Books - 300 Lire Vatican Mysteries - 300 Lire Vatican Notes - 600 Lire Vatican Artifacts - 300 Lire
Shady Vendor (The Vatican) You can find him next to the boxing ring in the Underground Boxing Ring. He sells: Sawbones I - 400 Lire Hardboiled I - 720 Lire
Valeria She sells: Moxie I - 5 Medicine Bottles Moxie II - 10 Medicine Bottles Moxie III - 15 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up I - 5 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up II - 10 Medicine Bottles Shaping Up III - 15 Medicine Bottles
Other NPC's. Meeting their needs can be a source of additional adventure points.
Gina Related fieldwork: A Nun in Trouble.
Mailman Return a missing letter to him. You can find the letter at the post office at the end of the corridor. Reward: 10 Adventure Points.
Painter Bring her the paintbrush you can find near A Strange Inscription. Reward: 10 Adventure Points
Professor Savage Related fieldwork: A Savage Discovery.
Sister Catherine Related fieldwork: The Mad Priest.
Ammunition Boxes
Additional ammunition for Indy's revolver. One box contains two bullets.
Repair Kits
With a repair kit you can repair broken weapons in your satchel.
Using bandages restores your health.
Currency / Egyptian Pounds
Places where you can find local currency.
Eating bread, such as cornetti, donuts, crackers and others boosts your total health temporarily.
Eating fruit such as apples, oranges, lemons, figs and others gives you an additional stamina boost.
Map Transitions
Transitions between different sections of the map.
Fountain Underground Entrance
Lower Necropolis Starting Point This is where you will end up after destroying the Tomb of a Giant Warrior.
Museum Entrance
Spiral Staircase Related transition: Fountain Underground Entrance.
To Airship (Gizeh)
To Castel Sant'Angelo
To Necropolis
To Necropolis
To the Tower of Nicholas V
To the Tower of Nicholas V (Scaffolding)
To the Underworld
To the Vatican Antonio is waiting for you here.
To the Vatican (Apostolic Palace)
To the Vatican (Main Entrance)
To the Vatican (Museum Exit)
To the Vatican (Scaffolding)
To the Vatican City Exit from the library to the city area. The door is located at the bottom of the staircase.
To Underworld
To Vatican City Related marker: To Underworld.
Tower of Nicholas V Main Entrance
Underworld Entrance The door can be unlocked during the "The Stolen Cat Mummy" quest. Pour the wine that Antonio gave you into the bowl at the front of the altar and turn the large disk on the door until the angel is on top.
Window The window through which you get inside the museum during the "A Nun in Trouble" fieldwork. You cannot exit this way.