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Points of Interest Far Cry 6 Maps & Collectibles

An alphabetical list of all groups of points of interest that have been marked on the maps for the game Far Cry 6.

A "Neighborly" Disagreement

List of all Hidden Stories in category A "Neighborly" Disagreement that can be found in Far Cry 6.

A Star is Made, Not Born

List of all Hidden Stories in category A Star is Made, Not Born that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Admiral Benítez Billboards

Finding the Admiral Benítez Billboards is a requirement for completing the "Tricks of the Trade" Yaran Story.

Ambush Sites

Ambush Sites are a special activity in Far Cry 6. They are large crates guarded by several soldiers. Your task is to kill all the enemies around them and then collect the crate. You will be assisted by a few guerrillas in doing this job.


There are five basic Amigos available in the game. To get two more, K-9000 and Champagne, you need to buy the corresponding DLC (available in the Ultimate version).

Anti-Aircraft Sites

Anti-Aircraft Sites are a special activity in Far Cry 6. Destroying them clears the sky, so you can fly around without getting shot down. Additionally, each of these locations contains a crate containing 50 units of Depleted Uranium.

Antón Castillo Presents: A History of Yara

List of all Hidden Stories in category Antón Castillo Presents: A History of Yara that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Armory Weapons (Father's Mind)

Complete Armory Challenges to unlock new weapons and their Weapon Cases. Once a weapon is acquired, its Weapon Case is PERMANENTLY unlocked in your Armory. When you die, spend Penace to purchase weapons again from unlocked Weapon Cases.

Armory Weapons

Complete Armory Challenges to unlock new weapons and their Weapon Cases. Once a weapon is acquired, its Weapon Case is PERMANENTLY unlocked in your Armory. When you die, spend Penace to purchase weapons again from unlocked Weapon Cases.

Armory Weapons (Pagan's Mind)

Complete Armory Challenges to unlock new weapons and their Weapon Cases. Once a weapon is acquired, its Weapon Case is PERMANENTLY unlocked in your Armory. When you die, spend Cash to purchase weapons again from unlocked Weapon Cases.

Art & Death

List of all Hidden Stories in category Art & Death that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Ballad of La Revolución

List of all Hidden Stories in category Ballad of La Revolución that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Baseball Memorabilia

Baseball Memorabilia are items that you must collect to complete the "Stealing Home" Yaran Story.

Blue Notes

List of all Hidden Stories in category Blue Notes that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Chests (Father's Mind)

List of places on the "Father's Mind" map where you can find chests containing penance and possibly some ammo.


List of places on the "Vaas' Mind" map where you can find chests containing credits and possibly some ammo.

Chests (Pagan's Mind)

List of places on the "Pagan's Mind" map where you can find chests containing respect and possibly some ammo.

Citra's Trials

Citra's Trials are tough challenges that offer generous rewards. You will get a Still Standing power that will save you from death.

Criptograma Charts

You can find 30 Criptograma Charts if Far Cry 6. They are needed to open the Criptograma Chests. To open each chest you must find two nearby charts.

Criptograma Chests

You can find 15 Criptograma Chests in Far Cry 6. After opening each of them you will receive a piece of high-grade armor. Criptograma Chest requires you to find 2 nearby Criptograma Charts which are used as keys to open the chest.

Dani's Story

List of all Hidden Stories in category Dani's Story that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Dead Lovers Tell No Tales

List of all Hidden Stories in category Dead Lovers Tell No Tales that can be found in Far Cry 6.


Diary Pages (Father's Mind)

Joseph's Diary Pages are collectible items available in the Joseph: Collapse add-on for Far Cry 6. You can find a total of 7 such documents. When you collect them all, you will unlock the "Family History" achievement / trophy.

Diary Pages

Vaas' Diary Pages are collectible items available in the Vaas: Insanity add-on for Far Cry 6. You can find a total of 7 such documents. When you collect them all, you will unlock the "Dear Diary" achievement / trophy.

Diary Pages (Pagan's Mind)

Pagan's Diary Pages are collectible items available in the Pagan: Control add-on for Far Cry 6. You can find a total of 7 such documents. When you collect them all, you will unlock the "Early Drafts" achievement / trophy.

Divine Intervention

List of all Hidden Stories in category Divine Intervention that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Fishing / Hunting Spots

FND Bases

FND Bases are enemy camps that you can liberate by defeating all the enemies present in the base. The reward will be better if you do not get detected or cause the alarm to be raised. Depending on the base, optional objectives may also be available, such as freeing a hostage, downloading the data, capturing a vehicle, etc. Completing them will result in a better reward for you. Once liberated, bases can serve as fast travel points.

FND Caches

FND caches are one of the crate types that can be found in the game. Their contents is semi-random. In most cases they will give you the gunpowder, sometimes they will give you a new weapon.

Fragments of the Montero Clan

List of all Hidden Stories in category Fragments of the Montero Clan that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Gabriel Statues

Finding all 12 statues is the objective of "Paint the Town" Yaran story.

Gran Premio Races

Grand Premio Races are different kinds of races (ground vehicle, plane, horse, jetski, etc.) in which your task will be to reach the end of the course before the timer goes down to zero. The route will be marked by a series of checkpoints. When you reach the next checkpoint you will be given extra time.

Guerrilla As Fuck

List of all Hidden Stories in category Guerrilla As Fuck that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Guerrilla Hideouts

A network of guerrilla hideouts. Once you build a Hideout Network in one of the Guerrilla Camps, they can serve as air drop / fast travel points.

Heart of the Revolution

List of all Hidden Stories in category Heart of the Revolution that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Her Revolution

List of all Hidden Histories in category Her Revolution that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Hidden Histories

Hidden Histories are collectible items available in Far Cry 6 (FC6) that can be found while exploring the game world. They are usually documents of various kinds, occasionally some plaques, etc. In total, you can find as many as 143 of them.

Hypocrisy and Hippocrates

List of all Hidden Stories in category Hypocrisy and Hippocrates that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Jewelry Boxes

Jewelry Boxes are small containers made of alligator leather in which you can find a weapon charm, some kind of ride prop ( mirror prop / dashboard prop) or a can of paint. What you find in a particular box is random (maybe it depends on the order in which the boxes are found?).

Joseph Chibis

Joseph Chibis are collectible items available in the Joseph: Collapse Add-On. You can find a total of 10 of these figurines. You can walk up to some of them and pick them up. For the less accessible ones you just have to shoot them.

Juan's Supremo Comics

List of all Hidden Stories in category Juan's Supremo Comics that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Left Behind: Lucky Mama After '67

List of all Hidden Stories in category Left Behind: Lucky Mama After '67 that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Libertad Crates

Libertad Crates are one of the types of crates that can be found in the game. They will always contain either Wearable Gear or Supremo Bond, which you can use to purchase mods and upgrades to your Supremo backpacks.

Locations (Joseph's Mind)

The locations inside Joseph's Mind. Finding all of them unlocks the "Pilgrimage" achievement / trophy.


The places on the island that have their own names.

Locations (Pagan's Mind)

The locations inside Pagan's Mind. Finding all of them unlocks the "Enlightened Monarch" achievement / trophy.

Lorenzo's Children

Places where Lorenzo's children can be found. Finding them is the objective of "The Seeds of Love" Yaran story.

Macabre Maestro

List of all Hidden Stories in category Macabre Maestro that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Máximas Matanzas: Yaran World Tour

List of all Hidden Stories in category Máximas Matanzas: Yaran World Tour that can be found in Far Cry 6.

McKay Wave Jammers

Destroying the McKay Wave Jammers is an objective of the "We're (Un)jammin'" Yaran Story.

Memories (Father's Mind)

Memories are the main missions in which you will collect the three shattered pieces of your Cross that you need to complete "A Righteous Man" main mission.


Memories are the main missions in which you will collect the three parts of the Silver Dragon Blade that you need to complete the "Citra's Warrior" main mission.

Memories (Pagan's Mind)

Memories are the main missions in which you will collect the three parts of the Mask that you need to get access to Royal Palace and complete the "Family Reunion" main mission.

Memory Links

A system of portals that allows you to move quickly from one place to another. The portals are paired with each other, you move between portals with the same number.

Military Checkpoints


More on McKay

List of all Hidden Stories in category More on McKay that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Mythical Animal Dens


Pagan Chibis

Pagan Chibis are collectible items available in the Pagan: Control Add-On. You can find a total of 10 of these figurines. You can walk up to some of them and pick them up. For the less accessible ones you just have to shoot them.

Power Chests (Father's Mind)

These are chests in which you are sure to find one of the "Powers" - passives that boost your character's capabilities.

Power Chests

These are chests in which you are sure to find one of the "Powers" - passives that boost your character's capabilities.

Power Chests (Pagan's Mind)

These are chests in which you are sure to find one of the "Powers" - passives that boost your character's capabilities.



In total, you can get four different Rides (cars) in Far Cry 6. Collecting all of them will unlock the "Car Cry" achievement.


There are a total of 19 Roosters to collect in Far Cry 6, 13 of which can be found while exploring Yara. They are all located inside the wooden crates marked with the rooster icon. Two of them are related to Yara stories. The additional 6 roosters are Ubisoft Connect rewards.

Safe Houses

Safe Houses are special locations after unlocking which you will be able to use a mirror or an armory located there. To unlock them you must kill all enemies around it.

Sex, Lies, and María's Scripts

List of all Hidden Stories in category Sex, Lies, and María's Scripts that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Supply Drops

The Department of Civility

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Department of Civility that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Fall and Rise of Dr. Yanny Dábalos

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Fall and Rise of Dr. Yanny Dábalos that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Golden Lamb

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Golden Lamb that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Last Patriota

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Last Patriota that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Lion's Pride

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Lion's Pride that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Lives of Other Yarans

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Lives of Other Yarans that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Phantom of La Joya

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Phantom of La Joya that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Rally Protest

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Rally Protest that can be found in Far Cry 6.

The Snake

List of all Hidden Stories in category The Snake that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Towns / Cities

Treasure Hunts

Treasure Hunts are a special type of activity available in the game. Your task is to find a way to get to the treasure. The first clue about what you should do will be given to you when you start the search and the next ones will be found on the way to the goal.


Trials are tough challenges that offer generous rewards. You will get a Still Standing power that will save you from death.

Unique Auto-Pistols

List of unique Auto-Pistols that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Bows

List of unique Bows that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Launchers

List of unique Launchers that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Light Machine Guns

List of unique Light Machine Guns that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Pistols

List of unique Pistols that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Rifles

List of unique Rifles that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Shotguns

List of unique Shotguns that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Sniper Rifles

List of unique Sniper Rifles that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unique Submachine Guns

List of unique Submachine Guns that can be found in Far Cry 6.

Unmasking the Sea Monster

List of all Hidden Stories in category Unmasking the Sea Monster that can be found in Far Cry 6.

USB Songs

The USB Songs are one of the types of collectibles that can be found in Far Cry 6. 15 of them can be found in total. Finding all USB Songs is necessary to unlock the "That's My Jam" achievement / trophy.

Vaas Chibis

Vaas Chibis are collectible items available in the Vaas: Insanity Add-On. You can find a total of 10 of these figurines. You can walk up to some of them and pick them up. For the less accessible ones you just have to shoot them.

Visions (Father's Mind)

Visions are collectibles available in the Joseph: Collapse add-on for Far Cry 6. There are 8 of them in total. When you watch them all, you will unlock the "Parables" achievement / trophy.


Visions are collectibles available in the Vaas: Insanity add-on for Far Cry 6. You can watch them by visiting 18 locations. When you watch them all, you will unlock the "So Much For Poetics" achievement / trophy.

Visions (Pagan's Mind)

Visions are collectibles available in the Pagan: Control add-on for Far Cry 6. There are 16 of them in total. When you watch them all, you will unlock the "Radio is More My Thing" achievement / trophy.

Yaran Stories

Yaran Stories are simply side missions available in Far Cry 6.

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