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Jotunheim Assassin's Creed Valhalla Map

An interactive map of Jotunheim. The map shows the locations of Ymir's Blood Stones, World Events, Highpoints, Cairn, Legendary Animal, Flyting Challenge and other points of interest.

There are 33 Wealth locations (33 x Ymir's Blood Stone) and 8 Mysteries (4 x World Event, 1 x Cairn, 1 x Flyting, 1 x Legendary Animal, 1 x Flytint Challenge) in Jotunheim. Suggested Power to visit Jotunheim is 190.

Jotunheim was the home of the Jotnar, giants of Nordic myth. It was a frozen, mountainous place, steeped in magic and illusion.

To the Viking mind, the Jotnar represented the forces of chaos that would consume their world during Ragnarok, the war at the end of time. It was therefore seen as a perilous place for their gods to tread.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Quests that take place on Jotunheim map

An alphabetical list of quests that take place on this map.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Jotunheim" map.

World EventsWorld Events

World Events are some kind of side quests that can be found in Assassin's Creed: Valhalla. They are usually short, do not have log entries, and you will receive experience points for their completion. World events count as MYSTERIES.

Icon of Aegir's Daughters Aegir's Daughters Talk to the Jotun women standing inside the building, listen to their stories (it may even be the same story three times) and have a drink after each one. After three toasts you will lose consciousness.

Icon of Pit of Slaughter Pit of Slaughter Talk to Jotun who is looking for a companion to fight in the arena and agree to fight together with him. It doesn't matter which dialogue options you choose, he will eventually turn into a rabbit anyway.

Icon of The Giants of Fimbulwinter The Giants of Fimbulwinter This event will only be available when you progresss futher in the Jotunheim story - "A Feast to Remember" quest. Approach the two Jotun twins standing near the stone altar. You will learn that they are responsible for the snowstorm. After a while you will be attacked by them and you will have to kill them. When you defeat them, the snowstorm will end and so will this event.

Icon of The Puppeteer The Puppeteer Talk to the Jotun woman and she will ask you for help in freeing her beloved.

Legendary AnimalsLegendary Animals

Legendary Animals count as MYSTERIES.

Icon of Steinnbjorn Steinnbjorn Power: 400.


The Cairns are challenges in which we have to stack rocks one on top of the other so that we can create a balanced pile of a certain height. The Cairns count as MYSTERIES.

Icon of Atgeirr / Jotunheim Atgeirr / Jotunheim

Offering AltarsOffering Altars

Offering Altars require you to place a tribute on the altar. When you place the required items on the altar, it will be counted as completed and give you a skill point(s). Offering Altars count as MYSTERIES.

Icon of Ymir's Altar (Jotunheim) Ymir's Altar (Jotunheim) 33 x Ymir's Blood Stone. +5 Skill Points.


Win flyting duels to increase your charisma. Flyting is a contest consisting of the exchange of three insults between you and your opponent, often conducted in verse. Flyting duels count as MYSTERIES.

Icon of Ratatosk / Jotunheim Ratatosk / Jotunheim No wager is placed here. A. I should like to see you try. B. They're too dull to conquer me. C. I grow weary of your squeak.


Highpoints can be synchronized by climbing them and pressing the interaction button. They can then be used as the FAST TRAVEL points.

Icon of Enchanted Tower Enchanted Tower

Icon of Serpent's Tree Serpent's Tree


Interesting places that play a certain role, for example you have to visit them while doing certain quests, etc.

Icon of Aegir's Hall Aegir's Hall

Icon of Feasting Hall Feasting Hall Related quests: A Feast to Remember.

Icon of Fighting Pit Fighting Pit

Icon of Grotto Grotto Related quests: A Feast to Remember.

Icon of Heart of the Wood Heart of the Wood Related quests: Mistress of the Iron Wood.

Icon of Leyna Falls Leyna Falls Related quests: Mistress of the Iron Wood.

Icon of Skrymir's Mitten Skrymir's Mitten Related quests: The Lost Cauldron.

Icon of Start / Wake Up Start / Wake Up

Icon of Thrym's House Thrym's House Related quests: A Gift from the Past.

Icon of Utgard Utgard Related quests: A Feast to Remember.

Icon of Utgard's Keep Utgard's Keep

Icon of Utgard's Vault Utgard's Vault Related quests: A Feast to Remember.

Icon of Well of Mimir Well of Mimir Related quests: The Price of Wisdom.

Ymir's Blood StonesYmir's Blood Stones

Once you've acquired all Ymir's Blood Stones, you'll be able to use them to make an offering at Ymir's Altar (Jotunheim). Ymir's Blood Stones count as WEALTH.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #1 Ymir's Blood Stone #1 It's inside Skrymir's Mitten. You visit this area during "The Lost Cauldron" quest.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #10 Ymir's Blood Stone #10 The chest is hidden by magic. You will only see it when you run between the roots of a magic tree located a bit to the north. The chest must be approached from the back / sea side to become accessible.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #11 Ymir's Blood Stone #11 The chest is inside the stone structure, behind a breakable wall. You can smash the wall with Incendiary Powder Trap and if you don't have this ability then you need to expose the oil jar.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #12 Ymir's Blood Stone #12 Destroy the ice barrier on the ground to reveal the chest.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #13 Ymir's Blood Stone #13 The chest is located in the magical house of the hunter. It is best to take it when you are doing "The Puppeteer" event.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #14 Ymir's Blood Stone #14 The chest is located in Angrboda's bedroom, in the upper part of Heart of the Wood. You can get there from the room where you first met Angrboda during the quest "Mistress of the Iron Wood".

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #15 Ymir's Blood Stone #15 The chest is hidden by magic. To be able to see it you have to walk between two posts with skulls. You will need two keys to open the chest.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #16 Ymir's Blood Stone #16 To get to the chest destroy the ice wall.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #17 Ymir's Blood Stone #17 The chest, which is locked with two keys, is located inside the mine behind a wall that you must

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #18 Ymir's Blood Stone #18 The chest is located in an underground room.To get there you have to shoot down the net with stones which will create a passageway by falling down.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #19 Ymir's Blood Stone #19 The chest is located in a public house but you will need a key to open it.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #2 Ymir's Blood Stone #2 It's inside Skrymir's Mitten. You visit this area during "The Lost Cauldron" quest. Move the bookcase, climb on it and then on the rope.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #20 Ymir's Blood Stone #20 Enter the Fighting Pit. When you reach the arena, turn left and follow the corridors until you reach the room where the chest is.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #21 Ymir's Blood Stone #21 The chest is located on the upper floor of the building. You can get there by climbing the ladder. The chest is locked.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #22 Ymir's Blood Stone #22 The door near the chest is barred from the inside so enter the warehouse through the door on the right.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #23 Ymir's Blood Stone #23 You can get to the room where this chest is located by sliding down the zipline stretched over this building and jumping into the hole in the roof.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #24 Ymir's Blood Stone #24 To get to the chest you must destroy the stone wall. To blow it up, you can use the jar of oil you find in the room where the other Ymir's Blood Stone #23 is.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #25 Ymir's Blood Stone #25 The chest is located in a locked room. You will find the key under the stairs leading to this room.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #26 Ymir's Blood Stone #26 The chest is located in a small cave that you can get to by destroying the ice wall.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #27 Ymir's Blood Stone #27 The chest is on a shelf located under the ceiling in the Feasting Hall kitchen. Climb up onto the shelf with the movable rack, and move it.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #28 Ymir's Blood Stone #28 The chest is behind the throne in throne room of Utgard's Keep.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #29 Ymir's Blood Stone #29 The chest is located in a chamber with red carpets in the upper part of Utgard's Keep.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #3 Ymir's Blood Stone #3 The chest is located inside the Thrym's House cave. You visit this place during the quest "A Gift from the Past".

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #30 Ymir's Blood Stone #30 The chest is hidden behind an ice wall on the way from the "red carpets room" to the top of Utgard's Keep.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #31 Ymir's Blood Stone #31 You will find the chest in the topmost chamber of Utgard's Keep.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #32 Ymir's Blood Stone #32 You will come across this chest on your way to the top of the Enchanted Tower.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #33 Ymir's Blood Stone #33 Take a leap of faith from the top of the Enchanted Tower. The chest will be next to the place where you land.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #4 Ymir's Blood Stone #4 Dive down and find the chest at the bottom.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #5 Ymir's Blood Stone #5 The chest is located on the second floor of the building and you can climb up the ladder there. You will need a key to open it.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #6 Ymir's Blood Stone #6

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #7 Ymir's Blood Stone #7 The chest is locked. The key is in a tower that has been hidden by magic. To see the tower where the key is go down the ladder, smash the ice floor and walk out.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #8 Ymir's Blood Stone #8 This chest is in the cave.

Icon of Ymir's Blood Stone #9 Ymir's Blood Stone #9 The chest is hidden by magic. You will only see it when you run between the roots of a magic tree located a bit to the north. The chest must be approached from the left side to become accessible.

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