Fly Agaric Assassin's Creed Valhalla Point of interest
Hallucination Challenges. Eat a Fly Agaric mushroom to start the hallucination. These can be challenges where you have to follow the clues and activate or go through the gates in the correct order. Other challenges can involve defeating enemies that will attack you.
- Cent
- East Anglia
- Essexe
- Eurvicscire
- Glowecestrescire
- Grantebridgescire
- Hamtunscire
- Hordafylke
- Ledecestrescire
- Lincolnscire
- Oxenefordscire
- Rygjafylke
- Sciropescire
- Snotinghamscire
- Suthsexe
All known locations on the map Norway
Rygjafylke▶ show the map ◀
After eating the mushrooms, you will have to run into three portals with the same figures as those standing in the middle. You must do this in the right order.
1. The first gate leads to Thruthheim, Where Thor thunders until Ragnarök.
2. The second gate leads to Freyja's Folkvang, For good men and women grown weary of battle.
3. The third gate leads to Gladsheim, Where the All-Father welcomes his blood-drinkers.
All known locations on the map England
Cent▶ show the map ◀
A spiral made of stones hanging in the air is the source of the clues. The correct order is: Fish Gate > Fire Gate > Roots Gate > Birds Gate.
East Anglia▶ show the map ◀
Eat mushrooms. Clues are around you, these are: statue, shield and flowers. First enter the portal on the right, next to which the statue stands.
Climb up and enter the portal next to which the shield is located.
Then enter the portal in the middle with flowers in front of it.
Essexe▶ show the map ◀
The three pyres must burn with a blue flame. (LEFT) - Blue - Red - Red - Blue - Blue - Red - (RIGHT)
The symbols on the statues may be a clue.
Glowecestrescire▶ show the map ◀
Shoot with your bow at the four braziers by which the banner of the Raven Clan is located. They should turn blue.
Grantebridgescire▶ show the map ◀
To open the gate you need to light three braziers. This solution can be found by looking behind the braziers, three of them have "stone gates" behind them.
Ledecestrescire▶ show the map ◀
Enter those gates that one of the seals will be approaching. It will be 5 gates in total.
Lincolnscire▶ show the map ◀
You must kill five bears that attack you moments after you eat the mushrooms. There are many plants around that you can use to heal yourself.
Oxenefordscire▶ show the map ◀
There are five portals. There are a few crosses standing next to each of the portals. First you have to enter the portal with one cross, then the portal with two crosses, and so on. (LEFT) - 3 - 4 - 1 - 2 - 5 - (RIGHT)
Sciropescire▶ show the map ◀
There are 5 flames around the tree. Swap these three, around which circles of stones are arranged into blue flames. When you do this, the portal will activate and you will be able to pass through it.
Snotinghamscire▶ show the map ◀
You must defeat the three elite enemies that will appear when you eat the mushrooms.
Suthsexe▶ show the map ◀
This Fly Agaric hallucination challenge starts with the three wolves, a lynx, and a bear attacking you. As you deal with them, the bear and the lynx can transform into Jotnar warriors.