The Prodigal Prince Assassin's Creed Valhalla Quest
Group: Rygjafylke / Battle for the Northern Way
This quest starts automatically after completing the "Family Matters" quest, when Randvi informs you that Sigurd has returned.
After almost two years abroad, the king's son, Sigurd, returns with exotic tales and foreign friends.
Related points of interest
Fornburg Norway
Prior quests
To begin The Prodigal Prince you must first complete Family Matters.
Quest stages of The Prodigal Prince
1. Reach the docks
Go to the docks. After greeting Sigurd, he will introduce you to his new friends.
2. Follow Sigurd
Go with Sigurd to the long house where his father will greet him. Styrbjorn will organize a feast to celebrate the return of his son.
4. Speak to Sigurd
Before you approach Sigurd, you can talk to the other parties. But it's optional. You and Sigurd will talk for a while, have a drink, and then you will receive a Hidden Blade from him.
5. Follow Sigurd / Train with the Hidden Blade
Go to the training ground where Basim will teach you step by step how to use your new weapon.
Assassination of Regular / Heavy Targets
Ledge Assasination
Air Assassination
Stealth Assassination from Haystack
After completing The Prodigal Prince you will get or will be able to get Rude Awakening.