Birthrights Assassin's Creed Valhalla Quest
Group: Rygjafylke / Battle for the Northern Way
This quest will begin after completing "A Cruel Destiny" quest and capturing the Kjotve's Fortress.
Young King Harald summons the Norway clans to an Althing in Alrekstad.
Related points of interest
Kjotve's Fortress Norway
Alrekstad Norway
Prior quests
To begin Birthrights you must first complete A Cruel Destiny.
Quest stages of Birthrights
1. Reach Alrekstad / Find and speak to Sigurd
Travel to Alrekstad and find Sigurd at the local tavern.
Gorm will also be there, but you will not be able to do anything to him, as there is a truce in the village. Basim, who will also be there, will offer to show you how to get to Gorm's house unnoticed.
2. Follow Basim
Follow Basim. On the way to Gorm's cabin, Basim will explain what you should do and what you are not allowed to do.
3. Enter Gorm's cabin
A cloak diminishes unwanted attention. You must avoid being face-to-face with the guards. Walk around the tents on their right side.
Then, watching out for the guard patrolling the right side of the house, wait until he goes to the back of the house, go to the front door and enter the cabin.
Unfortunately, cowardly Gorm will not want to leave the village to fight with you. After a while your conversation will be interrupted by King Harald's guards and you will leave Gorm's cabin.
4. Return to Sigurd
Go to King Harald's longhouse to take part in the meeting that started. During the Althing a decision will be made about the fate of Gorm. No matter what you say, King Harald will decide to banish him.
Soon after that you will hear Styrbjorn's decision about the future of your clan, which Sigurd will not like and which will mean that if you do not accept it, you will have to leave Norway. This quest will end and you will automatically return to Fornburg.
After completing Birthrights you will get or will be able to get The Seas of Fate.