Santa Blanca Cartel Bosses
The Santa Blanca cartel is split up into four main sections of their operation: security, smuggling, influence, and production. The basic version of the game contains 26 bosses, 2 more bosses were added in Peruvian Connection and Unidad Conspirecy packs.
La Yuri and El Polito
Medically-trained. Crazy in love. Torturers.
Type: Buchon
Province: Itacua
Mission: La Yuri and El Polito
El Pozolero
Mysterious and feared, he disposes of dead bodies for the cartel.
Type: Buchon
Province: Flor De Oro
Mission: El Pozolero
Carl Bookhart
American mercenary, has trained Santa Blanca's toops into an elite military force.
Type: Buchon
Province: Montuyoc
Mission: Carl Bookhart
General Baro
Leader of Bolivia's La Unidad, in the cartel's pocket.
Type: Buchon
Province: Flor De Oro
Mission: General Baro
El Comandante
Available only for the owners of Unidad Conspiracy pack.
Legendary commander in La Unidad, real identity unknown, not trusted by El Sueño.
Type: Buchon
Province: Media Luna
Mission: El Comandante
La Plaga
Head of Santa Blanca security, social media whore, and El Muro's kid brother.
Type: Underboss
Mission: La Plaga
El Muro
A former soldier in Mexico's special forces, Munguia joined the cartel in 2009 and is now El Sueño's chief bodyguard.
Type: Head of Security
Mission: El Muro
El Cerebro
Recruited by Nidia flores, highly intelligent but crazy, he designs drug subs for the cartel.
Type: Buchon
Province: Caimanes
Mission: El Cerebro
El Pulpo
Accountant to the cartel, expert money-launderer.
Type: Buchon
Province: Barvechos
Mission: El Pulpo
Paranoid cokehead, in charge of smuggling logistics.
Type: Buchon
Province: Mojocoyo
Mission: Mojocoyo's Boss
El Gato
Manager of packaging, has survived more mortal injuries then Rasputin.
Type: Buchon
Province: Remanzo
Mission: El Gato
La Cabra
Available only for the owners of Peruvian Connection pack.
Nidia's childhood friend, in charge of acquiring coke from Peruvian cartel.
Type: Buchon
Province: Inca Camina
Mission: La Cabra
Boston Reed
Pilot. Coke smuggler. Wild man.
Type: Buchon
Province: Koani
Mission: Boston Reed
El Boquita
The cartel's smuggling manager and father to Nidia's baby.
Type: Underboss
Mission: El Boquita
Nidia Flores / The Beauty Queen
A beauty queen at age 18, Flores used her looks and her wits to become the head of smuggling for the cartel.
Type: Head of Smuggling
Mission: Nidia Flores
The privileged son of a telecom billionaire, in charge of the cartel's resort.
Type: Buchon
Province: P.N. De Agua Verde
Mission: Carzita's VIP List
El Chido
World's most-famous narcocorrido singer, loved by the Santa Blanca drug cartel.
Type: Buchon
Province: Malca
Mission: El Chido
DJ Perico
Wannabe tough guy, disc jockey for Santa Blanca Cartel Radio.
Type: Buchon
Province: Pucara
Mission: DJ Perico
La Santera
A fanatical priestess, she's into the darker side of Santa muerte.
Type: Buchon
Province: Espiritu Santo
Mission: La Santera
Ramon Feliz
Narco blogger, spreads Santa Blanca propaganda through the internet.
Type: Underboss
Mission: Ramon Feliz
El Cardenal
A former catholic priest, Serrano is now the head of the Church of Santa Muerte and the spiritual advisor to El Sueño.
Type: Head of Influence
Mission: El Cardenal
El Emisario
Cocaine producer and grandson of the highest ranking Bolivian in the cartel.
Type: Buchon
Province: Ocoro
Mission: El Emisario
Madre Coca
After a lifetime picking coca leaves, she manages the cartel's coca fields.
Type: Buchon
Province: Tabacal
Mission: Madre Coca
El Wey
In charge of the cartel's mining operation, he got his face burned off in a chemical accident.
Type: Buchon
Province: Villa Verde
Mission: El Wey
Marcus Jensen
A brilliant chemist, he works for the cartel because he likes the money and girls.
Type: Buchon
Province: Libertad
Mission: Marcus Jensen
La Gringa
An expert in biochemistry, she develops scientific advances in cocaine production.
Type: Underboss
Mission: La Gringa
El Yayo
The cartel's head of cocaine production, Yana is a native Aymaran who believes in the divine power of the coca plant.
Type: Head of Production
Mission: El Yayo
Boss of the Santa Blanca Cartel
El Sueño
Jefe of jefes, the mysterious El Sueño founded the Santa Blanca cartel in 2008. Many Bolivians consider him a saint.
Type: Boss of Bosses
Mission: El Sueño