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Powerful Awakening Divinity: Original Sin 2 Quest

Group: Chapter 4 - Mastering the Source

Type: Main Quest

Starting Map: Reaper's Coast

This quest will be added to your journal when you come to the Reaper's Coast. The main task of this quest will be finding a minimum of two teachers and convincing them to teach you how to use the Source in a more efficient way.

Malady has told us to find Siva, the Meistr of the Seekers. She should be in the village of Driftwood. Once we make contact, she can help us regarding how to proceed on our quest. Malady also told us that she will try to help us should our efforts be a complete disaster, but she hopes this will not happen.

Notice: Completing the teacher's tasks after getting three Source points will still give you a reward in the form of a skillbook. This is the only known method for receiving Summon Inner Demon skillbook. You will receive it from Jahan.

Related points of interest

Icon of Starting point Starting point Reaper's Coast

Icon of Elizabeth Elizabeth Reaper's Coast

Icon of Door of the Meistr Siva's House Door of the Meistr Siva's House Reaper's Coast

Icon of Painting of a Landscape Painting of a Landscape Reaper's Coast

Icon of Hatch with Intricate Lock Hatch with Intricate Lock Reaper's Coast

Icon of Meistr Siva Meistr Siva Reaper's Coast

Icon of Meistr Siva (Cellar) Meistr Siva (Cellar) Reaper's Coast

Icon of Notes on Godwoken Ascension Notes on Godwoken Ascension Reaper's Coast

Icon of Pantry Cupboard Pantry Cupboard Reaper's Coast

Icon of Incinerator Incinerator Reaper's Coast

Icon of Hallucinogenic Smoke Cloud Hallucinogenic Smoke Cloud Reaper's Coast

Icon of Second Self Second Self Reaper's Coast

Icon of Lohar Lohar Reaper's Coast

Icon of Magister Bellworth Magister Bellworth Reaper's Coast

Icon of Nicholas Nicholas Reaper's Coast

Icon of Conway and Lyn Pryce Conway and Lyn Pryce Reaper's Coast

Prior quests

To begin Powerful Awakening you must first complete To the Hall of Echoes.

Quest stages of Powerful Awakening

1. Gallows

Talk to Elizabeth in Driftwood.

We have learned that Meistr Siva was arrested by the Magister forces in Driftwood, and is currently being kept half-dead at a gallows on the outskirts of the village.


2. Door Sealed

Examine the Door of the Meistr Siva's House.

Meistr Siva's house is sealed up. Perhaps someone will know where we can find her.

Door Sealed

3. Home Alone

Check the Door of the Meistr Siva's House and select:

*Pfft, they think that'll stop you? Break the seal and enter the house.*

The door opens and you can enter.

We entered Meistr Siva's house, but it's been ransacked. There must be something left behind here that can help us.

Home Alone

4. Siva Hatch

There is the switch hidden behind the Painting of a Landscape which reveals Hatch with Intricate Lock hidden under the bed. Try to open it.

In Meistr Siva's house, we found a hatch in the floor. It is protected by a combination lock - Siva herself must know the combination.

Siva Hatch

Siva Hatch

Siva Hatch

5. Siva Hatch Dead

In Meistr Siva's house, we found a hatch in the floor. It is protected by a combination lock - If Siva was still living, she could have told us the combination...

6. Found Gallows

Find Meistr Siva.

We found Meistr Siva hanging from her wrists at a gallows outside of Driftwood. We need to free her.

Found Gallows

7. Rescued

Talk to Meistr Siva then release her. You can bribe the guards (it will cost you 300g) so they leave the area and won't attack you when you release Meistr Siva - to do this, you should talk to Executioner Ninyan.

We have rescued the Meistr Siva from captivity. Now we must accompany her to her house.

8. House Instruction

Go back to the house of Meistr Siva and talk to her.

We must follow Meistr Siva's instructions so that we can access her cellar - we must press a button hidden on a wall beneath a mounted painting, then enter the code that she provides into the hatch that the button reveals.

House Instruction

9. Cellar

Open the Hatch with Intricate Lock ...

*Enter the safe combination as the Meistr calls it out.*

... and go into the cellar.

We have entered the cellar beneath Meistr Siva's house.

10. Cellar Alone

We have sneaked into the cellar of Meistr Siva's house. There must be something in there that will help us.

11. Vault Instruction

Talk to Meistr Siva (Cellar).

Meistr Siva instructed us on how to perform the ritual. First, we should retrieve the ingredients from a nearby cabinet. Then, we need to cut ourselves with an obsidian lancet and mix the blood with blackroot inside the ritual bowl. Then, we'll have to burn the mix to produce a smoke that we must inhale. There is an incinerator in the cellar that we can use to burn the mix.

Vault Instruction

11.1. Need Root

Meistr Siva told us that if we need more Blackroot, we should look in the Cloisterwood region.

12. Book Read

Read Notes on Godwoken Ascension.

We have read a book of instructions for the ritual - We need to cut ourselves with an obsidian lancet, then mix the blood with blackroot inside the ritual bowl. Then, we'll have to burn the mix to produce a smoke that we must inhale. There is an incinerator in the cellar that we can use to burn the mix.

Book Read

13. Cupboard Open

Open the Pantry Cupboard and look for the materials you need to complete the ritual. Inside you will find Obsidian Lancet, Ritual Bowl and Black Root.

We have the ingredients, and now must carry out the ritual. We need to cut ourselves with the obsidian lancet, then mix the blood and the roots inside the bowl. Then, we'll have to heat the mix to produce a smoke that we must inhale. There is an incinerator in the cellar that we can use to burn the mix.

Cupboard Open

14. Hall Of Echoes

Check your inventory and use Obsidian Lancet, it will turn into Bloody Obsidian Lancet.

Combine Ritual Bowl with Black Root and Bloody Obsidian Lancet, you will receive Ritual Bowl which is ready for the ritual.

Drop the Ritual Bowl on the Incinerator and activate the Incinerator Control Valve.

It will create Hallucinogenic Smoke Cloud, inhale and *Hold the fumes in your lungs and ignore the thumping in your head.*

Meistr Siva's ritual was a success - the Hall of Echoes was revealed once more.

Hall Of Echoes

Hall of Echoes

Hall Of Echoes

15. Vision Gotten

Move forward and talk to Second Self. You will receive Spirit Vision spell - Cast this spell regularly to reveal a hidden world of ghosts lingering in the mortal realm.

We encountered our gods, and then gained Spirit Vision - the ability to see and talk to ghosts.

Vision Gotten

Cast Spirit Vision spell, talk to the god and use Hallucinogenic Smoke Cloud to leave the Hall of Echoes.

Vision Gotten

15.1. Need 2 SP

We will need to further increase our mastery of Source power before any of us can access the Wellspring and ascend to Divinity.

16. Source Masters / Teachers Hints

16.1. Heist Meistr

Talk to Meistr Siva (Cellar) after leaving the Hall of Echoes.

Meistr Siva has told us that we must learn other aspects of Source usage. There are only a few Sourcerers who can teach us this. The Magisters have records of them at their barracks nearby. We must get this information, and track down the Sourcerers who can tutor us.

16.1.1. Heist List Location

Talk to Magister Bellworth.

We have learned that the information we seek about the powerful Sourcerers is locked in the lowest level of the Magister barracks.

Heist List Location

16.1.2. New Teacher

Read the Most Wanted List in Driftwood Prison.

From Magister records in Driftwood, we learned of some powerful Sourcerers who had been active in the surrounding regions of late. Perhaps amongst these individuals we can find some who are will to deepen our mastery of our latent Source powers.

New Teacher

16.1.3. Demon Teacher

We have learned that the Magisters suspect there is Sourcerer activity afoot in a place called Bloodmoon Island. Perhaps we ought to journey there; we might find a Sourcerer there who is willing to help us strengthen of our own powers. The island itself seems to be inaccesible to Magister forces for some reason.

Demon Teacher

16.2. Mordus Teacher

Talk to Lohar in Effie's Emporium.

We learned of a dwarven Sourcerer named Mordus could help us to master our Source powers. He was last seen around Driftwood, and is thought to be connected with the dwarven malefactors who operate in the area.

Mordus Teacher

16.3. Ryker Teacher

We heard of an elven Sourcerer named Ryker could help me master my Source. He is said to be highly-dangerous, and is affiliated with the Lone Wolves. He was last seen near the Stonegarden.

16.4. Jahan Teacher

We received word of a Sourcerer and demonologist named Jahan could help us to master our Source power. He was last seen north of Driftwood.

16.5. Hannag Teacher

We are now aware that a certain Hannag could help us to master our Source powers. Reports state that she was last seen being sheltered by some locals in the Blackpits region. Whether she will still be there is unclear.

16.6. Saheila Teacher Hasmet

It seems that Saheila was a powerful Sourcerer. A shame she didn't escape from Reaper's Eye along with us - she might have been able to help us master our Source powers.

16.7. Saheila Teacher

We learned that a certain Saheila could teach me on how to train my Source - but it seems that she was deported to Fort Joy...

16.8. Saheila Teacher Lohar Hasmet

Lohar told us that Saheila is in fact a powerful Sourcerer, and that she managed to escape from Fort Joy. She will have likely sought to rejoin her tribe, in the Cullwoods region to the north of Driftwood.

16.9. Saheila Teacher Lohar

Lohar told us of an elf called Saheila. She is a powerful Sourcerer. She can most likely be found along with her tribe, in the Cullwoods region to the north of Driftwood.

16.10. Almira Teacher

We learned that a Black Ring witch of sorts called Almira might be able to teach us how to master our Source powers - if we can convince the likes of her to help. She escaped from Magister custody and was last seen in the Paradise Downs region.

16.11. Hannag Teacher Tinkerer

Find Higba The Tinkerer and help him to get away from Driftwood - Strange Cargo quest.

From Higba, we learned of a Sourcerer called Hannag, who might be able to teach us how to master our Source powers. The last that he heard, she was hiding somewhere in Paradise Downs.

Hannag Teacher Tinkerer

16.12. Demon Teacher Tinkerer

Higba implied that there might be something on Bloodmoon Island that could help us to further our mastery of Source powers.

16.13. Hannag Teacher Parents

Help Conway and Lyn Pryce (Infestation quest) and then talk to them.

We've learned that a Sourcerer named Hannag fled west to a place called Cloisterwoods, with the Magisters in pursuit. She might be willing to teach us more about our Source powers, if we help her in return...

Hannag Teacher Parents

16.14. Alexandar Teacher

Talk to Nicholas.

We learned of a mysterious, devout stranger who passed through the area recently. Apparently he had impressive healing powers. Perhaps he is someone who could teach us more about our Source powers, but who is he, and where did he go? Perhaps we will cross paths with him, or perhaps not...

Alexandar Teacher

17. 2 SP

You have to unlock the second source point.

Possible solutions: Find, defeat and then talk to Mordus (lvl 11) in Wreckers' Cave - Shadow over Driftwood quest.


We have unlocked more Source potential in ourselves. We should complete the Godwoken ritual again in order to continue with our quest.

18. 2 S P No Meistr

We have unlocked more Source potential in ourselves. Perhaps we should seek out Meistr Siva, in an effort to learn how to harness these powers. Failing that, perhaps something in her home could enlighten us.

19. Vampirism

For the second time, visit the Hall of Echoes and talk to Your God.

We have learned how to consume the Source of spirits we encounter.


20. Need3 S P

We will need to increase our mastery of Source even further if we are to be able to ascend to Divinity.

21. 3 S P

We have unlocked our full Source potential. We should complete the ritual once again and confer with our gods.

22. 3 S P No Meistr

We have unlocked our full Source potential. Perhaps Meistr Siva can offer us guidance in how to harness this power. Failing that, perhaps something in her home could enlighten us.

23. Lack Of Source

The ritual was a failure as we were not infused with Source. We should make use of the Source fountain in Meistr Siva's cellar, and try the ritual once more.

24. Meistr Death Scene

Meistr was killed by Voidwoken. There's nothing we could have done to save her.

Meistr Death Scene

25. Meistr Death Gen

Meistr Siva is dead. It seems we will have to figure out how to ascend to Divinity by some other means.

26. Location

We have learned what we must do next - we are to journey to the Nameless Isle. There lies the Council of Seven, and our destiny - the Well of Ascension. We must inform Malady at once, so that we can depart.

27. Location Fail

We have failed in our efforts to master our Source powers. Perhaps Malady will be able to assist us somehow.

28. Location Owl

We have received a war owl coming from Malady - she wants us to return to the Lady Vengeance at once.

29. Leave Malady

Malady is ready to depart. Once we have everyone on the Lady Vengeance, we should inform her.

30. Summon Malady

We should talk to the figurehead of the Lady Vengeance in order to summon Malady back on the ship.

31. Malady On Deck

Malady has concluded her own matters, and can be found aboard the Lady Vengeance.

32. Use Wheel

We must take the wheel in order to sail the Lady Vengeance away from Reaper's Coast.

33. Leave R C

We have departed from Reaper's Coast, and are now destined for the Nameless Isle.

34. Quest Reward

Quest Reward

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