Executive Level Starfield Mission
Group: Faction Missions
Faction: Ryujin Industries
This is the last of the missions performed for Ryujin Industries. In it you will make final decisions to what the future of Infinity LTD and the Dominion project should be. You will also decide, as long as it is still relevant, who should lead the company. At the beginning of the mission, Masako will tell you her expectations and ask you to convince the other board members to realize them.
Prior missions
To begin Executive Level you must first complete Sabotage.
Objectives of Executive Level
1. Talk to Ularu
If in the mission "Guilty Parties" you decided to help Ularu and frame Masako then you will be able to talk to her now. She will tell you her expectations about how the board members should vote at the next meeting.
The false evidence worked, and SSNN broadcasted Masako's involvement with Infinity LTD. I should talk to Ularu about this upcoming meeting.
2. Lobby Board Members (_/6 or 7)
It's time to lobby the board members. Masako wants Infinity LTD and Ularu wants Masako out. I'll need at least half of the votes on any issue to secure success. If I have strong feelings against the Internal Neuroamp, this would be my opportunity to get further research shut down.
The board consists of a total of 7 people, or 6 if you got rid of Uluar. You will be able to try to shape the decision of five of them. Each person will have his or her initial preference for the disputed topics and you will be able to use persuasion or manipulation to make them change their minds.
- The future of Infinity LTD. To be acquired or not. - For Infinity LTD (Y/N)
- The future of the Dominion project. To continue or to cancel. - For Internal Neuroamp (Y/N)
- Who should lead the company: Masako or Ularu. This option will only be available if Ularu is alive. - For Ularu as CEO (Y/N)
Board Members:
- Masako Imada
- Ularu Chen
- Linden Calderi - She is not a fan of acquiring Infinity LTD but you can manipulate him to change his mind. He wants to continue project Dominion but you can manipulate him to change his mind.
- Veena Kalra - She is a fan of the Internal Neuroamp but you can persuade her to change her mind. She is also against acquiring the Infinity LTD. He is actually in favor of acquiring Infinity, but he is also not against not doing so.
- Genevieve Monohan - She wants to acquire Infinity LTD but you can use manipualtion to change her mind. He is as well in favor of continuing the Dominion project but you can manipulater her to change her mind. Use manipulation to get her to vote for the CEO candidate of your choice.
- Dalton Fiennes - He would like to shut down the Dominion project. You can use manipulation to make him change his mind. He is also against acquiring Infinity, but you can easily convince him to change his mind. You can persuade him that Ularu should be the one to take over as CEO.
- Alexis Pryce - She is not a fan of acquiring Infinity LTD but you can try to persuade her to change her mind. She is also against the Internal Neuroamp. You can use manipulation to make her change her mind. You can manipulate her to make it Ularu to take the CEO position.
3. Attend the Meeting / Wait for Everyone to Arrive / Take a Seat
I spoke to the board members. I need to head to the conference room and attend the meeting.
4. Talk to Masako
If Masako remains in the CEO position then talk to her. This will complete the mission.
Now that the meeting is over, I should speak to Masako.
Depending on how the vote went, the mission will end in one of the following ways:
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Infinity LTD will be left to shut down while Ryujin proceeds with Project Dominion under Masako's careful watch.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Project Dominion will be shelved and Infinity LTD will be shut down.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Project Dominion will be shelved and Ryujin will be acquiring Infinity LTD as their latest subsidiary under Masako's careful watch.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Ryujin will be acquiring Infinity LTD as their latest subsidiary and proceed with Project Dominion under Masako's careful watch.
5. Talk to Ularu
If the vote results in Ularu replacing Masako as CEO, talk to her. This will complete the mission.
Now that the meeting is over, I should speak to Ularu.
Depending on how the vote went, the mission will end in one of the following ways:
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Infinity LTD will be left to shut down while Ryujin proceeds with Project Dominion under Ularu's watch as Ryujin's CEO.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Project Dominion will be shelved, Infinity LTD will be shut down, and Ryujin will continue under Ularu's leadership as CEO.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Project Dominion will be shelved and Ryujin will be acquiring Infinity LTD as their latest subsidiary under Ularu as CEO.
I exposed Infinity LTD's corruption and secured a new future for Ryujin Industries in a crucial board meeting. Ryujin will be acquiring Infinity LTD as their latest subsidiary and proceed with Project Dominion under Ularu's careful watch as CEO.