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Fort Deadlight Pillars of Eternity II: Deadfire Map

Map of Fort Deadlight and its sub-zones such as Deadlight Dungeon, Deadlight Court, Deadlight Donjon a.k.a. Command and Secret Dock. You must visit this place if you want to complete Blow the Man Down quest.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Quests that begin on Fort Deadlight map

An alphabetical list of quests that begin on this map.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Fort Deadlight" map.

Icon of Alternative starting point Alternative starting point You will start here if you decided to come to the island under the cover of the night.

Icon of Harpsichord Harpsichord You can rig a bomb here.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Starting point Starting point You will start here if you decided to hoist up a Príncipi flag and dock at Deadlight's port.

Icon of The Bell The Bell Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Wooden Crane Wooden Crane

Quest ItemsQuest Items

Items needed to complete the quests.

Icon of Deadlight Horn Deadlight Horn It's in the crate.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of God-Killer's Rum God-Killer's Rum It's in the locked chest. Lock level 2.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Remaro's Chest Remaro's Chest When Serafen approaches the chest, he will find some clues inside.Related quests: A Sorcerer and a Gentleman.

Levers, Switches, etc.Levers, Switches, etc.

Levers, switches and other devices that activate hidden doors, etc.

Icon of Lever Lever

Icon of Lever Lever

Icon of Lever Lever

Icon of Lever (Hidden) Lever (Hidden)

Icon of Lever (Hidden) Lever (Hidden)


Keys that you can use to open closed doorways, chests, etc.

Icon of Deadlight's Jail Key Deadlight's Jail Key It's on the table.

Locked / Secret PassagesLocked / Secret Passages

Secret passages, locked doors, etc.

Icon of Hidden Passage Hidden Passage Lamond will open it for you if you free Oromino.

Icon of Hidden Passsage Hidden Passsage

Icon of Locked Cell Locked Cell Lock level 3.

Icon of Locked Cell Locked Cell Lock level 5.

Icon of Locked Door Locked Door Lock level 5.

Icon of Locked Door Locked Door

Icon of Locked Door Locked Door Lock level 4.

Icon of Locked Door Locked Door Lock level 5.

Icon of Locked Door Locked Door Lock level 4.

Icon of Locked Door (Stealing) Locked Door (Stealing) Lock level 6.

Icon of Locked Gate Locked Gate

Icon of Locked Gate Locked Gate

Icon of Wall Wall Use the lever to remove it.


You can talk to them, sometimes you can buy something from them or sell them something. It may happen that as a result of a conversation or your actions, they will become aggressive towards you.

Icon of Benweth Benweth Benweth + Brute + Buccaneer + Spellblade + Rogue. Make a deal or kill him.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Captain Aeldys Captain Aeldys She will be here during the A Shrewd Proposition quest.Related quests: A Shrewd Proposition.

Icon of Cookie Maina Cookie Maina She can give you hogshead of stew (Special Stew).Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Lamond Lamond He will give you Deadlight's Storage Key.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Mirke Mirke Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of No-Nut Ned No-Nut Ned Trader. The Bloody Links (exceptional medium armor).

Icon of Oromino Oromino Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Pirate Guard Pirate Guard

Icon of Pirate Guard Pirate Guard

Icon of Pirate Guard Pirate Guard

Icon of Ruddy Feyr Ruddy Feyr

Icon of Sceydwin Sceydwin Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Icon of Snake Eyes Condwen Snake Eyes Condwen Yo can play dice with him.

Icon of Syri the Siren Syri the Siren Related quests: A Sorcerer and a Gentleman.

Icon of Ungwith the Craghearted Ungwith the Craghearted

Icon of Unlucky Ancret Unlucky Ancret First you nedd to talk to Mirke to find out that she owes Snakes Eyes quite a debt then talk to her. Tell her that Snakes Eyes cheats, she will leave the post and you will be able to go further.Related quests: Blow the Man Down.

Hidden ObjectsHidden Objects

Hidden interactive objects containing more or less valuable items that you can take.

Icon of Skull Skull Entonia Signet Ring (ring, +2 All Defenses when Engaged (stacks 5 times), +2 Diplomacy).


Different interactive objects containing more or less valuable items that you can take.

Icon of Armoire Armoire

Icon of Armoire Armoire

Icon of Armor Rack Armor Rack

Icon of Armor Rack Armor Rack

Icon of Armor Rack Armor Rack

Icon of Armor Rack Armor Rack

Icon of Armor Rack Armor Rack

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Barrel Barrel

Icon of Bookcase Bookcase

Icon of Bookcase Bookcase

Icon of Cabinet Cabinet

Icon of Chest Chest Bombs.

Icon of Coin Pile Coin Pile

Icon of Corpse Corpse Boots of Stealth (+2 Stealth).

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate Crate

Icon of Crate (Stealing) Crate (Stealing)

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 5. Bounding Boots.

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 2.

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 3. Cinder Bomb.

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 4.

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 4.

Icon of Locked Chest Locked Chest Lock level 2.

Icon of Locked Chest (Stealing) Locked Chest (Stealing) Lock level 3. Blunting Belt (waist).

Icon of Locked Chest (Trap) Locked Chest (Trap) Lock level 2.

Icon of Shelf Shelf

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Table Table

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack

Icon of Weapon Rack Weapon Rack


NPCs, monsters, etc. who will be aggressive towards you as soon as they see you.

Icon of Brute Brute

Icon of Buccaneer Buccaneer Buccaneer + 3 x Guard Dog.

Icon of Buccaneers Buccaneers 3 x Buccaneer.

Icon of Jailer (Patrol) Jailer (Patrol)

Icon of Pirates Pirates Celebrant + Buccaneer + Swashbuckler (Patrol).

Icon of Pirates Pirates Swashbuckler + Buccaneer + Brute + Celebrant + Rogue. One of them drops Deadlight's Western Tower Key.

Icon of Rogue Rogue


Places, where you can go to other locations or other maps.

Icon of Deadlight Court Deadlight Court

Icon of Deadlight Dungeon Deadlight Dungeon

Icon of Exit to alternative starting point Exit to alternative starting point

Icon of To Balcony To Balcony

Icon of To Command To Command

Icon of To Command To Command

Icon of To Court To Court

Icon of To Court To Court

Icon of To Deadlight Dungeon To Deadlight Dungeon Climb to the open window on the wall of the fortress.

Icon of To Dungeons To Dungeons

Icon of To Dungeons To Dungeons

Icon of To Forge To Forge

Icon of To Forge To Forge

Icon of To Forge To Forge

Icon of To Fort Deadlight To Fort Deadlight

Icon of To Fort Deadlight To Fort Deadlight

Icon of To Fort Deadlight To Fort Deadlight

Icon of To Kitchen To Kitchen

Icon of To Northern Ramparts To Northern Ramparts

Icon of To Port To Port

Icon of To Underground Docks To Underground Docks

Icon of To Underground Docks To Underground Docks

Icon of To Underground Docks To Underground Docks

Icon of To Western Ramparts To Western Ramparts

Icon of To Western Ramparts To Western Ramparts

Icon of To Eastern Courtyard To Eastern Courtyard

Icon of To Eastern Ramparts To Eastern Ramparts

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