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Incantations Elden Ring Points of interest

Incantations are a type of magic in Elden Ring. Incantation spells are often dependent on the faith, and are cast using a sacred seal or similar catalyst.

To unlock the "Legendary Sorceries and Incantations" Achievement / Trophy you need to find the following legendary incantations:


All known locations on the map Realm of Shadow

IncantationAspect of the Crucible: Bloom▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 27. Item Effect: Creates a miranda flower on chest to summon rain of light.

Aspect of the Crucible: Bloom

IncantationAspects of the Crucible: Thorns▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by the Golden Hippopotamus. Fai: 27. Item Effect: Creates a mass of bristling thorns on back to scour the area.

Aspects of the Crucible: Thorns

IncantationBayle's Flame Lightning▶ show the map ◀

To get it, use the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion and exchange the Heart of Bayle you get after killing Bayle the Dread for it. Arc: 53. Item Effect: Channels dread dragon to strike with flame-lightning-infused talon bone.

IncantationBayle's Tyranny▶ show the map ◀

To get it, use the Grand Altar of Dragon Communion and exchange the Heart of Bayle you get after killing Bayle the Dread for it. Arc: 49. Item Effect: Channels dread dragon to roar with a heatwave blast.

IncantationDivine Beast Tornado▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by Divine Beast Dancing Lion. Fai: 28. Item Effect: Summons a storm that launches a tornado forward.

Divine Beast Tornado

IncantationDivine Bird Feathers▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 24. Item Effect: Spreads arms like wings and releases a flurry of feathers.

Divine Bird Feathers

IncantationElectrocharge▶ show the map ◀

In the Fog Rift Catacombs. Take the elevator to the lower level and then find the spot on the left side of the room with a large falling ceiling where you can drop down to the sewer area. Fai: 30. Item Effect: Calls down lightning to charge body with electricity.


IncantationFire Serpent▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 16. Item Effect: Launches a threaded serpentine flame.

Fire Serpent

IncantationGhostflame Breath▶ show the map ◀

You can get it at Grand Altar of Dragon Communion in exchange for 3 Dragon Hearts. Fai: 23, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Spews ghostflame breath from above.

IncantationGiant Golden Arc▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 27. Item Effect: Greatly increases holy damage negation for self and allies.

Giant Golden Arc

IncantationGolden Arcs▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 22. Item Effect: Releases a procession of golden arcs with a swing of the arm.

Golden Arcs

IncantationHeal from Afar▶ show the map ◀

In the Cave Passage. Fai: 18. Item Effect: Greatly heals HP for distant allies the spell reaches.

Heal from Afar

IncantationKnight's Lightning Spear▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 36. Item Effect: Hurls lightning spear while firing additional spears from ancient dragon crests.

Knight's Lightning Spear

IncantationLand of Shadow▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of the Shadow Sunflower you get by defeating Scadutree Avatar for it. Fai: 58. Item Effect: Fires a hail of golden projectiles toward foes.

IncantationLight of Miquella▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of a God and a Lord you get by defeating Promised Consort Radahn for it. Fai: 72. Item Effect: Annihilates foes with a pillar of light.

IncantationMessmer's Orb▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of the Impaler you get by defeating Messmer the Impaler for it. Fai: 60. Item Effect: Shapes Messmer's flame into a giant orb that soars at foe.

IncantationMidra's Flame of Frenzy▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of the Lord of Frenzied Flame you get by defeating Midra, Lord of Frenzied Flame for it. Fai: 41. Item Effect: Summons Lord of Frenzied Flame's head to spew frenzied flame.

IncantationMinor Erdtree▶ show the map ◀

To get here you must go through a passage hidden behind the Headless Statue. Fai: 70. Item Effect: Continuously heals allies in the area.

Minor Erdtree

IncantationMultilayered Ring of Light▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an enemy you encounter here. Fai: 36. Item Effect: Fires a multilayered golden ring of light that continuously inflicts damage.

Multilayered Ring of Light

IncantationPest-Thread Spears▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 26. Item Effect: Secrete sticky threads and twist them into two frontward flying spears.

Pest-Thread Spears

IncantationRain of Fire▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 52. Item Effect: Rains fire for a short duration.

Rain of Fire

IncantationRoar of Rugalea▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by Rugalea the Great Red Bear. Fai: 14. Item Effect: Channels great red bear to emit a furious roar.

Roar of Rugalea

IncantationRotten Butterflies▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of the Saint of the Bud you get by defeating Romina, Saint of the Bud for it. Fai: 33. Item Effect: Summons countless butterflies to scatter rot.

IncantationSpira▶ show the map ◀

To get here walk across the branches of the golden tree. Fai: 48. Item Effect: Summons a spiral of light that erupts at the enemy's feet.


IncantationWrath from Afar▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 34. Item Effect: Fires a golden shockwave that knocks back foes.

Wrath from Afar

All known locations on the map The Lands Between

IncantationAgheel's Flame▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 23, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Spews flame breath of Agheel from above.

IncantationAspect of the Crucible: Breath▶ show the map ◀

It drops from Tanith's Knight. To make him spawn kill Tanith, who will move to Rykard's Lair after you kill Rykard and talk to her. Fai: 27. Item Effect: Creates throat pouch to spew fire while walking.

Aspect of the Crucible: Breath

IncantationAspect of the Crucible: Tail▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Crucible Knight. Fai: 27. Item Effect: Creates supple tail to sweep area before caster.

IncantationAspects of the Crucible: Horns▶ show the map ◀

Drops from the enemy here. Outside the castle walls, on your way to the lift at the bottom of the tower.

Aspects of the Crucible: Horns

IncantationBarrier of Gold▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing yellow footsteps. Fai: 24. Item Effect: Greatly increases magic damage negation for self & allies.

Barrier of Gold

IncantationBeast Claw▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the fifth deathroot. Fai: 8. Item Effect: Creates beast claws that tear through the land.

IncantationBestial Constitution▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 9. Item Effect: Alleviates blood loss and frost buildup.

Bestial Constitution

IncantationBestial Sling▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the second deathroot. Fai: 10. Item Effect: Swiftly flings numerous sharp rock shards.

IncantationBestial Vitality▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the third deathroot. Fai: 12. Item Effect: Heals HP over a period of time.

IncantationBlack Flame Ritual▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Godskin Apostle / Noble / Spirit-Caller Snail in Spiritcaller's Cave. Fai: 42. Item Effect: Summons circle of black flame pillars around caster.

IncantationBlack Flame's Protection▶ show the map ◀

Given by Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing after visiting Miquella's Haligtree and selecting "Using the secret medallions". Fai: 30. Item Effect: Increases physical damage negation.

Black Flame's Protection

IncantationBlessing of the Erdtree▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 38. Item Effect: Grants greater blessing to self and nearby allies.

Blessing of the Erdtree

IncantationBlessing's Boon▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Miriel, Pastor of Vows. Fai: 24. Item Effect: Grants blessing to self and nearby allies.

IncantationBloodflame Blade▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 12. Item Effect: Enchants right-hand armament with bloodflame.

Bloodflame Blade

IncantationBloodflame Talons▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Mohg, the Omen in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Fai: 13, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Creates bloodflame lacerations that then explode.

IncantationBorealis's Mist▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 23, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Spews icy breath of Borealis from above.

IncantationDivine Fortification▶ show the map ◀

Fai:10. Item Effect: Increases holy damage negation.

Divine Fortification

IncantationDragonbolt Blessing▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 21. Item Effect: Bolsters caster's body with lightning.

Dragonbolt Blessing

IncantationDragonclaw▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 17, Arc: 13. Item Effect: Channels dragon to rend foes with dragon claws.

IncantationDragonfire▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 15, Arc: 12. Item Effect: Channels dragon to spew flame breath.

IncantationDragonice▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 15, Arc: 12. Item Effect: Channels dragon to spew icy breath.

IncantationDragonmaw▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 24, Arc: 16. Item Effect: Channels dragon to bite foes before caster.

IncantationEkzykes's Decay▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 23, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Spews scarlet rot breath of Ekzykes from above.

IncantationErdtree Heal▶ show the map ◀

Available in the final part of the game, in an alternate version of the city. Fai: 42. Item Effect: Vastly heals HP for self and nearby allies.

Erdtree Heal

IncantationFire's Deadly Sin▶ show the map ◀

It will be left by the spirit you find here as long as you have found and interact with the "Flightless Bird" Painting beforehand. Fai: 19. Item Effect: Sets area and self ablaze with raging flames.

Fire's Deadly Sin

IncantationFlame of the Fell God▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Adan, Thief of Fire. Fai: 41. Item Effect: Summons raging fireball that explodes and sets the area ablaze.

IncantationFlame, Cleanse Me▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 12. Item Effect: Alleviates buildup & cures poison and scarlet rot.

Flame, Cleanse Me

IncantationFlame, Grant Me Strength▶ show the map ◀

Flame, Grant Me Strength

IncantationFlame, Protect Me▶ show the map ◀

In the Giant-Conquering Hero's Grave, in a room that you will be able to enter as long as you have one Stonesword Key. Fai: 24. Item Effect: Greatly increases fire damage negation.

Flame, Protect Me

Flame, Protect Me

IncantationFrenzied Burst▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 22. Item Effect: Emits concentrated blast of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes.

Frenzied Burst

IncantationGlintstone Breath▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 15, Arc: 12. Item Effect: Channels dragon to spew magic breath.

IncantationGolden Vow▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 25. Item Effect: Increases attack and defense for self and allies.

Golden Vow

IncantationGreyoll's Roar▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 28, Arc: 17. Item Effect: Emits the roar of Elder Dragon Greyoll.

IncantationGurranq's Beast Claw▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the eighth deathroot. Fai: 15. Item Effect: Creates beast claws to rend surroundings with shockwaves.

IncantationHowl of Shabriri▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 33. Item Effect: Shrieks, building up madness in nearby foes.

Howl of Shabriri

IncantationInescapable Frenzy▶ show the map ◀

To get here you must go through a passage hidden behind the altar in the room where you fought Mohg, the Omen (Hit the wall behind the altar).

Inescapable Frenzy

IncantationLansseax's Glaive▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Ancient Dragon Lansseax. Fai: 40. Sweeps from above with red lightning glaive.

IncantationLaw of Causality▶ show the map ◀

Given by Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing after beating Mohg, Lord of Blood and telling him about the Lord of Blood's cocoon. Int: 29. Item Effect: Retaliates upon receiving a number of blows.

Law of Causality

IncantationLightning Strike▶ show the map ◀

You can get here by jumping down over the stone platforms. Fai: 28. Item Effect: Summons lightning bolt that spreads from impact.

Lightning Strike

IncantationLord's Divine Fortification▶ show the map ◀

Given by Sir Gideon Ofnir, the All-Knowing after visiting Miquella's Haligtree and telling him about the Haligtree roots. Fai: 27. Item Effect: Greatly increases holy damage negation incl. allies.

Lord's Divine Fortification

IncantationMagma Breath▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 14, Arc: 10. Item Effect: Channels wyrm to spew magma breath.

IncantationNoble Presence▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Godskin Noble. Fai: 26. Item Effect: Thrust out belly with gusto to unleash repelling shockwave.

IncantationPest Threads▶ show the map ◀

Can be bought from Sage Gowry when you progress his / Millicent questline (After you give Millicent the prosthesis). But beware, you will no longer be able to do this once you have completed the entire questline. Fai: 11. Item Effect: Launches countless sticky threads before caster.

IncantationPoison Armament▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing yellow footsteps. Fai: 10. Item Effect: Enchants right-hand armament with poison.

Poison Armament

IncantationPoison Mist▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 12. Item Effect: Releases poison mist before caster.

Poison Mist

IncantationProtection of the Erdtree▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 35. Item Effect: Increases affinity damage negation for self & allies.

Protection of the Erdtree

IncantationRotten Breath▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 15, Arc: 12. Item Effect: Channels dragon to spew scarlet rot breath.

IncantationScouring Black Flame▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Godskin Apostle. Fai: 28. Item Effect: Sweeps area before caster with black flame.

IncantationShadow Bait▶ show the map ◀

Somewhere in the Subterranean Shunning-Grounds. Fai: 13. Item Effect: Creates shadow that lures the aggression of foes of human build.

Shadow Bait

IncantationSmarag's Glintstone Breath▶ show the map ◀

Can be purchased using the altar. Fai: 23, Arc: 15. Item Effect: Spew magic breath of Glintstone Dragon Smarag from above.

IncantationStone of Gurranq▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the sixth deathroot. Fai: 13. Item Effect: Hurls a boulder before the caster.

IncantationThe Flame of Frenzy▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 16. Item Effect: Emits burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes.

The Flame of Frenzy

IncantationTriple Rings of Light▶ show the map ◀

To get to the room with this chest you need one Stonesword Key. Int: 23, Fai: 23. Item Effect: Fires three rings of light before the caster.

Triple Rings of Light

IncantationUnendurable Frenzy▶ show the map ◀

Treasure chest in the basement of the ruins. Fai: 31. Item Effect: Emits violent burst of yellow flame of frenzy from eyes.

IncantationVyke's Dragonbolt▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Roundtable Knight Vyke. Fai: 23. Item Effect: Bolsters right-hand armament & body with red lightning.

IncantationWhirl, O Flame!▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 13. Item Effect: Sweeps area before caster with stream of fire.

Whirl, O Flame!

IncantationWrath of God▶ show the map ◀

Treasure chest in the basement of the ruins. Fai: 32. Item Effect: Produces golden shockwave that knocks back foes.

All known locations on the map Undergrounds

IncantationElden Stars▶ show the map ◀

To reach this place you have to use the Ant Cave Entrance. Fai: 50. Item Effect: Creates a stream of golden shooting stars that assail the area.

Elden Stars

IncantationFrozen Lightning Spear▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Dragonkin Soldier of Nokstella. Fai: 34. Item Effect: Stabs with ice lightning spear from above.

IncantationOrder Healing▶ show the map ◀

Int: 11, Fai: 11. Item Effect: Alleviates death blight buildup.

Order Healing

IncantationSwarm of Flies▶ show the map ◀

Fai: 11, Arc: 16. Item Effect: Releases a swarm of bloodflies before caster.

Swarm of Flies

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