Caves Elden Ring Points of interest
Caves are one of the location types available in Elden Ring.
- Abandoned Cave
- Academy Crystal Cave
- Cave of the Forlon
- Coastal Cave
- Dragonbarrow Cave
- Earthbore Cave
- Gaol Cave
- Groveside Cave
- Highroad Cave
- Lakeside Crystal Cave
- Murkwater Cave
- Perfumer's Grotto
- Sage's Cave
- Seethewater Cave
- Sellia Hideaway
- Spiritcaller's Cave
- Stillwater Cave
- Stranded Graveyard
- Tombsward Cave
- Volcano Cave
All known locations on the map The Lands Between
Abandoned Cave▶ show the map ◀
You will get here by walking over the branches from the other side of the ravine.
Academy Crystal Cave▶ show the map ◀
You need two Stonesword Keys to get inside.
Cave of the Forlon▶ show the map ◀
You need two Stonesword Keys to enter this cave.
Coastal Cave▶ show the map ◀
Dragonbarrow Cave▶ show the map ◀
Earthbore Cave▶ show the map ◀
Gaol Cave▶ show the map ◀
You need two Stonesword Keys to enter this cave.
Groveside Cave▶ show the map ◀
Highroad Cave▶ show the map ◀
Lakeside Crystal Cave▶ show the map ◀
Murkwater Cave▶ show the map ◀
Perfumer's Grotto▶ show the map ◀
Sage's Cave▶ show the map ◀
Seethewater Cave▶ show the map ◀
Two Stonesword Keys are required to enter this cave.
Sellia Hideaway▶ show the map ◀
The entrance to the cave is masked by a rock which is an illusion. Also the wall inside, between two crystals, is an illusion. To remove the barrier you find here you must have the Sellian Sealbreaker that Sorceress Sellen will give you at some point.
Spiritcaller's Cave▶ show the map ◀
Two Stonesword Keys are required to enter this cave.