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Undergrounds Elden Ring Map

Elden Ring Underground Map. An interactive map of the underground of the Lands Between. It shows the locations of map fragments, secret passages, talismans, weapons, sorceries, incantations, bosses, ashes of war, cookbooks, merchants, sites of grace and many more.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Undergrounds" map.

Map FragmentsMap Fragments

Map Fragments are needed to uncover new regions on your map of the open game world available in the Elden Ring.

Icon of Map: Ainsel River Map: Ainsel River

Icon of Map: Deeproot Depths Map: Deeproot Depths

Icon of Map: Lake of Rot Map: Lake of Rot In the corpse lying on the lake shore.

Icon of Map: Mohgwyn Palace Map: Mohgwyn Palace You will find this map fragment on a corpse that is found in the ruins at the base of Mohgwyn Dynasty Mausoleum.

Icon of Map: Siofra River Map: Siofra River You will find this map in a corpse next to the stone pillar.

Golden SeedsGolden Seeds

Golden Seeds are special items that allow you to increase the number of charges of your sacred flasks (Flasks of Crimson Tears / Flasks of Cerulean Tears). With a few exceptions, you'll find golden seeds near small golden erdtrees.

Stonesword KeysStonesword Keys

The Stonesword Keys are special key items in Elden Ring. These keys can be used to break the imp statue seals in order to access the secret areas hidden behind them.

Key ItemsKey Items

Various Key Items that you come across during your adventure in the Lands Between that are not classified in other groups. For example, items needed to operate elevators or complete tasks for NPCs, etc.


Sorceries are a type of magic in Elden Ring. Sorcery spells are often dependent on the intelligence and they are cast using a staff or similar catalyst.


Incantations are a type of magic in Elden Ring. Incantation spells are often dependent on the faith, and are cast using a sacred seal or similar catalyst.


Cookbooks in Elden Ring are items that provide knowledge on how to make certain items, such as ammunition or consumables.


Talismans in Elden Ring are accessories which can be equipped to acquire a variety of offensive, defensive, or utility effects. You can increase the number of talisman equip slots by obtaining talisman pouches.

Ashes of WarAshes of War

Ashes of War in Elden Ring are special items which allow you to change the skills and affinities of your equipment (Weapons & Shields).

Spirit AshesSpirit Ashes

Spirit Ashes in Elden Ring are spirit companions that can aid you in combat. You must be near a rebirth monument to summon spirits from ashes. When you are close to one of these monuments and able to summon a spirit, a monument icon will appear on the left side of your screen.


Merchants are various NPCs that you may meet during your journey through the game world of Elden Ring. You will be able to buy certain items from them and also sell them goods and resources that you no longer need. The currency you will use for trading are runes.


All sorts of reusable Tools useful during your journey in the Lands Between.

Icon of Ancestral Infant's Head Ancestral Infant's Head In a treasure chest. Item Effect: Uses FP to spray spirit vapor.

Bell BearingsBell Bearings

Bell Bearings in Elden Ring are special key items that can be turned in to specific NPCs (Twin Maiden Husks at Roundtable Hold) to unlock new purchasable items.


Remembrances in Elden Ring are the consumable items that grant various powers. Remembrance can either be traded for a substantial amount of runes or handed to Finger Reader Enia in Roundtable Hold to unlock its power.


Various melee and ranged Weapons that you can acquire as you travel through the Lands Between.


Various Shields that you can acquire as you travel through the Lands Between.


Various Armor parts that you can acquire as you travel through the Lands Between.


Various Portals, including those that are inside trap chests, which will cause you to be teleported to another, sometimes very distant place.

Various LocationsVarious Locations

Various Places that you will mostly end up in after using any of the portals or where there are passages to other regions, etc.

River WellsRiver Wells

River Wells are places where there are elevators that connect the outdoor world and the underground.

Walking MausoleumsWalking Mausoleums

Walking Mausoleums look like giant stone "turtles" moving on giant stone legs. In order for the mausoleum to become accessible, you must destroy enough white/gray skull-like deposits located on the legs or along the mausoleum's main platform. To get to the latter, you must find a way to jump onto the mausoleum.

Sites of GraceSites of Grace

Sites of Grace are save / respawn points in Elden Ring. They also serve as fast travel points. In order to use a site of grace, you must first reach it and activate it.


The main areas / regions that we will be able to explore while playing Elden Ring. Access to the areas is gained gradually as you progress through the game.


Jump while on horseback near a spiritspring to ride its current high into the air. You won't take damage from jumping into a spiritspring while on horseback, even from a great height.

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