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Merchants Elden Ring Points of interest

Merchants are various NPCs that you may meet during your journey through the game world of Elden Ring. You will be able to buy certain items from them and also sell them goods and resources that you no longer need. The currency you will use for trading are runes.

If you kill the merchant, he drops the Bell Bearing that can be handed over to the Twin Maiden Husks. And this way you will be able to get from them all the items that the merchant had in his offer.



All known locations on the map Realm of Shadow

MerchantCount Ymir, High Priest▶ show the map ◀

He sells:

  • Glintstone Pebble (1,000)
  • Great Glinstone Shard (2,000)
  • Glintblade Phalanx (2,500)
  • Carian Phalanx (12,000)
  • Carian Retaliation (9,000)
  • Miriam's Vanishing (10,000)

When you talk to him after activating the hanging bell, his offer will also include:

  • Glintstone Nail (12,000)
  • Glintstone Nails (12,000)

When you talk to him after sounding both bells, his offer will also include:

  • Fleeting Microcosm (20,000)

Count Ymir, High Priest

MerchantMoore▶ show the map ◀

He sells:

  • Rune Arc x 3 (8,000)
  • Spellproof Pickled Liver x 2 (4,000)
  • Fireproof Pickled Liver x 2 (4,000)
  • Lightningproof Pickled Liver x 2 (4,000)
  • Holyproof Pickled Liver x 2 (4,000)
  • Well-Pickled Turtle Neck (2,000)
  • Black Pyrefly x 8 (1,800)
  • Rada Fruit x 10 (800)
  • Redflesh Mushroom x 8 (1,500)
  • Whiteflesh Mushroom x 6 (2,000)
  • Sanguine Amaryllis x 4 (1,800)
  • Knot Resin x 5 (1,500)
  • Arrow (20)
  • Great Arrow (300)
  • Bolt (40)
  • Ballista Bolt (300)
  • Note: Sealed Spiritsprings (1,000)


MerchantThiollier▶ show the map ◀

He sells:

  • Poisonbone Dart x 20 (120)
  • Poisoned Stone x 10 (150)
  • Poisoned Stone Clump x 5 (250)
  • Poison Grease x 5 (1,000)
  • Drawstring Poison Grease x 5 (800)
  • Toxic Mossling x 5 (2,000)
  • Toxic Mushroom x 10 (500)
  • Poisonbloom x 10 (1,000)
  • Altus Bloom x 20 (500)
  • Trina's Lily x 3 (1,000)
  • Miranda Powder x 10 (800)
  • Deadly Poison Perfume Bottle (6,000)


All known locations on the map The Lands Between

MerchantHermit Merchant (LRC)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Rune Arc x 3, Golden Sunflower x 10, Perfume Bottle, Arrow, Golden Arrow, Great Arrow, Golden Great Arrow, Bolt, Golden Bolt, Ballista Bolt, Sentry's Torch, Distinguished Greatshield, Prophet Blindfold, Prophet Robe, Upper-Class Robe, Prophet Trousers, Consort's Trousers.

If killed, drops: Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing [1].

MerchantHermit Merchant (MTG)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Rune Arc x 3, Thawfrost Boluses x 10, Stonesword Key x 3, Missionary's Cookbook [7], Arrow, Great Arrow, Bolt, Ballista Bolt, Lightning Greatbolt, Vagabond Knight Helm, Vagabond Knight Armor, Vagabond Knight Gauntlets, Vagabond Knight Greaves.

If killed, drops: Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing [2].

Hermit Merchant (MTG)

MerchantIsolated Merchant (DB)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Dragonwound Grease x 2, Gravel Stone x 10, Ritual Pot, Lost Ashes of War x 2, Spiked Caestus (Fist), Arrow, Serpent Arrow, Bolt, Beast-Repellent Torch, Land of Reeds Helm, Land of Reeds Armor, Land of Reeds Gauntlets, Land of Reeds Greaves, Sacrificial Twig x 3, Note: Gateway, Note: Hidden Cave.

If killed, drops: Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing [3].

MerchantIsolated Merchant (LR)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Fanged Imp Ashes, Trina's Lily x 3, Eye of Yelough, Stonesword Key x 3, Lost Ashes of War, Fevor's Cookbook [2], Saint Trina's Arrow x 20, Meteor Bolt, Blue Cloth Cowl, Blue Cloth Vest, Warrior Gauntlets, Warrior Greaves, Sacrificial Twig x 3, Note: Revenants, Note: Frenzied Flame Village.

If killed, drops: Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing [2].

Isolated Merchant (LR)

MerchantIsolated Merchant (WP)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Lantern, Arteria Leaf x 5, Stonesword Key x 3, Lost Ashes of War, Zweihander Greatsword, Arrow, Great Arrow x 15, Bolt, Ballista Bolt x 15, Sacrificial Twig x 3, Note: Walking Mausoleum.

If killed, drops: Isolated Merchant's Bell Bearing [1].

MerchantMerchant Kale▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Throwing Dagger, Telescope, Furlcalling Finger Remedy, Cracked Pot x 3, Crafting Kit, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [1], Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [2], Missionary's Cookbook [1], Arrow, Bolt, Torch, Large Leather Shield, Chain Coif, Chain Armor, Chain Gauntlets, Chain Leggings, Note: Flask of Wondrous Physick, Note: Waypoint Ruins.

If killed, drops: Kale's Bell Bearing.

MerchantNomadic Merchant (AP)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Gravel Stone x 8, Stonesword Key x 3, Ancient Dragon Apostle's Cookbook [2], Arrow, Bolt, Lightning Bolt, Red Crest Heater Shield, Scorpion Kite Shield, Crossed-Tree Towershield, Tree Surcoat, Note: Unseen Assassins, Note: Imp Shades.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [7].

MerchantNomadic Merchant (CA1)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Preserving Boluses x 3, Poisonbone Dart, Poisoned Stone, Poisoned Stone Clump, Aeonian Butterfly x 5, Arrow, Fire Arrow, Bolt.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [9].

Nomadic Merchant (CA1)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (CA2)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Cracked Pot, Stonesword Key, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [15], Arrow, Bolt, Flaming Bolt, Champion Headband, Greathelm, Champion Pauldron, Champion Bracers, Champion Gaiters, Note: Gravity's Advantage.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [10].

Nomadic Merchant (CA2)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (GEL)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Stonesword Key, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [20], Arrow, Great Arrow, Bolt, Explosive Bolt, Ballista Bolt, Explosive Greatbolt, Guilty Hood, Confessor Hood, Confessor Armor, Confessor Gloves, Confessor Boots.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [8].

Nomadic Merchant (GEL)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (LG1)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Pickled Turtle Neck x 3, Cracked Pot, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [3], Short Sword, Halberd, Arrow, Bolt, Bandit Mask, Note: Flame Chariots.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [1].

MerchantNomadic Merchant (LG2)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Festering Bloody Finger x 5, Sliver of Meat x 5, Beast Liver x 5, Lump of Flesh x 3, Trina's Lily x 3, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [5], Armorer's Cookbook [3], Hand Axe, Arrow, St. Trina's Arrow x 10, Bolt, Riveted Wooden Shield, Blue-Gold Kite Shield.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [2].

Nomadic Merchant (LG2)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (LG3)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Neutralizing Boluses x 5, Stanching Boluses x 3, Stimulating Boluses x 2, Armorer's Cookbook [2], Broadsword, Club, Shortbow, Arrow, Bolt, Iron Roundshield, Note: Land Squirts, Note: Stonedigger Trolls.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [3].

Nomadic Merchant (LG3)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (LI1)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Lantern, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [11], Estoc (Thrusting Sword), Astrologer's Staff, Arrow, Bolt, Kite Shield, Astrologer Hood, Astrologer Robe, Astrologer Gloves, Astrologer Trousers.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [5].

MerchantNomadic Merchant (LI2)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Rune Arc x 3, Immunizing White Cured Meat x 3, Invigorating White Cured Meat x 3, Clarifying White Cured Meat x 3, Bewitching Branch x 5, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [13], Composite Bow, Arrow, Bolt, Rift Shield, Blue Crest Heater Shield.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [6].

Nomadic Merchant (LI2)

MerchantNomadic Merchant (WP)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Kukri, Cracked Pot, Stonesword Key, Bastard Sword, Light Crossbow, Arrow, Great Arrow x 8, Bolt, Ballista Bolt x 8, Red Thorn Roundshield, Round Shield, Iron Helmet, Scale Armor, Iron Gauntlets, Leather Trousers, Crimson Amber Medallion, Note: Demi-human Mobs.

If killed, drops: Nomadic Merchant's Bell Bearing [4].

All known locations on the map Undergrounds

MerchantAbandoned Merchant▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Soap x 3, Nascent Butterfly x 5, Stonesword Key x 3, Larval Tear, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [17], Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [18], Shotel (Curved Sword), Arrow, Dwelling Arrow x 30, Bolt.

If killed, drops: Abandoned Merchant's Bell Bearing.

Abandoned Merchant

To reach this merchant go through the passage shown in the picture below.

Abandoned Merchant

MerchantHermit Merchant (AR)▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Gravity Stone Fan x 20, Gravity Stone Chunk x 10, Lost Ashes of War, Celestial Dew, Nomadic Warrior's Cookbook [16], Perfumer's Cookbook [4], Prisoner Iron Mask, Prisoner Clothing, Prisoner Trousers.

If killed, drops: Hermit Merchant's Bell Bearing [3].

MerchantImprisoned Merchant▶ show the map ◀

Sells: Rune Arc x 3, Stanching Boluses x 3, Festering Bloody Finger x 10, Bloodrose, Stonesword Key x 5, Lost Ashes of War, Dwelling Arrow, Burred Bolt.

If killed, drops: Imprisoned Merchant's Bell Bearing [6].

Imprisoned Merchant

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