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Ashes of War Elden Ring Points of interest

Ashes of War in Elden Ring are special items which allow you to change the skills and affinities of your equipment (Weapons & Shields). Not all weapon skills are compatible with every type of equipment and glintstone staffs, sacred seals, and unique weapons cannot be customized with Ashes of War.

An Ash of War can only be equipped on a single weapon or shield at once, but it is possible to duplicate any of the Ashes of War you have. To do so, you require to have an special item called the Lost Ashes of War. Handing this item over to a blacksmith, will allow you to get a copy of the desired Ash of War.


All known locations on the map Realm of Shadow

Ash of WarAsh of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by Black Knight Edredd. Usable on swords as well as polearms capable of thrusting (colossal weapons excepted). FP Cost: 22. Affinity: Sacred.

"Aspects of the Crucible (Wings): This skill originates from the lifeforms of the Crucible. Grow a golden pair of wings and take to the air before diving down at the foe, weapon first. A spinning attack is performed when wielding a twinblade."

Ash of War: Aspects of the Crucible: Wings

Ash of WarAsh of War: Blinkbolt▶ show the map ◀

In the Fog Rift Catacombs. To get here jump into the alcove of the huge falling ceiling and ride it up to this treasure chest. Affinity: Lightning. Usable on all melee armaments.

Ash of War: Blinkbolt

Ash of War: Blinkbolt

Ash of WarAsh of War: Carian Sovereignty▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by a scarab hanging from the ceiling in a small cave. Usable on swords (colossal weapons excepted). FP Cost: 30 (12). Affinity: Magic.

"Carian Sovereignty: Skill passed down the Carian royal family. Transform blade into a magical greatsword and bring it down. Additional input follows up with a horizontal sweep. Charge either attack to enhance potency."

Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty

Ash of War: Carian Sovereignty

Ash of WarAsh of War: Divine Beast Frost Stomp▶ show the map ◀

You can get it by going to Finger Reader Enia and exchanging the Remembrance of the Dancing Lion you get by defeating Divine Beast Dancing Lion for it. Usable on all melee armaments. FP Cost: 18. Affinity: Cold.

"Divine Beast Frost Stomp: A skill which imitates the wrath of the divine beast's dance. Lift a leg up high and stamp it down with great force. Sends a powerful wave of frost straight out along the ground. Can be charged to increase power and range."

Ash of WarAsh of War: Dryleaf Whirlwind▶ show the map ◀

It's on the same level as Rauh Ancient Ruins, East site of grace is on. Usable on hand-to-hand weapons. FP Cost: 9. Affinity: None.

"Dryleaf Whirlwind: This skill represents the pinnacle of Dane's footwork-based martial artistry. Rise into the air with a series of spinning kicks before crashing down with one final strike. Imbues kicking attacks with energy, increasing their range."

Ash of War: Dryleaf Whirlwind

Ash of WarAsh of War: Flame Skewer▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by Fire Knight Queelign (Belurat, Tower Settlement) / Fire Knight Queelign, at the location where you kill him a second time. Usable on medium and large armaments capable of thrusting. FP Cost: 18 (Strong attack follow-up: 8). Affinity: Flame Art.

"Flame Skewer: Skill of Queelign of the Fire Knights. Enwreathe armament in flame and assume a low stance before skewering the enemy in a single motion. Strong attack unleashes a follow-up flame attack."

Ash of WarAsh of War: Flame Spear▶ show the map ◀

Drops from a Fire Knight you encounter here. Usable on armaments capable of thrusting (claws and backhand blades excepted). FP Cost: 19. Affinity: Flame Art.

"Flame Spear: Skill of Kood, captain of the Fire Knights. Ready weapon for a thrusting attack and unleash a spear of flame straight ahead. Charge the attack to increase damage dealt and distance travelled."

Ash of War: Flame Spear

Ash of WarAsh of War: Ghostflame Call▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by the Death Rite Bird. Usable on swords and spears (small armaments, twinblades, and backhand blades excepted). FP Cost: 15. Affinity: Cold.

"Ghostflame Call: Thrust out armament to summon ghostflame. Follow up with a normal attack to set the ground ablaze with ghostflame, or a strong attack to trigger a massive explosion."

Ash of War: Ghostflame Call

Ash of WarAsh of War: Piercing Throw▶ show the map ◀

It drops from a scarab. Usable on throwing blades. FP Cost: 8. Affinity: Keen.

"Piercing Throw: Throw armament with a powerful spin, causing it to bore through foes. When using this skill, the armament can be thrown further than normal and also pierce through enemies."

Ash of War: Piercing Throw

Ash of WarAsh Of War: Raging Beast▶ show the map ◀

A teleporting scarab has it. Use ranged attacks to kill it. Usable on beast claws. FP Cost: 7 (7). Affinity: Keen.

"Raging Beast: Step with the swiftness of a beast, leap high, and slash foe from above. Initial step can be taken forward, backward, left, or right. Strong attack allows for a follow-up attack."

Ash Of War: Raging Beast

Ash of WarAsh of War: Rolling Sparks▶ show the map ◀

Dropped by a flying scarab. Usable on perfume bottles. FP Cost: 14. Affinity: None.

"Rolling Sparks: Scatter perfumed powder before you, triggering rolling explosions of deadly sparks. The properties of the sparks are determined by the perfume bottle used."

Ash of War: Rolling Sparks

Ash of WarAsh of War: Savage Lion's Claw▶ show the map ◀

It can be found in a small, ruined camp. Usable on swords, axes, and hammers (small armaments and thrusting swords excepted). FP Cost: 20 (10). Affinity: Heavy.

"Savage Lion's Claw: Skill of the particularly brave, even among the Redmanes. Somersault forwards, striking foes with armament. An additional strike may be performed with an additional input."

Ash of War: Savage Lion's Claw

Ash of WarAsh of War: Scattershot Throw▶ show the map ◀

A scarab hanging from a bridge pillar. Usable on throwing blades. FP Cost: 11 (11). Affinity: Keen.

"Scattershot Throw: Employ smithing arts to conjure multiple copies of the armament in both hands and throw them all at once. Follow up with an additional input to throw again."

Ash of War: Scattershot Throw

Ash of WarAsh of War: Shriek of Sorrow▶ show the map ◀

In the corpse behind the big tree located in the middle of the plaza. Usable on all melee armaments. FP Cost: 19. Affinity: Occult.

"Shriek of Sorrow: Skill utilized by the downtrodden. Scream, causing nearby enemies to flinch, while also recalling deep-seated resentment, boosting attack power based on the amount of HP remaining. The lower the HP, the greater the effect."

Ash of War: Shriek of Sorrow

Ash of WarAsh of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice▶ show the map ◀

Kill the scarab. Usable on all melee armaments. FP Cost: 14. Affinity: Poison.

"The Poison Flower Blooms Twice: Conjures stingers of scarlet rot from below to stab the enemy. Landing a follow-up attack on a foe already inflicted with poison or rot deals massive damage in one fell swoop."

Ash of War: The Poison Flower Blooms Twice

Ash of WarAsh of War: Wall of Sparks▶ show the map ◀

Usable on perfume bottles. FP Cost: 16. Affinity: None.

"Wall of Sparks: Scatter perfumed powder in vicinity, producing intense sparks after a brief delay. Can be charged to increase power and range. The properties of the sparks are determined by the perfume bottle used."

Ash of War: Wall of Sparks

Ash of WarAsh of War: Wing Stance▶ show the map ◀

In a chest at the top of the tower. To get to the tower jump off the balcony of the room where the Castle-Lord's Chamber site of grace is located. Usable on light greatswords. FP Cost: (Normal attack: 8 / Strong attack: 10). Affinity: Quality.

"Wing Stance: Calmly assume a right-sided stance. Normal attack triggers a rapid three-slash combination. Strong attack triggers a leaping thrust."

Ash of War: Wing Stance

Ash of War: Wing Stance

All known locations on the map The Lands Between

Ash of WarAsh of War: Assassin's Gambit▶ show the map ◀

Sword of Bernahl

Ash of WarAsh of War: Barbaric Roar▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Barbaric Roar

Ash of WarAsh of War: Barrage▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Barrage

Ash of WarAsh of War: Barricade Shield▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (WP).

Ash of WarAsh of War: Beast's Roar▶ show the map ◀

Given by Gurranq Beast Clergyman when you hand him the fourth deathroot.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Black Flame Tornado▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Godskin Duo.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Blood Blade▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Blood Blade

Ash of WarAsh of War: Bloodhound's Step▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (DB).

Ash of War: Bloodhound's Step

Ash of WarAsh of War: Bloody Slash▶ show the map ◀

You will receive it after defeating the Knight Commander located on the ramparts of the fort.

Ash of War: Bloody Slash

Ash of WarAsh of War: Carian Grandeur▶ show the map ◀

To get here you must start at the top of the castle and jump down first over the wooden platforms and then over the rocks.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Carian Retaliation▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Pidia, Carian Servant.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Charge Forth▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Charge Forth

Ash of WarAsh of War: Chilling Mist▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Chilling Mist

Ash of WarAsh of War: Cragblade▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Cragblade

Ash of WarAsh of War: Determination▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Determination

Ash of WarAsh of War: Double Slash▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Double Slash

Ash of WarAsh of War: Earthshaker▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. This one is very low profile. Instead of shiny footprints, look out for a small cloud of dust.

Ash of War: Earthshaker

Ash of War: Earthshaker

Ash of WarAsh of War: Endure▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Eruption▶ show the map ◀

Sword of Bernahl

Ash of WarAsh of War: Flame of the Redmanes▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of War: Flame of the Redmanes

Ash of WarAsh of War: Flaming Strike▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Flaming Strike

Ash of WarAsh of War: Giant Hunt▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (LIU2).

Ash of War: Giant Hunt

Ash of WarAsh of War: Golden Parry▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Golden Parry

Ash of WarAsh of War: Golden Slam▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Golden Slam

Ash of WarAsh of War: Golden Vow▶ show the map ◀

It drops from a mounted knight you come across here.

Ash of War: Golden Vow

Ash of WarAsh of War: Gravitas▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an enemy you encounter here.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Ground Slam▶ show the map ◀

Ash of WarAsh of War: Hoarfrost Stomp▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of War: Hoarfrost Stomp

Ash of WarAsh of War: Holy Ground▶ show the map ◀

In the Auriza Hero's Grave. It drops from the chariots when they collide with each other.

Ash of War: Holy Ground

Ash of WarAsh of War: Ice Spear▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (LIU1).

Ash of War: Ice Spear

Ash of WarAsh of War: Impaling Thrust▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Kick▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Lifesteal Fist▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Lifesteal Fist

Ash of WarAsh of War: Lightning Ram▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Lightning Ram

Ash of WarAsh of War: Lightning Slash▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Lightning Slash

Ash of WarAsh of War: Lion's Claw▶ show the map ◀


Ash of WarAsh of War: Loretta's Slash▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Loretta, Knight of the Haligtree.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Mighty Shot▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Mighty Shot

Ash of WarAsh of War: No Skill▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Parry▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Phantom Slash▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (FL).

Ash of War: Phantom Slash

Ash of WarAsh of War: Poison Moth Flight▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (CAE).

Ash of War: Poison Moth Flight

Ash of WarAsh of War: Poisonous Mist▶ show the map ◀

Ash of WarAsh of War: Prayerful Strike▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of War: Prayerful Strike

Ash of WarAsh of War: Prelate's Charge▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Prelate's Charge

Ash of WarAsh of War: Quickstep▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Rain of Arrows▶ show the map ◀

It will be left by the spirit you find here as long as you have found and interact with the "Redmane" Painting beforehand.

Ash of War: Rain of Arrows

Ash of WarAsh of War: Raptor of the Mists▶ show the map ◀

You must use the rune you find here and help Yura defeat the Bloody Finger Ravenmount Assassin.

Ash of War: Raptor of the Mists

Ash of WarAsh of War: Repeating Thrust▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (LIM).

Ash of WarAsh of War: Royal Knight's Resolve▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Royal Knight's Resolve

Ash of WarAsh of War: Sacred Blade▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Sacred Blade

Ash of WarAsh of War: Sacred Order▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Sacred Order

Ash of WarAsh of War: Sacred Ring of Light▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Sacred Ring of Light

Ash of WarAsh of War: Seppuku▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of War: Seppuku

Ash of WarAsh of War: Shared Order▶ show the map ◀

Drops from Night's Cavalry (AP).

Ash of War: Shared Order

Ash of WarAsh of War: Shield Bash▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Shield Bash

Ash of WarAsh of War: Shield Crash▶ show the map ◀

Ash of WarAsh of War: Sky Shot▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Sky Shot

Ash of WarAsh of War: Spectral Lance▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Spectral Lance

Ash of WarAsh of War: Spinning Slash▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Stamp (Sweep)▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Stamp (Upward Cut)▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Storm Assault▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Storm Assault

Ash of WarAsh of War: Storm Blade▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Storm Stomp▶ show the map ◀

It's in a chest located in the basement of the ruins.

Ash of War: Storm Stomp

Ash of WarAsh of War: Storm Wall▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Storm Wall

Ash of WarAsh of War: Stormcaller▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Stormcaller

Ash of WarAsh of War: Sword Dance▶ show the map ◀

Ash of WarAsh of War: Thops's Barrier▶ show the map ◀

The scarab will spawn here after you deliver the Academy Glintstone Key to Sorcerer Thops and he heads to the academy.

Ash of War: Thops's Barrier

Ash of WarAsh of War: Through and Through▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing white footsteps.

Ash of War: Through and Through

Ash of WarAsh of War: Thunderbolt▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Thunderbolt

Ash of WarAsh of War: Troll's Roar▶ show the map ◀

On top of the rocks. You will get here by using the nearby spiritspring.

Ash of War: Troll's Roar

Ash of WarAsh of War: Unsheathe▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Unsheathe

Ash of WarAsh of War: Vow of the Indomitable▶ show the map ◀

At the water level.

Ash of WarAsh of War: War Cry▶ show the map ◀

Sold by Knight Bernahl.

Ash of WarAsh of War: White Shadow's Lure▶ show the map ◀

Drops from an invisible scarab. Look for the glowing silver footsteps.

Ash of WarAsh of War: Wild Strikes▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Wild Strikes

All known locations on the map Undergrounds

Ash of WarAsh of War: Blood Tax▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Blood Tax

Ash of WarAsh of War: Enchanted Shot▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Enchanted Shot

Ash of WarAsh of War: Golden Land▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Golden Land

Ash of WarAsh of War: Square Off▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Square Off

Ash of WarAsh of War: Vacuum Slice▶ show the map ◀

Ash of War: Vacuum Slice

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