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The Isle of Mists Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 22

Group: Main Quests

Location: Multiple Locations

This quest is a direct continuation of the "Ugly Baby" quest. Avallac'h will tell you where you should go to find Ciri, and you will also decide to look for allies to help you fight the Wild Hunt.

After a long search Geralt was at last a step from his goal. Avallac'h had hid Ciri from the Hunt on the magical Isle of Mists, which could only be reached if fate deemed one worthy - or by following a magic firefly, which was decidedly the easier option. Geralt thus readied himself to sail to the isle and bring back Ciri.

Related points of interest

Icon of Start Start Isle of Mists

Icon of Hut Hut Isle of Mists

Icon of Ferenc Ferenc Isle of Mists

Icon of Gaspard Gaspard Isle of Mists

Icon of Ivo Ivo Isle of Mists

Prior quests

To begin The Isle of Mists you must first complete Ugly Baby.

Quest stages of The Isle of Mists

1. Talk to friends who could help defeat the Hunt and ask them to join your fight.

To gain allies to help you fight the Wild Hunt, you must complete the following quests:

Warning: You should complete these quests before you leave for the Isle of Mists, because if you do not do so, they will all fail.

2. Go to Skellige. / Get on a boat. / Travel to the Isle of Mists.

Go to the Skellige Islanda and get in any boat. Then sail to a place marked on the northwestern coast of Undvik Island. When you reach the place, the game will inform you that you have reached an important point in the game's story and suggest that you save the game at this point.

Go to Skellige. / Get on a boat. / Travel to the Isle of Mists.

You will then receive a warning that some of the side quests you have not completed will no longer be available and information about the recommended level (22). When you decide to continue your journey, Geralt will release the firefly and sail to the island.

Go to Skellige. / Get on a boat. / Travel to the Isle of Mists.

3. Follow the firefly.

Follow the firefly, and it will take you to the marina where you can go ashore. Along the way, you'll encounter some ekhidnas (19) that you can kill or ignore. If you found the Hornwall horn while exploring Undvik during "The Lord of Undvik" quest, you can also use it.

Follow the firefly.

Then the firefly will lead you to the Hut located on the main island. On the way you'll have to kill two tangalores / foglets (19).

Follow the firefly.

4. Check what's in the hut.

Knock on the locked hut door. There are a few dwarves inside the hut who don't want to let you in. To convince them to do so you have to find three of their friends: Ivo, Gaspard and Fernec, who are lost somewhere on the island.

Check what's in the hut.

5. Look for Ferenc along the coast.

You should look for Ferenc in the south-western part of the island. When you get there, you'll come across a fiend (22) you'll have to get rid of.

Look for Ferenc along the coast.

Unfortunately, Ferenc did not survive the encounter with the beast and you will only find his corpse there.

Look for Ferenc along the coast.

6. Look for Gaspard near the lighthouse.

To find Gaspard you have to go to the north of the island, where the old lighthouse stands.

Look for Gaspard near the lighthouse.

You'll find him on top of the lighthouse.

Look for Gaspard near the lighthouse.

7. Bring Gaspard to the hut. / Wake Gaspard up.

You'll have to take Gaspard safely to the hut where the rest of the dwarves are. You'll have to kill some monsters like the tangalores (19) or harpies (19) on your way. Gaspard suffers from narcolepsy so he will lie down and fall asleep from time to time. When that happens, you'll have to come up to him and wake him up.

Bring Gaspard to the hut. / Wake Gaspard up.

8. Look for Ivo in the cave.

You will find Ivo in the northern part of the island, where he hid at the top of the rock from two bilge hags (20) roaming below. Kill the hags, approach the rock and then Ivo will begin to go down.

Look for Ivo in the cave.

Unfortunately he will slip and fall down breaking his neck.

Look for Ivo in the cave.

9. Return to the hut.

Once you find all the dwarves, go back to the hut. Unfortunately, they will not have good information for you. Dwarves will inform you that Ciri is in the hut but without any signs of life. That's how they found her when they got to the hut. Geralt will enter the hut and see the dead Ciri lying on the bed. He will be devastated by his friend's death.

Return to the hut.

When Geralt decides to hug Ciri for the last time, a firefly will come into the hut and cause Ciri to return from the afterlife to the living world.

Return to the hut.

Then you'll talk by the fire about what happened, about Avallac'h, the Wild Hunt, etc. Once the conversation is over, and you are on your way to the boat, the Wild Hunt will arrive on the island and Ciri will have no choice but to teleport you to Kaer Morhen.

Return to the hut.

Finally. After years of separation, weeks of searching, dozens of false trails and endless worry, Geralt had found Ciri. They were not given long to celebrate their reunion, however. As soon as Ciri awoke from her magic slumber the Wild Hunt picked up her trail and began to attack. Geralt and his adopted daughter thus had no choice but to use Ciri's special abilities to flee to Kaer Morhen and face their attackers there.

After completing The Isle of Mists you will get or will be able to get The Battle of Kaer Morhen.

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