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White Orchard Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Map

White Orchard is the first open world zone you can explore in The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt after finishing tutorial in Kaer Morhen. It takes aproximately a few hours to finish all quests available here.

This well-to-do village is famous for its fruit orchards, whose boughs burst out in white blossoms come spring, and also for the top-quality, furniture-grade lumber harvested from the Vulpine Woods.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "White Orchard" map.

Places of PowerPlaces of Power

On your first visit to the place of power you will gain an additional ability point.

Icon of Aard Aard

Icon of Axii Axii There is one Wraith (6) nearby.

Icon of Igni Igni There is a Wraith (7) nearby.

Icon of Quen Quen

Icon of Quen Quen

Icon of Yrden Yrden There's a bear (6) nearby.

Witcher GearWitcher Gear

It is always some kind of box, chest or a corpse containing witcher gear diagrams required for scavenger hunt quests.

Icon of Viper School Gear (Silver Sword) Viper School Gear (Silver Sword) Kolgrim's Remains. Diagram: Serpentine silver sword and Letter from witcher Kolgrim of the Viper School. Skeleton is in the crypt. Use your weapon or the aard sign to destroy the door to the crypt. Related quests: Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear (6).

Icon of Viper School Gear (Steel Sword) Viper School Gear (Steel Sword) Diagram: Serpentine steel sword and the Interrogation report. Chest in the castle ruins. Related quests: Scavenger Hunt: Viper School Gear (6).

Quest GiversQuest Givers

Places where you can get new quests to play.

Icon of Aldert Geert Aldert Geert A scholar who will introduce you to gwent, a trading card game. Related quests: Collect 'Em All.

Icon of Geralt & Vesemir Geralt & Vesemir This is where you begin your adventure after you finish the tutorial in Kaer Morhen.Related quests: Lilac and Gooseberries.

Icon of John Geermer John Geermer Related quests: Precious Cargo.

Icon of Old Woman Old Woman Related quests: A Frying Pan, Spick and Span.

Icon of Peter Saar Gwynleve Peter Saar Gwynleve The Nilfgaardian commander. Related quests: Lilac and Gooseberries, The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Icon of Tomira Tomira You can talk to her during The Beast of White Orchard quest. Related quests: Contract: Devil by the Well (2), On Death's Bed (2), The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Icon of Willis Willis Related quests: Twisted Firestarter.

Notice BoardsNotice Boards

Offers of work for the witchers are posted here. Return from time to time to notice boards you've already seen becouse new contracts might have been posted since your last visit.

Icon of White Orchard Notice Board White Orchard Notice Board Related quests: Contract: Devil by the Well (2), Missing in Action.


Places, NPCs and other elements related in some way to the quests available in the game.

Icon of Bastien and Rhosyn Bastien and Rhosyn Related quests: Missing in Action.

Icon of Destroyed Griffin Nest Destroyed Griffin Nest Related quests: The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Icon of Dune Vildenvert Dune Vildenvert Related quests: Missing in Action.

Icon of Griffin Attack Site Griffin Attack Site Related quests: The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Icon of Mislav's House Mislav's House Related quests: The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Icon of Odolan Odolan Related quests: Contract: Devil by the Well (2).

Icon of The Battlefield The Battlefield Related quests: Missing in Action.

Hidden Treasure QuestsHidden Treasure Quests

Here you can find clues about the location of the hidden treasures.

Icon of Deserter Gold (Quest) Deserter Gold (Quest) Take the Spy's notes from the small crate in the tent. Related quests: Deserter Gold (3).

Icon of Dirty Funds (Quest) Dirty Funds (Quest) Take the Scrawled notes from the chest in the tent. Related quests: Dirty Funds (2).

Icon of Temerian Valuables (Quest) Temerian Valuables (Quest) Loot the Temerian lily key from the body lying on the shore then dive and use it to open locked chest on the bottom. Inside you will find the Blood-soaked military orders. Related quests: Temerian Valuables (4).

Hidden TreasuresHidden Treasures

Here you can find the hidden treasures.

Icon of Deserter Gold (Treasure) Deserter Gold (Treasure) Chest is inside a small cellar. The entrance is located in the nearby house. Related quests: Deserter Gold (3).

Icon of Dirty Funds (Treasure) Dirty Funds (Treasure) Related quests: Dirty Funds (2).

Icon of Temerian Valuables (Treasure) Temerian Valuables (Treasure) Chest is inside a small cellar, entrance is located in a nearby house. Related quests: Temerian Valuables (4).


Places where there are usually chests containing some nice loot.

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest Chest is behind the Nilfgaardian tent.

Icon of Chest Chest Chest at the bottom of the waterfall.

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest Chest next to the bridge.

Icon of Chest Chest To enter the house, destroy the door with an aard sign.

Icon of Chest Chest Chest on the wagon.

Icon of Chest Chest Chest in the house.

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest Chest under the bridge.

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest Chest at the bottom of the lake.

Icon of Chests Chests Two chests in the house.

Icon of Chests Chests Two chests in the house.

Icon of Chests Chests Three chests in the house.

Icon of Chests Chests Two chests on the broken wagon.

Icon of Chests Chests Two chests under the broken bridge.

Icon of Chests Chests Three chests in the house.

Icon of Chests Chests Two chests in the ruined house.

Icon of Corpse and Package Corpse and Package

Icon of Corpses Corpses Two bodies in the ruins of a burned-out house.

Icon of Small Chest Small Chest A small chest next to the body.

Smuggler's CachesSmuggler's Caches

Icon of Smugglers' Cache Smugglers' Cache Six packs under the bridge.

Spoils of WarSpoils of War

Icon of Spoils of War Spoils of War

Special MonstersSpecial Monsters

The special monsters you encounter on your way. These are mostly monsters that you have to kill to finish the witcher's contracts.

Icon of Devil by the Well Devil by the Well It's a wraith you have to kill to complete the Contract: Devil by the Well quest. Related quests: Contract: Devil by the Well (2).

Icon of Royal Griffin Royal Griffin Here you will start the fight against the griffin in The Beast of White Orchard quest. Related quests: The Beast of White Orchard (3).

Monster NestsMonster Nests

Every nest is guarded by the monsters of a specific type. Use bombs to destroy it. Do not forget to loot it after you destroy it.

Icon of Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls (2).

Icon of Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls (2).

Icon of Ghouls Ghouls Ghouls (2).

Guarded TreasuresGuarded Treasures

It is always some kind of box, chest or a dead body containing some goods and guarded by one or more monsters.

Icon of Guarded Treasure Guarded Treasure Two chests. Guarded by Warg (5) + 3 x Wolf (5).

Icon of Guarded Treasure Guarded Treasure It's in the crypt. Guarded by the Wraith (7).

Icon of Guarded Treasure Guarded Treasure

Icon of Guarded Treasure Guarded Treasure Guarded by 4 x Drowners (3,4).

Icon of Guarded Treasure Guarded Treasure Guarded by 4 x Drowners (3,4).

Bandit CampsBandit Camps

Kill all the enemies in the area. There is always a treasure chest somewhere in the camp.

Icon of Deserters Deserters A deserter leader (4) and a few deserters (1,2).

Icon of Deserters Deserters A few deserters (1,2).

Icon of Deserters Deserters A few deserters (1,2).

Icon of Deserters Deserters A deserter leader (5) and a few deserters (1,2).

Icon of Deserters Deserters A deserter leader (5) and a few deserters (1,2).

Icon of Deserters Deserters A few deserters (1,2).

Abandoned SitesAbandoned Sites

A place abandoned due to monster or bandit attacks. Once the danger is eliminated, it will fill with life once more.

Icon of Ghouls Ghouls This place is occupied by the ghouls (2).

Icon of Ghouls Ghouls This place is occupied by the ghouls (4).


Once discovered, signposts allow you to fast travel directly from one signpost to another. Walk up to the signpost and use it to open the world map and select the destination point.

Icon of Abandoned Village Abandoned Village A few years ago, a group of armed men marched into this settlement. They butchered its inhabitants and burned down their homes. Not a soul has dwelt here since that black and bloody day.

Icon of Broken Bridge Broken Bridge This bridge was destroyed by retreating Temerian troops during the Nilfgaardian attack. It was shoddily built to begin with. Good riddance.

Icon of Cackler Bridge Cackler Bridge Bridge named in honor of a woman who went mad from unfulfilled love. After her heart snapped, she spent all her days running up and down this bridge while laughing hysterically.

Icon of Crossroads Crossroads The road splits here. One fork leads to Vizima, the other to Novigrad.

Icon of Ford Ford Before the war, merchants and travelers would cross the river here. Now only Nilfgaardian soldiers traverse this path.

Icon of Mill Mill Carts haul grain from all the surrounding villages to White Orchard's mill.

Icon of Nilfgaardian Garrison Nilfgaardian Garrison This strategic point guards White Orchard's main river crossing. Nilfgaardian troops have taken it over.

Icon of Ransacked Village Ransacked Village A band of soldiers attacked this village early one morning. They slaughtered most of the villagers in their beds, and the lucky few who fled to the woods in time had nothing left to return to.

Icon of Sawmill Sawmill White Orchard is famous not only for its premium fruit, but also for the top-quality, furniture-grade lumber harvested from the Vulpine Woods.

Icon of Woesong Bridge Woesong Bridge So named because of a girl who once would stand on the bridge and sing, waiting for her beloved's return.


Here you can buy or sell various items.

Icon of White Orchard Tavern White Orchard Tavern Gwent cards sold by Elsa, the innkeeper: Decoy, Catapult, Blue Stripes Commando, Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter, Foltest - Lord Commander of the North.Related quests: Lilac and Gooseberries, The Beast of White Orchard (3), The Incident at White Orchard (2).


Here you can buy or sell various items.

Icon of Bram Bram This is the merchant that you and Vesemir saved from the griffin. Gwent cards: Catapult, Blue Stripes Commando, Crinfrid Reavers Dragon Hunter, Foltest - Lord Commander of the North. Alchemy formula: Torn-out page: Griffin decoction Temerian gear: Armor, Boots, Trousers, Gauntlets, Horse Blinders, Saddle, Saddlebags

Icon of Merchant Merchant


You can buy alchemical ingredients from herbalists.

Icon of Herbalist Herbalist

Icon of Tomira Tomira


Armorers craft armor. Armorers and blacksmiths can salvage crafting components from any unneeded items you've gathered.

Icon of Willis Willis Armorer (Amateur)


Blacksmiths forge weapons. Armorers and blacksmiths can salvage crafting components from any unneeded items you've gathered.

Icon of Quartermaster Quartermaster Blacksmith (Amateur)


Sharpening your blade on a grindstone will cause it to deal more damage. This bonus will wear off after some time, but you can renew it by using a grindstone again.

Icon of Grindstone Grindstone

Icon of Grindstone Grindstone

Icon of Grindstone Grindstone

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