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Ugly Baby Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 19

Group: Main Quests

Location: Kaer Morhen

You will receive this quest after checking all traces of Ciri presence in Velen, Novigrad and Skellige, that is after completing the "In Ciri's Footsteps" quest.

Geralt knew Uma currently resided at Crow's Perch. The baron's bandits, hungry for a bit of unrefined entertainment, had made Uma their jester. Geralt knew he would have to put an end to this farce, take the unfortunate being from Velen and, with Yennefer's help, try to lift the curse that held him.

Prior quests

To begin Ugly Baby you must first complete In Ciri's Footsteps.

Quest stages of Ugly Baby

1. Tell the baron's sergeant you want to take Uma.

Return to the Crow's Perch castle. You will find the sergeant in the baron's chambers. You will inform him that he wants to take Uma and he will eventually agree to it.

Tell the baron's sergeant you want to take Uma.

2. Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

Go to the stable and talk to the stablemaster. After a while, you and Uma will set out together to Kaer Morhen.

Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

But you won't get there. You will be stopped by the Emperor's soldiers and forced to go to Vizima to report to the Emperor.

Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

The audience will also be attended by Yennefer. You will tell the Emperor what you know about Uma and the curse affecting him, and the sorceress will offer assistance in lifting that curse. The Emperor will pay you half of the reward (2000 crowns) and the audience will end.

Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

When you are alone, Yennefer will inform you that you should all go to Kaer Morhen and try to lift the curse there. You will give her the magic box - the phylactery, you took from Whoreson Junior. Each of you will go to Kaer Morhen in his own way, Yennefer will use a teleport and you and Uma will go on horseback.

Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

When you get to the castle, you will be greeted by Vesemir. He will inform you about the stage of preparations to the ritual.

Tell the person minding the stables that you are taking Uma. / Collect Uma.

Before this could happen, however, Geralt once again had the honor to face the emperor of Nilfgaard. Emhyr had run out of patience and demanded that Geralt report back on any progress he had made in his search for Ciri. Geralt presented Uma to the emperor and explained the unsightly fellow's role in the investigation. The emperor had hoped Geralt would return with someone other than a demented monstrosity, but ultimately recognized the creature as a solid lead in the search for his daughter Cirilla and handed over a portion of the reward he had promised the witcher. Geralt never revealed exactly how much that amounted to - he never did place much value on coin - but I wager, dear reader, it considerably exceeded the standard fees witchers received.

During the audience Yennefer hit upon an idea for lifting Uma's curse - though, not for the first time, she refused to share any details with Geralt. She merely told him to ride as fast as possible for Kaer Morhen, the famous keep of the witchers from the School of the Wolf - the home Geralt had not seen for some time, save in his dreams.

3. Find Eskel and help him hunt the forktail.

You have to complete the "To Bait a Forktail..." quest.

4. Help Yennefer fix the megascope.

You have to complete the "Disturbance" quest.

5. Talk to Lambert about journeying to the Circle of Elements.

You have to complete the "The Final Trial" quest.

6. Spend the evening with the other witchers.

Your next step after completing the three quests above will be to go to the main hall of the castle where you will meet all witchers and Yennefer sitting at the table. The events that will take place this evening and night are part of a separate quest - No Place Like Home.

Spend the evening with the other witchers.

7. Remove the curse afflicting Uma.

When you wake up the next morning, Vesemir will be back in the castle. Unfortunately, his method of lifting the curse from Uma didn't work, so you have to use the Yennefer method. - the "Va Fail, Elaine" quest.

Remove the curse afflicting Uma.

The ritual will be successful and it will then turn out that it was Avallac'h, Ciri's elven friend, who was captured inside the Uma's body. He will tell you that your friend is hiding on the magical Isle of Mists, and inform you about the danger she will face when she leaves the island. He'll also give you the magic firefly which will help you find Ciri.

Remove the curse afflicting Uma.

Geralt decides to set out to find Ciri and allies who will help you when it comes to confrontation with the Wild Hunt.

It turned out to be Avallac'h - a powerful elven Sage whom Geralt had encountered during his previous adventures. Breaking his curse proved extraordinarily difficult and, though the treatments succeeded, they had deposited the elf on the brink of death.

Luckily, he still had a sound mind in his tattered body and was able to pass on the message they had waited so long to hear - Ciri was alive. Avallac'h had hidden her from the Wild Hunt on the Isle of Mists, a place tucked outside of time and space.

Yet even there she was not truly safe and, sooner or later, the wraiths would find her. It was clear to everyone that fleeing and hiding once more would only delay the inevitable. Geralt thus decided to fetch Ciri from the Isle of Mists and, with her and his friends at his side, give fight to her pursuers.

After completing Ugly Baby you will get or will be able to get The Isle of Mists.

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