Lights, Camera, Achtung! Sniper Elite: Resistance Map
Interactive map of the Ville Du Lac film studios, where the action of mission "Lights, Camera, Achtung!" takes place. This mission was added to Sniper Elite: Resistance in the first DLC - "Target Führer".
Hitler is due to film a series of propaganda shorts at the Ville Du Lac film studios. Ensure it isn't just film that gets shot today.
-= Work in Progress =-
Points of interest
Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Lights, Camera, Achtung!" map.
Personal Letters
Personal Letters are special collectible documents we look for in Sniper Elite: Resistance. You need to collect 35 of them to unlock the "Pen Pal" achievement / trophy.
All Due Disrespect Lights, Camera, Achtung! Personal Letter 1/5.
I'm Contagious Lights, Camera, Achtung! Personal Letter 2/5.
Thank You! Lights, Camera, Achtung! Personal Letter 3/5.
Be More Organised Lights, Camera, Achtung! Personal Letter 4/5.
Our VIP's Demands Lights, Camera, Achtung! Personal Letter 5/5.
Stone Eagles
Stone Eagles are Dead-eye targets that you simply have to destroy with an accurate shot. You need to destroy 21 of them to unlock the "Spread Your Wings" achievement / trophy.
Stone Eagle #22 Lights, Camera, Achtung! Stone Eagle 1/3.
Stone Eagle #23 Lights, Camera, Achtung! Stone Eagle 2/3.
Stone Eagle #24 Lights, Camera, Achtung! Stone Eagle 3/3.
Hidden Items
Hidden Items are various items that can be found during missions. You need to collect 22 of them to unlock the "Treasure Hunter" achievement / trophy.
Cooking with Hitler Lights, Camera, Achtung! Hidden Item 1/4. Objective of: Disrupt the Nazis' Propaganda Machine - Investigate the Train Station. / Steal the Film Reels x3.
The Big Win Lights, Camera, Achtung! Hidden Item 2/4. Objective of: Disrupt the Nazis' Propaganda Machine - Investigate the Train Station. / Steal the Film Reels x3.
Hitler's Day Off Lights, Camera, Achtung! Hidden Item 3/4. Objective of: Disrupt the Nazis' Propaganda Machine - Investigate the Train Station. / Steal the Film Reels x3.
Un De Trop Lights, Camera, Achtung! Hidden Item 4/4. On the side of the building. Propaganda Poster.
Classified Documents
Classified Documents are special collectible documents we look for in Sniper Elite: Resistance. You need to collect 35 of them to unlock the "Top Secret" achievement / trophy.
Food to Die For! Lights, Camera, Achtung! Classified Document 1/5.
Set Inspections Lights, Camera, Achtung! Classified Document 2/5.
I Found a Vulnerability! Lights, Camera, Achtung! Classified Document 3/5.
Morning Collection Lights, Camera, Achtung! Classified Document 4/5.
Silence Has a Price Lights, Camera, Achtung! Classified Document 5/5.
At theWorkbenches, you can choose which weapons you will have equipped, and customise them by adding Attachments. The first time you use each new workbench, you'll unlock new Attachments. When you interact with 22 workbenches you will unlock the "Innovator" achievement.
Pistol Workbench Unlocks: Pistol Reduced Load Magazine.
Rifle Workbench Unlocks: Rifle Reduced Load Magazine.
SMG Workbench Unlocks: SMG Reduced Load Magazine.
Studio Garage Safe Key Nazi soldier has it.
Train Station Office Safe Key One of the soldiers has it.
West Lookout Tower Safe Key A soldier on the footbridge has it.
Workshop Office Safe Key
Starting Locations
Initially each mission has one location on the map where you can start it. However, as you proceed through the mission you can find and unlock additional locations where you can start another playthrough.
Lighthouse Initial starting location of the "Lights, Camera, Achtung!" mission.
Lookout Tower
Vittoria's View
Exfiltrate Locations
Lights, Camera, Achtung!
Lights, Camera, Achtung!
Found Weapons
Found Weapons are those that the enemy have placed for later use, or have dropped when they have been killed. When the clip is empty or you swap weapons, a Found Weapon will be discarded, and you return to your normal weapon.
Satchel Charges
Satchel Charges are placed explosives. Satchel Charges can be used to destroy important objects, open heavy doors, or even blast through some walls. After placing a Satchel Charge, you can either set a fuse on it or detonate it from a distance by shooting it.
Satchel Charge
Satchel Charge
Satchel Charge
Satchel Charge
Satchel Charge In a big locked crate (Crowbar).
Satchel Charge x2
Bolt Cutters
Bolt Cutters are tools needed to open some crates or doors, cut through fences, etc.
Bolt Cutters
Bolt Cutters
Bolt Cutters
Bolt Cutters
Medical Items
Medical Items restore health you have lost. Bandages recover a small amount of your health. Med Kits are much rarer, but return you to full health.
Explosive V Rifle Ammo
Soft Point Pistol Ammo
Soft Point Rifle Ammo
Standard SMG Ammo
Subsonic Pistol Ammo
Subsonic Rifle Ammo
Subsonic Rifle Ammo
Subsonic Rifle Ammo
Supply Pouches
Supply Pouches contain a random selection of Items and Ammo. You can't collect one if your Inventory is full for everything inside.
Supply Pouch
Supply Pouch
Supply Pouch In a big locked crate (Crowbar).
Supply Pouch
Grenade In a big locked crate (Crowbar).
Grenade x2
Schu-Mine x2
Schu-Mine x2
Schu-Mine x2 In a big locked crate (Crowbar).
Teller Mine x2
TNT x2
Main Objectives
Studio 2 Objective of: Assassinate the Führer - Find Hitler. Booby Trap - Teller Mine.
Studio 3
Toilet Booby Trap - Grenade.
Optional Objectives
Radio Tower Support Objective of: Neutralise Radio Communications - Neutralise Radio Communications.
Radio Tower Support Objective of: Neutralise Radio Communications - Neutralise Radio Communications.