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A Rage Unleashed Red Dead Redemption 2 Mission

Group: Chapter 6 - Beaver Hollow

Category: Story Mission

You can start this mission after completing the Just a Social Call mission. To do this, talk to Reverend Swanson. You will find him in your camp in the Beaver Hollow camp.

Your conversation will be interrupted by Dutch who wants to talk to you and after a while Charles and Eagle Flies will appear in the camp. The son of the chief will ask for help in recovering the horses stolen by the army and Dutch will gladly agree to help him.

Eagle Flies and the gang launch a raid on an army boat, to reclaim horses stolen from the Wapiti Reservation.

Gold Medal Checklist

  • Knock out 2 soldiers on the boat
  • Round up the horses and reach shore within 1 minute 30 seconds

Related points of interest

Icon of Beaver Hollow Beaver Hollow World Map

Prior missions

To begin A Rage Unleashed you must first complete Just a Social Call.

Objectives of A Rage Unleashed

1. Mount your horse / Follow Eagle Flies

Follow Eagle Flies to the place where he left the canoes. On the way Dutch will explain to Arthur why he so willingly agreed to help the chief's son.

Mount your horse / Follow Eagle Flies

When you get there, you will wait until nightfall and get into the canoes in order to get to the boat.

Mount your horse / Follow Eagle Flies

2. Paddle out to the boat / Paddle to the side of boat so the gang can climb aboard

Start paddling and follow the first canoe towards the boat.

Paddle out to the boat / Paddle to the side of boat so the gang can climb aboard

Wait for the guys in the first canoe to board the boat and then approach the boat from the side so you, Dutch and Charles can board it.

Paddle out to the boat / Paddle to the side of boat so the gang can climb aboard

Paddle out to the boat / Paddle to the side of boat so the gang can climb aboard

3. Subdue the soldiers

To earn the gold medal you have to knock out 2 soldiers on the boat. Approach the guard in front of you and knock him down.

Subdue the soldiers

Turn left and go a little bit forward. One of the soldiers will go outside to smoke a cigarette, turning his back on you. Go and knock him down. Don't worry about the soldier that stayed inside, Charles will take care of him.

Subdue the soldiers

After that, there are three other guards who play cards in front of the boat. You can shoot them now.

Subdue the soldiers

4. Wait for Dutch to get in the boat cabin / Release the anchor

Dutch will go to the wheelhouse and your job will be to release the anchor. Arthur will do it the only way he knows, he'll plant the dynamite and blast the anchor.

Wait for Dutch to get in the boat cabin / Release the anchor

Wait for Dutch to get in the boat cabin / Release the anchor

Unfortunately, Dutch also have no idea how to steer a boat and as a result you will crash into nearby rocks. Luckily you will be able to free all the horses in the hold.

Wait for Dutch to get in the boat cabin / Release the anchor

5. Catch and mount one of the three horses / Lead the horses to shore

To get the gold medal you have to return with the horses to the shore within 1 minute and 30 seconds.

Swim to one of the three horses and get on it and then head towards the shore. The other two horses will follow you.

Catch and mount one of the three horses / Lead the horses to shore

Catch and mount one of the three horses / Lead the horses to shore

Catch and mount one of the three horses / Lead the horses to shore

6. Wait for Dutch to tell the gang what to do

Wait a moment till everyone gets together. Dutch apparently wants to intensify the conflict between the army and the Indians.

Wait for Dutch to tell the gang what to do

Charles tries to convince Eagle Flies that this isn't the right way, but he doesn't listen to him. That is why Charles asks for Arthur's help. You can agree to help or not. If you agree, your honor will increase and the new mission marker for the Archeology for Beginners mission will appear on your map.

Wait for Dutch to tell the gang what to do

After completing A Rage Unleashed you will get or will be able to get Archeology for Beginners and Goodbye, Dear Friend.

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