Village of Vígshádhír
This village is that of the Anemen shádí, the clan of the "shadow spirits", a clan focused around rituals whose village is considered sacred by all the natives, in particular because its inhabitants are responsible for the abundant hunts of the entire island. Its name means "long shadows" perhaps because of the clan that inhabits it, or the many large trees that surround it.
This is the original village of the Tierna Harh Cadachtas, the mistress of wisdom.
Dúnosed Camp
The Doneia egsregaw have invested and rebuilt this ancient village which had been abandoned to serve as a secret camp. It is from this camp that they lead their attacks against the various bastions of the Bridge Alliance.
Course of the Great Hunt
It is on this path that the great hunt ritual takes place, the natives attach bells to keep the animals away because it is one of them who plays the role of the white Andrig, which the rest the village must chase for hunting to be abundant in the coming year.
The name of this sanctuary means "heart of trees" in native language. It is an important place of power and rituals where only the wisest doneigada can enter safely, because it is said the place is guarded…