GreedFall Game Guide
GreedFall is an action role-playing game developed by Spiders and published by Focus Home Interactive. The game is set in 17th century-styled fantasy setting. The player, alongside other settlers, mercenaries, and treasure hunters, explore a remote island where the locals, who are fighting off invading settlers, are protected by supernatural beings.
Official website:

World Map - The map of The Island of Teer Fradee. Subzones: Sérène, New Sérène, San-Matheus, Anemhaid - "The Fiery Soul", Dorgred - "The Heart's Gates", Glendgnámvár - "The Shore of the Tall Bones", Magasvár - "The Vale of the Great Battle", Steiger falág - "The Rocky Steps", Tír dob - "The Black Lands", Vedrad - "The Red Woods", Védvílvie, Wenshaganaw - "The Singing Waters", Cwenvár - "The Tall Trees", Meinei falág - "The Rocky Mounts".
16 x Subzone;

Sérène - Map of the entire city of Sérène, the starting area where the GreedFall prologue takes place. Quests, NPCs, enemies, interesting locations, places where the loot can be found, and other points of interest.
6 x NPC; 1 x Other location; 16 x Entrance; 4 x Enemies; 7 x Chest; 1 x Barrel; 37 x Crate; 2 x Others
New Sérène - The city of New Serene was founded around 5 years ago by Madame de Morange on the site of a small fort built by the Congregation shortly before. Ideally located in a cove where boats can anchor easily and halfway from cities on the two other nations of the island continent, this young city is constantly growing and teeming with new settlers.
5 x Entrance; 4 x NPC; 1 x Location; 4 x Travel; 2 x Caravan; 4 x Passage; 3 x Enemies; 8 x Ore; 10 x Herb; 9 x Mushrooms; 15 x Chest; 5 x Barrel; 51 x Crate; 2 x Others
Glendgnámvár - Glendgnámvár is a coastal region bordered by high granite cliffs located southeast of Teer Fradee. Whales sometimes approach, and their bones gave it its native name: the "Shore of the Tall bones".
1 x Merchant; 4 x Professor Serafeddin's Notes; 2 x Skill altar; 4 x Campsite; 2 x Location; 6 x Entrance; 3 x Passage; 7 x Chest; 4 x Travel; 1 x Caravan; 11 x Enemies; 4 x Crate; 3 x Others
Vedrad - Vedrad is a forested area north of New Serene. The species of trees with flaming foliage in this forest are probably at the origin of its native name: "the red woods".
1 x Professor Serafeddin's Notes; 2 x Skill Altar; 4 x Campsite; 6 x Location; 8 x Entrance; 7 x Passage; 5 x Travel; 26 x Herbs; 3 x Ore; 6 x Crate; 24 x Mushrooms; 13 x Enemies; 11 x Chest; 4 x Others
Magasvár - Magasvár is a region with varied landscapes, rocky in the North and East, and marshy in the West. The ancient ruins which witnessed legendary clashes gave it its native name: the "Valley of great combat".
3 x Professor Serafeddin's Notes; 3 x Skill Altar; 5 x Campsite; 1 x Location; 7 x Entrance; 7 x Chest; 10 x Enemies; 5 x Travel; 2 x Herbs; 5 x Others
Wenshaganaw - Wenshaganaw is a coastal region crossed by a river. The local inhabitants, very in touch with the sea and the water, named it "the singing waters" for this reason.
3 x Campsite; 3 x Skill altar; 4 x Travel; 10 x Others
Region of Hikmet - The Hikmet area is on the east side of the island, where at the mouth of a river the settlers of the Bridge Alliance set foot on Teer Fradee for the first time and founded their city.
3 x Campsite; 2 x NPC; 2 x Location; 11 x Enemies; 2 x Passage; 2 x Travel; 1 x Caravan; 10 x Chest; 4 x Crate; 33 x Herbs; 1 x Ore; 8 x Mushrooms; 3 x Others
San Matheus - The region of San Matheus lies to the west of Teer Fradee. Thélème built its city in a cove to anchor ships, and as far as possible from the city of their enemies of the Bridge Alliance.
4 x NPC; 13 x Entrance; 1 x De Sardet Residence; 1 x Merchant; 1 x Crafting Table; 2 x Campsite; 1 x Caravan; 2 x Travel;
Frasoneigad - Frasoneigad is a particularly wild forest area inhabited only by the most isolationist natives, or by those who want to hide. They named it the "forest of the ancients" because of the venerable age of the trees found there.
1 x NPC; 2 x Skill altar; 5 x Campsite; 6 x Entrance; 2 x Travel; 26 x Others
Tír dob - Tír dob is a region whose land in many places still bears the mark of the terrible fire that ravaged it; this dark colour is at the origin of its name "the black lands".
1 x NPC; 1 x Skill altar; 3 x Campsite; 1 x Location; 7 x Entrance; 5 x Travel;
Védvílvie - Although few natives live in these swamps, Vedvílvie is a region inhabited by many animals and wild creatures, which are the origin of its name: the "swamp of a thousand lives".
1 x Entrance; 3 x Campsite; 1 x Travel;
Steiger falág - Steiger falág is a rocky region at the foot of the mountain range dominated by the huge volcano in the heart of the island.
1 x Professor Serafeddin's Notes; 1 x Skill altar; 2 x Campsite; 2 x Entrance; 3 x Travel; 6 x Enemies; 1 x Crate; 1 x Others
Meinei falág - Meinei falág is a steep area on the slopes of the mountain that gave it its name: the "rocky mountains".
1 x Campsite; 1 x Travel;
Dorgred - Dorgred is a small area that lies around a mountain lake and is located near the main sanctuary of Teer Fradee, which gave it its name: the "doors of the heart".
8 x Others
Cwenvár - Cwenvár is a forested and rather isolated valley whose tall trees are particularly popular with carpenters from the mainland and are the source of its native name.
1 x Entrance; 4 x Campsite; 2 x Travel;
Anemhaid - This small region is accessible only to the kings and queens of Teer Fradee or those willing to pass the many trials that grant access to the sanctuary hidden in the heart of the volcano.
1 x Entrance; 1 x Campsite; 1 x Crafting Table; 1 x Travel;
Recently added or updated Quests
Here is a list of recently added or modified quests. To see the full list of quests, follow this link - List of GreedFall Quests.
Name / Title | Category | Description |
The dead man's voice | Constantin's fate | You will receive this quest automatically when you complete the Searching for Constantin quest. According to the information you got from the soldier, you should visit the rebel natives' camp. |
Searching for Constantin | Constantin's fate | To begin this quest, return to the governor's palace in New Sérène after completing The trial of the waters quest. You will find out that Constantin and Catasach went out of town and disappeared. |
On the high king's trail | A cure for malichor | To begin this quest, return to the governor's palace in New Sérène after completing The trial of the waters quest. You will find out that Constantin and Catasach went out of town and disappeared. |
Inquisition | The children of Teer Fradee | To start this quest, read the Letter from the secretary of the embassy you will find at some point in the game at the entrance to the De Sardet Residence in San-Matheus. |
Promises set in stone | Siora's quests | You will receive this quest automatically, shortly after completing the Find Queen Bládnid quest. Use the quick travel option and it should appear in your journal. |
Find Queen Bládnid | Siora's quests | You can start this quest by talking to Siora after completing The Battle of the Red Spears quest. |
The trial of the waters | A cure for malichor | You will receive this quest automatically when you complete two other main quests: The suffering of Constantin and In pursuit of the tierna harh cadachtas. |
In pursuit of the tierna harh cadachtas | A cure for malichor | You will receive this quest automatically when you reach the Roots' Passage at the end of the Quest for a panacea quest. You need to find a way to open it. |
The suffering of Constantin | Constantin's fate | Constantin is getting sicker and sicker and needs medical help to reduce his suffering. Your companions will tell you where you can seek help which will result in three possibilities. |
Treason! | The coup d'état | This quest will start automatically when you complete The prince's secret quest. Kurt and some Coin Guard soldiers will come to the chamber. Depending on your relationship with Kurt, he will want to kill Constantin or he will reveal to you the plans of his commander and he will decide to help you. |
To see the full list of quests, follow this link - List of GreedFall Quests.