All Legendary Chest Locations - God of War Ragnarök
In God of War Ragnarök you can find 60+ Legendary Chests, 53 of which must be found to complete all realms at 100%. None of these 53 chests can be missed. They are large gold chests and always contain some sort of reward.
Note: Legendary chests from the Atreus story sections that are not needed for 100% completion can be missed but in that case you can buy the items contained in them from the blacksmith's store.
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #1)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #2)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #3)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Barrens #1)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Barrens #2)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Barrens #3)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Below)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Burrows #1)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Burrows)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Forbidden Sands #1)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Forbidden Sands #2)
- Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Strönd)
- Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)
- Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)
- Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)
- Helheim Legendary Chest (Shipyard of the Fallen)
- Helheim Legendary Chest (The Gleaming Bale)
- Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Idi's Sinkhole)
- Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Ironwood)
- Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Vimur River)
- Midgard Legendary Chest
- Midgard Legendary Chest (Lake of Nine)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (Raider Hideout)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (Raiders Stronghold)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (The Derelict Outpost)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (The Lost Treasury)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (The Oarsmen)
- Midgard Legendary Chest (Well of Urd)
- Muspelheim Legendary Chest (Burning Cliffs)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (Frozen Caverns)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #1)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #2)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #3)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #4)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #5)
- Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #6)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Hollow #1)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Hollow #2)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Island)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Althjof's Rig)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Aurvangar Wetlands)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Jarnsmida Pitmines)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Lyngbakr Island)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Modvitnir's Rig)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Myrkr Tunnels)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Nidavellir)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Applecore #2)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Applecore)
- Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Forge)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Cliffside Ruins)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #1)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #2)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Noatun's Garden)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Pilgrim's Landing)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #1)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #2)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #3)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #1)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #2)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Plains)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Southern Wilds)
- Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Vanir Shrine)
All known locations on the map Midgard
Midgard Legendary Chest▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Sonic Aftershock (Accessory). You can open this chest during the main mission "Old Friends", after the meeting with Freya.
Midgard Legendary Chest (Lake of Nine)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Lion's Roar Sauroter (Draupnir Spear Handle). To access this chest you must have the Draupnir Spear and use it to destroy the ice rock.
Midgard Legendary Chest (Raider Hideout)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Tartarus Rage (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack). It's in the "Raider Hideout" cave.
Midgard Legendary Chest (Raiders Stronghold)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Cyclone of Chaos (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). This chest is in the "Raiders Stronghold" area.
Midgard Legendary Chest (The Derelict Outpost)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Ivaldi's Anvil (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack).
Midgard Legendary Chest (The Lost Treasury)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Sigil Punishment (Accessory). To get to this chest you must start by moving the large shield covering the entrance to the right. Then you will be able to climb up it to the right side.
Being at the top, throw your axe at the red jar. This will unlock the passage to the other side. You can try to move the column that has fallen over, but this will not yet have the desired effect.
Return to the bottom and move the shield to the left and then climb up after it to the left side.
Go to the other (right) side and move forward the column that has fallen. It will now reach the target position.
Return to the ground and try to move the shield to the right again. The protruding column will make it stop in a position that allows access to the gate.
Use the wheel to open the gate. Then throw an axe at one of the gears on either side of the gate to freeze it. Use the sigil arrow to extend the freeze and recall your axe. Quickly toss your axe at the wheel on the other side to freeze it as well, and quickly, before the power of the sigil arrow expires, enter the cave.
To leave the cave, destroy the chain lock.
Midgard Legendary Chest (The Oarsmen)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil. This legendary chest is located in the same room as the Mystic Gate but on the other side of the cleft so to get to it you must first go outside and walk around.
To do so, you must climb up the stone wall.
Keep walking ahead until you reach a large chain. This will reveal a hidden passage to the part where the chest is located.
You can then go down the stairs and open the chest.
Midgard Legendary Chest (Well of Urd)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rond of Purification (Shield Attachment). The chest is behind in a small room hidden behind a stone slab that you have to smash.
All known locations on the map Svartalfheim
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Hollow #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Muspelpheim Seed Half (Key Item). You will be able to get here only after you acquire the Draupnir Spear. Use the bomb you find nearby to get rid of the ore blocking access to the chest.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Hollow #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: 1x Folkvangr Whetstone, 5000 Hacksilver. Getting this chest open is one of the objectives of "The Lost Treasure" favor.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Alberich Island)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil, 30x Whispering Slab, 45000 Hacksilver. It is also a chest the opening of which is an objective of "The Lost Treasure" favor. To get here you need the Draupnir Spear.
Once you reach this island, use your spear to blow up one of the rocks.
Then pull the chain and throw the axe at the gear wheel to freeze it.
Go to the wooden platform and use the spear to destroy the rock obscuring the geyser.
Return to the chain, recall the axe, pull the chain and throw the axe to freeze the geyser.
Jump onto the elevator platform and recall your axe. The elevator will move upwards.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Althjof's Rig)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Njörd's Tempest (Leviatan Axe - Light Runic Attack) . To reach this chest you first need to reach the room where the "Passion" scroll is located. Check its description to learn how to get there.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Aurvangar Wetlands)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Deadly Obsidian Handles (Blades of Chaos Attachment). To get to this chest you must sail your boat to the small pond at the back, step out of the boat there and climb up the rocks.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Jarnsmida Pitmines)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Pommels of the Undying Spark (Blades of Chaos Attachment). To get to this chest you must use the giant crane that is located here.
When you reach the higher level, move the waterway located there. By doing so, you will cause the giant crane to start rotating and the stone block that hangs from it will move towards you.
When it stops, climb onto the stone block.
Then throw your axe at the end of the waterway to freeze the water. This will cause the crane to return to its original position.
When the crane stops, jump off the stone block to the hill where the chest is.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Lyngbakr Island)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rönd of Aggravation (Shield Attachment), 5x Whispering Slab. You will reach this chest when you cut off all three binding ropes of Lyngbakr, that is, during the favor "The Weight of Chains".
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Modvitnir's Rig)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Muspelpheim Seed Half (Key Item). You will pass this chest on your way to the Modvitnir's Rig platform.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Myrkr Tunnels)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Fog of Fimbulwinter (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). You visit this place during the main mission "Forging Destiny".
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (Nidavellir)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Luminous Recovery Handles (Blades of Chaos Attachment). To get here you need the Draupnir Spear, which you will acquire later in the game's main storyline.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Applecore #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Banahogg Knob (Leviathan Axe Attachment). This chest is hidden in a secret room. You can't get to it during your first visit to this place because you don't have the right skill. It will be possible when you return here later.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Applecore)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Fortified Frost Knob (Leviathan Axe Attachment). It's in the same room as the "Svartalfheim Draugr Hole (The Applecore)". You can enter this room through a large door located near the "Things Left Behind 6/6 - Durinn's Stone Statue" artifact.
Svartalfheim Legendary Chest (The Forge)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Atlas Eruption (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack).
All known locations on the map Alfheim
Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Hades Retribution (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). To get here, you must turn right off the main path at some point and go down to a lower level twice.
Here there is a passage that will allow you to reach this legendary chest, the "Alfheim Odin's Raven (Temple of Light #1)", and the "The Bifröst Bridge" lore scroll.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Hilt of Gram (Relic). To get here you must go through the gate located under the main path.
Grab the chain and pull it to lift the mirror to the very top. Then throw your axe at the mirror so that it bounces and gets stuck in the white marble. Then release the chain, everything will return to its original position, and then recall your axe. The axe returning to you should hit and destroy the lock holding the cage with the legendary chest which will cause the cage to drop down.
Go down and take the contents of the chest.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (Temple of Light #3)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rune-Engraved Release (Accessory). To get to this chest you must swing a large stone hanging on a rope and then throw your axe at its wall made of Twilight Stone. The axe will bounce and destroy the crystal, making the light barrier disappear.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Barrens #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Gauntlets of Radiance (Wrist Armour).
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Barrens #3)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rönd of Affliction (Shield Attachment). You need to position yourself near the connection at the bottom and throw your axe at the twilight stone. When the axe cuts two connections then call it back to you and then when it is coming back to you it should cut the connection near which you are standing.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Below)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Shoulder Straps of Radiance (Chest Armor). Underground, in "The Below" area. You will walk past this chest on your way back to the surface during the "Secret of the Sands" favor.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Burrows #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Hel's Touch (Leviathan Axe - Light Runic Attack). Underground, in "The Burrows" area. In the cave, on the way to Hafgufa, you must throw an axe at the twilight stone so that it destroys the obstacle obstructing the point that allows climbing.
The climbing route thus opened will enable you to reach the rock shelf in the upper part of the cave where you will find the chest.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Burrows)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Nemean Crush (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack). Underground, in "The Burrows" area. This one is the room you will reach after destroying the Halgufa's bindings.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Forbidden Sands #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Hardened War Handles (Blades of Chaos Attachment). In order to access this chest you need to cut three joints at the same time and thus remove the roots that stand in your way. To do this, you must clear one of the twilight stones from the vines that overgrow it, position both twilight stones accordingly and make an axe throw.
To get rid of the vines you must use sigil arrows and the blades of chaos.
Alfheim Legendary Chest (The Strönd)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Skadi's Edge (Leviatan Axe - Light Runic Attack). Just few steps after you came across the twilight stones for the first time, jump down and enter the small cave. This is the same cave where the "Kvasir's Poems 5/14 - Afterlife Abandonment" artifact is.
All known locations on the map Jötunheim
Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Idi's Sinkhole)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Runic Potency (Accessory).
Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Ironwood)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Rampaging Ibex (Runic Summon).
Jötunheim Legendary Chest (Vimur River)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Runestone Refinement (Accessory). Approach the wooden structure on the other side of the river and climb up the wooden structure. Then jump over the water by hooking up to the grappling hook above.
All known locations on the map Vanaheim
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Cliffside Ruins)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Mist of Helheim (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To get to this chest you must cross The Veiled Passage.
To get rid of the ore preventing you from jumping down to the level where the chest is, you must lower the bridge, cross to the other side and properly shoot three sigil arrows. With their help you will be able to blast the red jar standing at the bottom.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: 500x Divine Ashes. In order to get to this chest you must own the Draupnir Spear. With it you will be able to blow the rock that blocks access to the chest.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Leviathan's Roar (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To reach this chest you will need the Draupnir Spear. Use the spear to smash the pillar and climb to the top of the wooden structure and then proceed to the chest.
To be able to climb up you have to blow up this pillar.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Noatun's Garden)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil. To get to this chest you must first get to the bridge located slightly to the north. You can do this by proceeding from the "River Delta" boat dock. Then use the sigil arrows and set fire to the vines.
When you burn the vines then throw an axe at the lock on the chain on which hangs the counterweight for the gate to the room where the chest is.
Go to the garden area, preferably slide down the rope there located on the other side of the bridge and enter the room with the chest through the gate that opened.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Pilgrim's Landing)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Grip of the Fallen Alchemist (Leviathan Axe Attachment).
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rönd of Restoration (Shield Attachment). To get here you need to use the crane that stands nearby. If you rotate it properly you will be able to jump close to the shack with legendary chest inside. You can only enter the shack from behind.
To do this, turn left and follow the path until you reach Draugr Hole. When you kill the enemies you come across there, you will be able to enter the small passage.
The exit from the tunnel is at the back of the shack with the chest.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Shattered Star Shield (Shield). In order to approach this chest safely, you must first throw your axe and freeze the plant that generates the dangerous purple aura.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #3)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Helios Flare (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). To get to this chest you must first get rid of the stone pillar preventing the crane from being rotated. To do this, enter the small room next to the column.
There you should be able to hook up to the column and bring it down.
When the column is no longer a problem then rotate the crane so that you can jump from one platform to another. Hook over to the other side.
Proceed to the platform opposite the one with the chest on it. Position the crane so that you can hook up to the grappling point and jump to the other side.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Whisper of the World (Draupnir Spear - Light Runic Attack).
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil. You can spot this chest much earlier, through the closed gate, but you will only get here through the Round Hole, that is, after restoring the water in the rivers and traversing almost the entire jungle.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Plains)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Honour The Fallen (Draupnir Spear - Heavy Runic Attack).
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Southern Wilds)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Wrath of the Frost Ancient (Leviathan Axe - Light Runic Attack). You will get to the chest through a small passage.
Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Vanir Shrine)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Rampage of the Furies (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). To open the gate and get to this chest, you must walk to the back of the rocks, burn the vines covering the crack in the rocks and, through the opening, throw an axe at the lock on the chain.
All known locations on the map Helheim
Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Onslaught Shield (Shield). You will reach this place after the first fight with Garm. If you do not open this chest just go forward then this shield can be bought later at any shop.
Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Wrath of the Wolf (Runic Summon).
Helheim Legendary Chest (Docks of Vadgelmir)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Falling Sky (Bow Ability).
Helheim Legendary Chest (Shipyard of the Fallen)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Thrust of a Thousand Soldiers (Draupnir Spear - Light Runic Attack).
Helheim Legendary Chest (The Gleaming Bale)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Tame the Beast (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack).
All known locations on the map Muspelheim
All known locations on the map Niflheim
Niflheim Legendary Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Nocked Proficiency (Accessory). This chest is located on the top level of the prison but to get to it you will have to go down to the lower levels first.
Using the chains that you find on the lower levels, you must position the spears in such a way that, using one of them, you will be able to jump to a level with a chest from the level below.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (Frozen Caverns)▶ show the map ◀
It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Bitter Squirrel (Runic Summon).
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #1)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Girdle of Raven Tears (Waist Armor). To open this chest you must kill 6 Odin's Ravens.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #2)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Bracers of Raven Tears (Wrist Armor). To open this chest you must kill 12 Odin's Ravens.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #3)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Cuirass of Raven Tears (Chest Armor). To open this chest you must kill 18 Odin's Ravens.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #4)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Breath of Thamur (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To open this chest you must kill 28 Odin's Ravens.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #5)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: Meteoric Slam (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack).
To open this chest you must kill 38 Odin's Ravens.
Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #6)▶ show the map ◀
Contains: The Finger of Ruin (Draupnir Spear - Heavy Runic Attack) To open this chest you must kill 48 Odin's Ravens.