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Muspelheim - God of War Ragnarök Map

An interactive map of Muspelheim, one of the realms we explore in God of War Ragnarök. This map shows all the locations you need to visit to complete this realm at 100%, as well as other locations with interesting items, etc.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Muspelheim" map.

Icon of Final Trials Final Trials Endurance Challenge: (Rampage + Health Steal) Survive. Surtr's Scorched Cuirass, 2x Glowing Embers, 1x Blazing Embers, 3x Smouldering Embers, 1000 Divine Ashes, 20000 Hacksilver Phantom Challenge (Kill Fuse + Rampage): Defeat all enemies. Surtr's Scorched Girdle, 1x Glowing Embers, 2x Smouldering Embers, 3x Blazing Embers, 1000 Divine Ashes, 20000 Hacksilver Boss Rush Challenge (Kill Fuse + Health Steal) Defeat a series of challenging enemies.Rewards: Muspelheim's Essence (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Glowing Embers, 3x Blazing Embers, 1x Smouldering Embers, 1000 Divine Ashes, 20000 Hacksilver. Shield Breaker Challenge: (Rampage + Kill Fuse) Kill grunts to break the Elite enemy's shield. Rewards: Muspelheim's Force (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Blazing Embers, 3x Smouldering Embers, 1x Glowing Embers, 1000x Divine Ashes, 20000 Hacksilver. Ring of Fire Challenge: (Health Steal + Rampage). Stay within the ring. Rewards: Surtr's Scorched Arm (Wrist Armor), 1x Blazing embers, 2x Smouldering Embers, 3x Glowing Embers, 1000x Divine Ashes, 20000 Hacksilver. Onslaught Challenge (Health Steal + Kill Fuse). Survive until the time elapses. Rewards: Muspelheim's Endurance (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Blazing Embers, 1x Smouldering Embers, 3x Glowing Embers, 1000x Divine Ashes, Hacksilver.

Icon of Other Other Drops: Falcons' Dive (Runic Summon)

Icon of Start (Atreus) Start (Atreus) This is where you show up when you arrive on Muspelheim for the first time, playing as Atreus.

Icon of The Final Challenges The Final Challenges When you complete the first six challenges, a new sword will appear in the middle of the arena, near the Nornir chest. When you try to interact with it this favor will show up in your journal.

Icon of Trial: Health Steal Trial: Health Steal Take constant damage, but recover health by dealing damage. Rewards: Blazing Embers, 250x Divine Ashes, 2x Luminous Alloy, 2500 Hacksilver.

Icon of Trial: Kill Fuse Trial: Kill Fuse Rapidly kill enemies to increase the timer. Rewards: Glowing Embers, 250 Divine Ashes, 6x Petrified Bone, 2500 Hacksilver.

Icon of Trial: Rampage Trial: Rampage Defeat at least 20 enemies within the time limit. Rewards: Smouldering Embers, 250x Divine Ashes, 4x Asgardian Ingot.

Icon of Trials: Population Control & King of the Hill Trials: Population Control & King of the Hill Here you can complete one of two initial trials: Population Control & King of the Hill. After completing the first one, you will receive the Girdle of Undying Pyres (Waist Armour). In addition, for each of the trials you will receive: 250x Divine Ashes, 1000 Hacksilver.

Icon of Trials: Ring Out Challenge & Feed the Rift Trials: Ring Out Challenge & Feed the Rift Here you can complete one of two initial trials: Ring Out Challenge & Feed the Rift. After completing the first one, you will receive the Bracers of Undying Pyres (Wrist Armor). In addition, for each of the trials you will receive: 250x Divine Ashes, 1000 Hacksilver.

Icon of Trials: Weapon Mastery & Flawless Trials: Weapon Mastery & Flawless Here you can complete one of two initial trials: Weapon Mastery & Flawless. After completing the first one, you will receive the Shoulder Guard of Undying Pyres (Chest Armor). In addition, for each of the trials you will receive: 250x Divine Ashes, 1000 Hacksilver.

Mystic GatewaysMystic Gateways

Mystic Gateways act as fast travel points in God of War Ragnarök. By interacting with such a waygate you will be able to travel to other waygates available at the current stage of the game.

Icon of Burning Cliffs Burning Cliffs

Icon of The Crucible The Crucible This gateway will be activated when you find the two halves of the key - Muspelpheim Seed Half 1/2 and Muspelpheim Seed Half 2/2.

Odin's RavensOdin's Ravens

You must find all the Odin's Ravens to complete the "Eyes of Odin" favor. When you find one of Odin's Ravens, you need to destroy it with one of your weapons. Once you've destroyed enough of them (6/12/18/28/38/48), return to the Raven Tree in Niflheim to open the unlocked legendary chest and receive rewards for doing that.

Icon of Muspelheim Odin's Raven (Burning Cliffs) Muspelheim Odin's Raven (Burning Cliffs)

Icon of Muspelheim Odin's Raven (Surtr's Forge) Muspelheim Odin's Raven (Surtr's Forge)


Icon of Valhalla Rises Valhalla Rises This rune read does not appear until you've completed the main story of the game.

Legendary ChestsLegendary Chests

You can find 60+ Legendary Chests in God of War Ragnarök, 53 of which must be found to complete all realms at 100%. None of these 53 chests can be missed. They are large gold chests and always contain some sort of reward.

Icon of Muspelheim Legendary Chest (Burning Cliffs) Muspelheim Legendary Chest (Burning Cliffs) Contains: 1000x Divine Ashes.

Nornir ChestsNornir Chests

Icon of Muspelheim Nornir Chest (Burning Cliffs) Muspelheim Nornir Chest (Burning Cliffs) To unlock this chest you must light three braziers. The first one is located on the rocks behind the chest and you just need to get close enough to it.

Icon of Muspelheim Nornir Chest (The Crucible) Muspelheim Nornir Chest (The Crucible) Contains: Chaos Flame. To unlock this chest you must complete the initial 6 trials: Trials: Weapon Mastery & Flawless / Trials: Ring Out Challenge & Feed the Rift / Trials: Population Control & King of the Hill.

Remnants of AsgardRemnants of Asgard

The Remnants of Asgard will become available when the main storyline of the game is completed. After the credits the favor "The Last Remnants of Asgard" should appear in your journal. Your task is to find the remnants scattered throughout the realms and destroy the Einherjar guards in the area.

Icon of Muspelheim Remnants of Asgard (Burning Cliffs) Muspelheim Remnants of Asgard (Burning Cliffs)

Nine Realms in BloomNine Realms in Bloom

Nine Realms in Bloom. Collecting all nine flowers is the objective of the "Nine Realms in Bloom" favor. This favor appears in your journal when you find the first of the flowers. The flowers are located in places you will reach in the later stages of the game and some of them you will be able to collect only after completing the main storyline of the game. Once you collect all nine flowers, you will unlock "The Florist" trophy.

Icon of Ashpetal (Muspelheim) Ashpetal (Muspelheim)

Major EnemiesMajor Enemies

Icon of Flame Phantom Flame Phantom You will fight this battle on your second visit to this realm. Drops: Vindsvalr's Windstorm (Draupnir Spear Heavy Runic Attack), Frozen Flame, 40x Shattered Rune, 1x Petrified Bone, 1x Luminous Alloy, 25x Bonded Leather, 1x Asgardian Ingot.

Icon of Gna Gna

Icon of Hrist & Mist Hrist & Mist Drops: Gale Flame.

Icon of Soul Eater Soul Eater Drops: Boon of Fury (Amulet Enchantment), Chaos Flame, 25x Shattered Rune, 5x Bonded Leather, 507 Hacksilver.

100% Realm Completion List - Muspelheim

List of all sub-regions of the map of Muspelheim with all the collectibles needed to complete the map at 100%.

  • Burning Cliffs - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Legendary Chests, 1x Lore, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Remnants of Asgard.
  • Surtr's Forge - 1x Odin's Ravens.
  • The Crucible - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Nine Realms in Bloom, 15x Crucible Challenges, 1x Defend Your Valour.

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