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Vanaheim - God of War Ragnarök Map

An interactive map of Vanaheim, one of the realms we explore in God of War Ragnarök. This map shows all the locations you need to visit to complete this realm at 100%, as well as other locations with interesting items, etc.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Vanaheim" map.

Icon of Glaive of Dodher Glaive of Dodher It drops from Fiske, whom you must defeat during the main quest "The Reckoning". Effect: "Throw a Bifrost chakram that swerves into enemies." Upgrades increase the number of chakrams thrown.

Icon of Hilt of Hofud Hilt of Hofud Drops from Gulltoppr & Heimdall. Effect: "Distort space and time by creating a Realm Shift." Upgrades increase the duration of this effect.

Icon of Hilt of Hrotti Hilt of Hrotti Drops from Vali the Oath Guard. Effect: "Applies a mark to nearby enemies. Attacking a marked enemy reduces Runic Cooldowns of the equipped weapon.Killing a marked enemy grants a Blessing of Runic." Upgrades increase the duration of the mark.

Icon of Wishing Well Wishing Well

Mystic GatewaysMystic Gateways

Mystic Gateways act as fast travel points in God of War Ragnarök. By interacting with such a waygate you will be able to travel to other waygates available at the current stage of the game.

Icon of Crater Entrance Crater Entrance To get here you must complete the "Scent of Survival" favor.

Icon of Eastern Plains Eastern Plains

Icon of Freyr's Camp Freyr's Camp

Icon of River Delta River Delta

Icon of Sinkholes Entrance Sinkholes Entrance

Icon of The Abandoned Village The Abandoned Village This mystic waygate will be unlocked when you complete the game's main storyline and then talk to Ratatoskr.

Icon of The Jungle The Jungle

Icon of The Jungle The Jungle

Icon of The Overgrown Tower The Overgrown Tower

Icon of The Sinkholes The Sinkholes

Icon of The Southern Wilds The Southern Wilds

Icon of Western Plains Western Plains

Jewels of YggdrasilJewels of Yggdrasil

Finding all Jewels of Yggdrasil is required to fully repair the Amulet of Yggdrasil. Initially the amulet has only 2 of 9 slots unlocked, each jewel allows you to unlock an additional slot. In total, you can find 7 jewels.

Icon of Jewel of Yggdrasil (Vanaheim #1) Jewel of Yggdrasil (Vanaheim #1) You can find it inside the Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Noatun's Garden).

Icon of Jewel of Yggdrasil (Vanaheim #2) Jewel of Yggdrasil (Vanaheim #2) You can find it inside the Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #2).

Yggdrasil RiftsYggdrasil Rifts

Icon of Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (River Delta) Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (River Delta)

Icon of Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #1) Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #1) Contains: Lindwyrm, Gale Spark, 60x Dust of Realms, 3x Lindwyrm Scales, 5000 Hacksilver.

Icon of Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #2) Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #2) Contains: Lindwyrm, Gale Flame, 100x Dust of Realms (Unique Resource), 4x Lindwyrm Scale (Unique Resource), 10000 Hacksilver.

Icon of Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #3) Vanaheim Yggdrasil Rift (The Plains #3) You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River". Drops: 30x Dust of Realms (Unique Resource), 4x Petrified Bone, 2x Luminous Alloy, 6x Asgardian Ingot, 7500 Hacksilver.

Key ItemsKey Items

Icon of Bantam Melon Bantam Melon This is one of the ingredients you need to find to complete the favor "Across the Realms".

Icon of Mysterious Orb Mysterious Orb The item that Lunda will ask you to find in "The Mysterious Orb" favor.

Celestial AltarsCelestial Altars

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Icon of Celestial Altar Celestial Altar

Treasure MapsTreasure Maps

Icon of A Scar is Born A Scar is Born You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of The Giant's Toes The Giant's Toes After finding this treasure map you will be able to find the buried treasure - The Giant's Toes (Treasure).

Icon of Under the Rainbow Under the Rainbow After finding this treasure map you will be able to find the buried treasure - Under the Rainbow (Treasure).

Buried TreasuresBuried Treasures

Icon of A Scar is Born (Treasure) A Scar is Born (Treasure) Contains: Asgard's Justice (Amulet Enchantment), 75x Shattered Rune, 4x Petrified Bone, 4x Luinous Alloy, 4x Asgardian Ingot.

Icon of The Giant's Toes (Treasure) The Giant's Toes (Treasure) Contains: Vanaheim's Power (Amulet Enchantment), 10x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 1x Stonewood, 1x Dwarven Steel, 1x Honed Metal. To be able to pick up this treasure you must first find a treasure map - The Giant's Toes. The treasure is buried just behind the mystic waygate.

Icon of Under the Rainbow (Treasure) Under the Rainbow (Treasure) Contains: Nilfheim's Virtue (Amulet Enchantment), 10x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 1x Stonewood, 1x Dwarven Steel, 1x Honed Metal. To be able to pick up this treasure you must first find a treasure map - Under the Rainbow.

Draugr HolesDraugr Holes

Icon of Vanaheim Draugr Hole (The Abandoned Village) Vanaheim Draugr Hole (The Abandoned Village) Drops: Chaos Spark, 40x Dust of Realms, 3x Sovereign Coals , 2500 Hacksilver. To get here you need to use the crane that stands nearby. If you turn it properly then you will be able to jump to the other side. Then turn left and walk ahead and after a while you will reach your destination.

Icon of Vanaheim Draugr Hole (The Plains) Vanaheim Draugr Hole (The Plains) Drops: Chaos Flame, 100x Dust of Realms, 4x Sovereign Coals, 10000 Hacksilver. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Yggdrasil's DewYggdrasil's Dew

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Cooldown Yggdrasil's Dew of Cooldown Permanently increases COOLDOWN by 2.

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Defence Yggdrasil's Dew of Defence Permanently increases DEFENCE by 2.

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Luck Yggdrasil's Dew of Luck Permanently increases LUCK by 2.

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Strength Yggdrasil's Dew of Strength Permanently increases STRENGTH by 2. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Vitality Yggdrasil's Dew of Vitality Permanently increases VITALITY by 2. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Yggdrasil's Dew of Vitality Yggdrasil's Dew of Vitality Permanently increases VITALITY by 2.

Odin's RavensOdin's Ravens

You must find all the Odin's Ravens to complete the "Eyes of Odin" favor. When you find one of Odin's Ravens, you need to destroy it with one of your weapons. Once you've destroyed enough of them (6/12/18/28/38/48), return to the Raven Tree in Niflheim to open the unlocked legendary chest and receive rewards for doing that.

Icon of Vahaheim Odin's Raven (Goddess Falls) Vahaheim Odin's Raven (Goddess Falls)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (Eastern Barri Woods) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (Eastern Barri Woods)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (Freyr's Camp) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (Freyr's Camp) This raven sits on a tree branch. You will spot it after you leave the camp.

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (River Delta #1) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (River Delta #1) You can throw an axe at this raven while standing on the islet where the legendary chest is located.

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (River Delta #2) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (River Delta #2)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Abandoned Village) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Abandoned Village) You will pass this way while chasing the Einhejar Thief during the mission "Creatures of Prophecy".

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Jungle) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Jungle)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #1) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #1)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #2) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #2)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #3) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #3)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #4) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #4)

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #5) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Plains #5) This raven is in a pit in the ground located in the western part of the arena where you fought the dragon.

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Sinkholes) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Sinkholes) You will shoot it in the platform on which you fought The Ash Tyrant. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Southern Wilds) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Southern Wilds) This raven is flying around here. At the right moment, throw your axe towards it.

Icon of Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Veiled Passage) Vanaheim Odin's Raven (The Veiled Passage)

Legendary ChestsLegendary Chests

You can find 60+ Legendary Chests in God of War Ragnarök, 53 of which must be found to complete all realms at 100%. None of these 53 chests can be missed. They are large gold chests and always contain some sort of reward.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Cliffside Ruins) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Cliffside Ruins) Contains: Mist of Helheim (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To get to this chest you must cross The Veiled Passage.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #1) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #1) Contains: 500x Divine Ashes. In order to get to this chest you must own the Draupnir Spear. With it you will be able to blow the rock that blocks access to the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #2) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Freyr's Camp #2) Contains: Leviathan's Roar (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To reach this chest you will need the Draupnir Spear. Use the spear to smash the pillar and climb to the top of the wooden structure and then proceed to the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Noatun's Garden) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Noatun's Garden) Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil. To get to this chest you must first get to the bridge located slightly to the north. You can do this by proceeding from the "River Delta" boat dock. Then use the sigil arrows and set fire to the vines.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Pilgrim's Landing) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Pilgrim's Landing) Contains: Grip of the Fallen Alchemist (Leviathan Axe Attachment).

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #1) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #1) Contains: Rönd of Restoration (Shield Attachment). To get here you need to use the crane that stands nearby. If you rotate it properly you will be able to jump close to the shack with legendary chest inside. You can only enter the shack from behind.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #2) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #2) Contains: Shattered Star Shield (Shield). In order to approach this chest safely, you must first throw your axe and freeze the plant that generates the dangerous purple aura.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #3) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Abandoned Village #3) Contains: Helios Flare (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). To get to this chest you must first get rid of the stone pillar preventing the crane from being rotated. To do this, enter the small room next to the column.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #1) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #1) Contains: Whisper of the World (Draupnir Spear - Light Runic Attack).

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #2) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Jungle #2) Contains: Jewel of Yggdrasil. You can spot this chest much earlier, through the closed gate, but you will only get here through the Round Hole, that is, after restoring the water in the rivers and traversing almost the entire jungle.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Plains) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Plains) Contains: Honour The Fallen (Draupnir Spear - Heavy Runic Attack).

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Southern Wilds) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (The Southern Wilds) Contains: Wrath of the Frost Ancient (Leviathan Axe - Light Runic Attack). You will get to the chest through a small passage.

Icon of Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Vanir Shrine) Vanaheim Legendary Chest (Vanir Shrine) Contains: Rampage of the Furies (Blades of Chaos - Light Runic Attack). To open the gate and get to this chest, you must walk to the back of the rocks, burn the vines covering the crack in the rocks and, through the opening, throw an axe at the lock on the chain.


Icon of Abandoned Abandoned

Icon of Anything I Can Do Anything I Can Do

Icon of Apology Apology

Icon of Call to Arms Call to Arms

Icon of Chores Chores To get here you need to use the crane that stands nearby. If you turn it properly you will be able to jump over here.

Icon of City of Possibility City of Possibility

Icon of Dead on Arrival Dead on Arrival

Icon of Everything Ends Everything Ends

Icon of Freyr's Lament Freyr's Lament

Icon of Garden's Progress Garden's Progress The roof can be accessed by climbing up the side of this building.

Icon of Golrab of the Ashes and Frost Golrab of the Ashes and Frost

Icon of Harmony Harmony

Icon of Living Masterpiece Living Masterpiece

Icon of Prayer to Freya Prayer to Freya

Icon of Scholarly Scholarly

Icon of Seidr Seidr

Icon of Seidr Sacrifice Seidr Sacrifice

Icon of Stupidity Stupidity To get to this plateau you must use the Zipline.

Icon of The Aesir Promise The Aesir Promise

Icon of The Auburn Crown The Auburn Crown

Icon of The Blessing of Two The Blessing of Two

Icon of The Ceremony The Ceremony

Icon of The Feast The Feast

Icon of The Lost Pages 4/4 The Lost Pages 4/4 You will find it when leaving the Wishing Well. You need all four lost pages to unlock four Relics for crafting at the blacksmith.

Icon of Traitor Traitor

Icon of Unforgiven Unforgiven

Icon of Vanaheim Lullaby Vanaheim Lullaby

Icon of Verdant Verdant

Nornir ChestsNornir Chests

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Cliffside Ruins) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Cliffside Ruins) In order to open this chest, you need to position the three spinners so that they show one of the runes from the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Eastern Barri Woods) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Eastern Barri Woods) In order to unlock this chest, you need to properly rotate three spinners. The first rune is located to the left of the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Goddess Falls) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (Goddess Falls) To open this chest you must ignite three braziers. All three braziers are outside the standard range of the blades of chaos, so in order for the fire to reach the braziers you have to use sigil arrows and position the sigils in the right way.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Abandoned Village) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Abandoned Village) In order to be able to open this chest, you need to light up three braziers.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Jungle) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Jungle) In order to unlock this chest, you need to properly set three spinners. You will find the first one near the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Plains #1) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Plains #1) To unlock this chest you must ring three bells. The first two of them are located not far from the chest.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Plains #2) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Plains #2) To reach the chest you must first open the Gateway. To unlock this chest you must destroy three statues.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Sinkholes #1) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Sinkholes #1) To unlock this chest you must ignite three braziers.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Sinkholes #2) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Sinkholes #2) To unlock this chest you must use the Draupnir Spear and at the same time detonate three statues you can find in the area. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Southern Wilds) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Southern Wilds) To open this chest you need to set the right runes by throwing an axe at three spinners.

Icon of Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Veiled Passage) Vanaheim Nornir Chest (The Veiled Passage) To open this chest you must ring three bells simultaneously. The chest is on one bank, the bells are on the wall on the opposite side of the river.


Icon of Family Crests 1/6 - Skirnir's Crest Family Crests 1/6 - Skirnir's Crest

Icon of Family Crests 2/6 - Hoenir's Crest Family Crests 2/6 - Hoenir's Crest

Icon of Family Crests 3/6 - Odin's Crest Family Crests 3/6 - Odin's Crest The artifact lies on the ground near the boat dock.

Icon of Family Crests 4/6 - Kvasir's Crest Family Crests 4/6 - Kvasir's Crest

Icon of Family Crests 5/6 - Hylli's Crest Family Crests 5/6 - Hylli's Crest

Icon of Family Crests 6/6 - Freya's Crest Family Crests 6/6 - Freya's Crest

Icon of Kvasir's Poems 10/14 - Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked On Maps Kvasir's Poems 10/14 - Upon Pursuing a Place Not Marked On Maps The book is located in a hole under a stone slab that you can destroy by jumping on it from above.

Icon of Kvasir's Poems 12/14 - Eastern Spectre Kvasir's Poems 12/14 - Eastern Spectre You can get here from the cave where Crag Jaw is.

Icon of Kvasir's Poems 13/14 - An Organisation: In The Future Kvasir's Poems 13/14 - An Organisation: In The Future You will be able to get here at night when the Barrier is open.

Icon of Spirit Mementos 1/5 - Scroll Spirit Mementos 1/5 - Scroll You need to get here to complete the "Casualty of War: The Scroll"

Icon of Spirit Mementos 2/5 - Brooch Spirit Mementos 2/5 - Brooch You must pick up this item to complete the "Casaulty of War: The Brooch" favor.

Icon of Spirit Mementos 3/5 - Child's Toy Spirit Mementos 3/5 - Child's Toy You must pick up this item to complete the "Casualties of War: The Toy" favor.

Icon of Spirit Mementos 4/5 - Hourglass Spirit Mementos 4/5 - Hourglass You must pick up this item to complete the "Casualties of War: The Hourglass" favor. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Spirit Mementos 5/5 - Stein Spirit Mementos 5/5 - Stein You must pick up this item to complete the "Casualty of War: The Stein" favor. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".


Icon of A Stag for All Seasons A Stag for All Seasons This favor will begin when you find the first of the four stags.

Icon of Casaulty of War: The Brooch Casaulty of War: The Brooch To complete this favor you must find "Spirit Mementos 2/5 - Brooch". Reward: Crest of Desperate Heroics (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Casualties of War: The Hourglass Casualties of War: The Hourglass To complete this favor you must find "Spirit Mementos 4/5 - Hourglass". Reward: Attuned Runic Gem (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Casualties of War: The Toy Casualties of War: The Toy To complete this favor you must find "Spirit Mementos 3/5 - Child's Toy". Reward: Fossilised Keepsake (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Casualty of War: The Scroll Casualty of War: The Scroll Reward: Stunning Fang (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Casualty of War: The Stein Casualty of War: The Stein To complete this favor you must find "Spirit Mementos 5/5 - Stein". Reward: Kinetic Resilience (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Conscience for the Dead Conscience for the Dead Reward: Svartalfheim's Honour (Amulet Enchantment).

Icon of Cure for the Dead Cure for the Dead

Icon of For Vanaheim! For Vanaheim! Reward: Rond of the Nine Realms (Shield).

Icon of Freya's Missing Peace Freya's Missing Peace

Icon of Garden for the Dead Garden for the Dead

Icon of In Plain Sight In Plain Sight

Icon of In the Dead of Night In the Dead of Night You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of Nocturnal Predator Nocturnal Predator

Icon of Path of Destruction Path of Destruction

Icon of Quaking Hollow Quaking Hollow

Icon of Return of the River Return of the River

Icon of Scent of Survival Scent of Survival

Icon of The Burning Skies The Burning Skies

Icon of The Elven Sanctum The Elven Sanctum

Icon of The Mysterious Orb The Mysterious Orb

Icon of Trail of the Dead Trail of the Dead When you arrive here after completing the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of What Lies Below What Lies Below

Seasonal StagsSeasonal Stags

Four Seasonal Stags that you must find to complete the favor "A Stag for All Seasons".

Icon of Stag of Autumn Stag of Autumn One of the stags that you must find to complete the favor "A Stag for All Seasons".

Icon of Stag of Spring Stag of Spring One of the stags that you must find to complete the favor "A Stag for All Seasons". You will find thius stag in the cave where the Wishing Well is located.

Icon of Stag of Summer Stag of Summer One of the stags that you must find to complete the favor "A Stag for All Seasons".

Icon of Stag of Winter Stag of Winter One of the stags that you must find to complete the favor "A Stag for All Seasons".

Boss / Mini-BossBoss / Mini-Boss

Icon of Blatonn Blatonn You can come across him here during the main mission "Creatures of Prophecy". Drops: Boon of Valour (Amulet Enchantment), Nar's Cup (Resource).

Icon of Crag Jaw Crag Jaw Drops: Regenerating Essence (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource), 1x Dragon Claw (Unique Resource).

Icon of Dreki Dreki Drops: 4x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource).

Icon of Dreki Dreki Drops: 8x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource).

Icon of Dreki Dreki You will be attacked by them here when you return to the camp in the mission "Creatures of Prophecy". Drops: Artillery of the Ancients (Draupnir Spear Heavy Runic Attack), Chaos Flame, 8x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource).

Icon of Dreki Dreki Drops: Seal of the Falling Star (Amulet Enchantment), 8x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource). You will be attacked by them at the end of the favor "Freya's Missing Peace" when you attempt to get on the boat.

Icon of Egil the Oath Guard Egil the Oath Guard Drops: The Path of Lies (Scroll), 1x Folkvangr Whetstone, 5x Bonded Leather.

Icon of Fiske Fiske Drops: Glaive of Dodher (Relic), 10x Bonded Leather.

Icon of Flame Phantom Flame Phantom Drops: Hunter's Brand (Resource), Gale Flame, 75x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 60x Bonded Leather, 10x Purified Crystalline.

Icon of Forest Ancient Forest Ancient Drops: Chaos Flame, 25x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 5x Bonded Leather.

Icon of Gulltoppr & Heimdall Gulltoppr & Heimdall Drops: Hilt of Hofud (Relic), Emblem of the Nine Realms (Amulet Enchantment), 3x Beast Bone. It will be a battle against two opponents, one after the other.

Icon of Jorgen the Oath Guard Jorgen the Oath Guard Drops: Hind of Deadly Vitality (Draupnir Spear Handle), The Destination (Scroll), 5x Bonded Leather, 75x Whispering Slab.

Icon of Nidhogg Nidhogg Story-related boss fight. Unlocks the amulet - Amulet of Yggdrasil (2/9 slots). Drops: Frozen Flame.

Icon of Slag Horn Slag Horn This is the dragon you must kill to complete the "Path of Destruction" favor. Drops: Greater Regenerating Essence (Amulet Enchantment), 1x Dragon Claw (Unique Resource), 2x Dragon Tooth (Unique Resource), 15x Purified Crystalline.

Icon of Soul Eater Soul Eater Drops: Eri's Armament (Amulet Enchantment), Hunter's Brand (Resource), 100x Shattere Rune (Unique Resource), 10x Purified Crystalline, 5x Bonded Leather, 3x Beast Bone, 504 Hacksilver.

Icon of The Ash Tyrant The Ash Tyrant Drops: Seal of Runic Storm (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Dragon Claw (Unique Resource), 20x Purified Crystalline, 40x Bonded Leather. You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

Icon of The Corpse Eater The Corpse Eater This is the dragon you must kill to complete the "Trail of the Dead" favor. Drops: Sigil of Doom (Amulet Enchantment), 2x Dragon Claw (Unique Resource), 20x Purified Crystalline, 40x Bonded Leather.

Icon of The Crimson Dread The Crimson Dread Drops: Vanaheim's Fortitude (Amulet Enchantment), Frozen Flame, 2x Dragon Claw (Unique Resource), 20x Purified Crystalline, 40x Bonded Leather.

Icon of The Untamed Fury The Untamed Fury You will be attacked by him here but after a short fight he will flee.

Icon of The Untamed Fury The Untamed Fury You will be attacked by him here but after a short fight he will flee.

Icon of The Untamed Fury The Untamed Fury Third Location. You will be attacked by him here but after a short fight he will flee.

Icon of Vali the Oath Guard Vali the Oath Guard Drops: Hilt of Hrotti (Relic), The Blind Guest (Scroll), 5x Bonded Leather, 166 Hacksilver.

Hel TearsHel Tears

Closing all 6 Hel Tears is required to complete the favor "Hel to Pay". Hel Tears are the source of the Frozen Sparks. When you collect all 6 sparks then they will turn into the Frozen Flame, an item that will allow you to upgrade your axe.

Icon of Vanaheim Hel Tear (The Southern Wilds) Vanaheim Hel Tear (The Southern Wilds) Contains: Frozen Spark, 3x Essence of Hel (Unique Resource), 60x Dust of Realms (Unique Resource), 5000 Hacksilver.

Berserker GravestonesBerserker Gravestones

You will be able to activate Berserker Gravestones when you acquire the special item - "Inert Hilt of Skofnung", which will happen during the main quest "The Word of Fate". After activating them, you will fight a battle against unique, powerful opponents.

Icon of Vanaheim Berserker Gravestone (Pilgrim's Landing) Vanaheim Berserker Gravestone (Pilgrim's Landing) Hvitserkr the Bold. Drops: Pommels of the Nine Realms (Blades of Chaos Attachment), 40x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 3x Tempered Remnants, 25x Bonded Leather.

Icon of Vanaheim Berserker Gravestone (The Sinkholes) Vanaheim Berserker Gravestone (The Sinkholes) Haklangr the Bearded. Drops: Chaos Flame, 75x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 5x Tempered Remnants, 60x Bonded Leather.

Remnants of AsgardRemnants of Asgard

The Remnants of Asgard will become available when the main storyline of the game is completed. After the credits the favor "The Last Remnants of Asgard" should appear in your journal. Your task is to find the remnants scattered throughout the realms and destroy the Einherjar guards in the area.

Icon of Vanaheim Remnants of Asgard (Eastern Barri Woods) Vanaheim Remnants of Asgard (Eastern Barri Woods)

Icon of Vanaheim Remnants of Asgard (Freyr's Camp) Vanaheim Remnants of Asgard (Freyr's Camp)

Nine Realms in BloomNine Realms in Bloom

Nine Realms in Bloom. Collecting all nine flowers is the objective of the "Nine Realms in Bloom" favor. This favor appears in your journal when you find the first of the flowers. The flowers are located in places you will reach in the later stages of the game and some of them you will be able to collect only after completing the main storyline of the game. Once you collect all nine flowers, you will unlock "The Florist" trophy.

Icon of Starblush (Vanaheim) Starblush (Vanaheim) You will be able to get here only after the water in the rivers is restored, so you must first complete the favor "Return of the River".

100% Realm Completion List - Vanaheim

List of all sub-regions of the map of Vanaheim with all the collectibles needed to complete the map at 100%.

  • Cliffside Ruins - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Legendary Chests, 1x Lore, 1x River Delta Favors.
  • Eastern Barri Woods - 1x Nornir Chests, 2x Lore, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Remnants of Asgard.
  • Freyr's Camp - 2x Legendary Chests, 2x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Remnants of Asgard.
  • Goddess Falls - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Lore, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Buried Treasure.
  • Noatun's Garden - 1x Legendary Chests, 3x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x River Delta Favors.
  • Pilgrim's Landing - 1x Legendary Chests, 1x Lore, 1x Berserker Gravestones, 1x River Delta Favors.
  • River Delta - 2x Artifacts, 2x Lore, 2x Odin's Ravens, 1x Buried Treasure, 1x Yggdrasil Rifts, 1x River Delta Favors.
  • The Abandoned Village - 1x Nornir Chests, 3x Legendary Chests, 2x Lore, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Draugr Holes.
  • The Jungle (The Crater) - 1x Nornir Chests, 2x Legendary Chests, 2x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x Odin's Ravens, 3x Dragon Hunts, 1x Casualties of War, 1x Seasonal Stags.
  • The Plains (The Crater) - 2x Nornir Chests, 1x Legendary Chests, 5x Lore, 1x Buried Treasure, 5x Odin's Ravens, 3x Yggdrasil Rifts, 1x Draugr Holes, 2x Dragon Hunts, 2x Epic Hunts, 3x Casualties of War, 2x Seasonal Stags.
  • The Sinkholes (The Crater) - 2x Nornir Chests, 1x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x Nine Realms in Bloom, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Berserker Gravestones, 2x Dragon Hunts, 1x Casualties of War, 1x Seasonal Stags.
  • The Southern Wilds - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Legendary Chests, 1x Artifacts, 1x Odin's Ravens, 1x Hel Tears.
  • The Veiled Passage - 1x Nornir Chests, 1x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x Odin's Ravens.
  • Vanir Shrine - 1x Legendary Chests, 7x Lore, 1x Artifacts, 1x River Delta Favors.
  • Western Barri Woods - 1x Lore, 1x Scent of Survival.

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