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Niflheim - God of War Ragnarök Map

An interactive map of Niflheim, one of the realms we explore in God of War Ragnarök. This map shows all the locations you need to visit to complete this realm at 100%, as well as other locations with interesting items, etc.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Niflheim" map.

Icon of Start Start

Icon of The Sparring Arena The Sparring Arena

Nornir ChestsNornir Chests

Icon of Niflheim Nornir Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage) Niflheim Nornir Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage) You can get to the floor where the chest is located by going through one of the rooms located on the lower floor.


Icon of Red Chest Red Chest

Icon of Yellow Chest Yellow Chest

Icon of Yellow Chest Yellow Chest

Icon of Yellow Chest Yellow Chest

Icon of Yellow Chest Yellow Chest

Icon of Yellow Chest Yellow Chest

Major EnemiesMajor Enemies

Icon of Frost Ancient Frost Ancient

Icon of The Raven Keeper  / The Pale One The Raven Keeper / The Pale One You will fight this battle when you find all of Odin's Ravens and open the last of the chests containing rewards for killing them. Drops: Nilfheim's Justice (Amulet Enchantment), Hilt of Forsbrandr (Relic), 100763 Hacksilver.


Icon of Hilt of Forsbrandr Hilt of Forsbrandr It drops from the The Raven Keeper / The Pale One. Effect: "Push enemies back with force and grant an aura of protection." Upgrades increase the duration of this effect.

Icon of Motsognir's Call Motsognir's Call This relic lies on the floor next to the corpse, on the same level of the prison on which the Niflheim Legendary Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage) is also located. Effect: "Create a shockwave that deals high Stun to surrounding enemies." Upgrades increase the strength of this effect.

Mystic GatewaysMystic Gateways

Mystic Gateways act as fast travel points in God of War Ragnarök. By interacting with such a waygate you will be able to travel to other waygates available at the current stage of the game.

Icon of Mist Fields Mist Fields This mystic waygate will be unlocked when you complete the game's main storyline and then talk to Ratatoskr.

Icon of The Raven Tree The Raven Tree This gate will be unlocked after the first conversation with Ratatoskr which takes place shortly after completing the main mission "Old Friends".

Legendary ChestsLegendary Chests

You can find 60+ Legendary Chests in God of War Ragnarök, 53 of which must be found to complete all realms at 100%. None of these 53 chests can be missed. They are large gold chests and always contain some sort of reward.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage) Niflheim Legendary Chest (Aesir Prison Wreckage) Contains: Nocked Proficiency (Accessory). This chest is located on the top level of the prison but to get to it you will have to go down to the lower levels first.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (Frozen Caverns) Niflheim Legendary Chest (Frozen Caverns) It does not count towards the completion of this realm. Contains: Bitter Squirrel (Runic Summon).

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #1) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #1) Contains: Girdle of Raven Tears (Waist Armor). To open this chest you must kill 6 Odin's Ravens.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #2) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #2) Contains: Bracers of Raven Tears (Wrist Armor). To open this chest you must kill 12 Odin's Ravens.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #3) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #3) Contains: Cuirass of Raven Tears (Chest Armor). To open this chest you must kill 18 Odin's Ravens.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #4) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #4) Contains: Breath of Thamur (Leviathan Axe - Heavy Runic Attack). To open this chest you must kill 28 Odin's Ravens.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #5) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #5) Contains: Meteoric Slam (Blades of Chaos - Heavy Runic Attack). To open this chest you must kill 38 Odin's Ravens.

Icon of Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #6) Niflheim Legendary Chest (The Raven Tree #6) Contains: The Finger of Ruin (Draupnir Spear - Heavy Runic Attack) To open this chest you must kill 48 Odin's Ravens.


Icon of The Broken Prison The Broken Prison This favor will be available only after completing the main storyline of the game. At that point, the Aesir Prison Wreckage will pop up in Niflheim and you will be able to get to them. Your task will be to reach the prisoner held in the cell on the lowest level of the prison.

Icon of The Eyes of Odin The Eyes of Odin Here you will find chests (6 of them) from which you can collect rewards after killing a certain number of ravens (6/12/18/28/38/48).

Berserker GravestonesBerserker Gravestones

You will be able to activate Berserker Gravestones when you acquire the special item - "Inert Hilt of Skofnung", which will happen during the main quest "The Word of Fate". After activating them, you will fight a battle against unique, powerful opponents.

Icon of Niflheim Berserker Gravestone (Mist Fields) Niflheim Berserker Gravestone (Mist Fields) Skjothendi the Unerring. Drops: Berserker Gauntlets (Wrist Armor), 40x Shattered Rune (Unique Resource), 3x Tempered Remnants, 40x Bonded Leather.

Nine Realms in BloomNine Realms in Bloom

Nine Realms in Bloom. Collecting all nine flowers is the objective of the "Nine Realms in Bloom" favor. This favor appears in your journal when you find the first of the flowers. The flowers are located in places you will reach in the later stages of the game and some of them you will be able to collect only after completing the main storyline of the game. Once you collect all nine flowers, you will unlock "The Florist" trophy.

Icon of Dreamshade (Niflheim / Asgard) Dreamshade (Niflheim / Asgard) You will find this flower in one of the cells on the lowest level of the prison.

Icon of Frostfinger (Niflheim) Frostfinger (Niflheim)

100% Realm Completion List - Niflheim

List of all sub-regions of the map of Niflheim with all the collectibles needed to complete the map at 100%.

  • Aesir Prison Wreckage - 1x Nornir Chest, 1x Legendary Chest, 1x Nine Realms in Bloom, 1x The Broken Prison.
  • Mist Fields - 1x Nine Realms in Bloom, 1x Berserker Gravestones.
  • The Raven Tree - 6x Legendary Chests, 1x The Eyes of Odin.

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