Laid to Rest Ghost of Tsushima Tale
Group: Tales of Tsushima
Tale: Ishikawa Tale
Location: Toyotama
This is the last tale in a series of tales about Sensei Ishikawa and his student - Tomoe. It will be unlocked when you complete the "Friends in Passing" tale.
(9 of 9) The Mongol archers Tomoe trained are planning a surprise attack somewhere. Tomoe has enlisted Sensei Ishikawa and I to help her stop them. I'm not sure I trust her, but this could be our chance to end the destruction she and her Mongol allies have caused.
- Minor Legend Increase
- Minor Ranged Charm (Charm of Precision - "Moderate increase to arrow damage.")
- Half Bow Dye (Midnight Shark)
- Shattered Mask of Tomoe
- The Unbending Archer trophy
Related points of interest
Laid to Rest Toyotama
Gambler's Den Toyotama
Umugi Cove Toyotama
Prior tales
To begin Laid to Rest you must first complete Friends in Passing.
Quest stages of Laid to Rest
1. Meet Sensei Ishikawa near the Umugi border
Ishikawa will be waiting for you next to the ruins of the burnt farm at Kazumasa's Isle in Toyotama. He will tell you that Tomoe is waiting for both of you and after a while you will set off on your way to her.
2. Ride with Ishikawa / Sneak up on the gambling den / Confront Tomoe
Ride with Ishikawa to Gambler's Den, because that's where Tomoe is waiting for you.
When you are close, you will get off your horses and Ishikawa will start sneaking. Just follow him because there is no danger around.
Enter the cabin and confront Tomoe. She will tell you that the Mongols are going to attack Umugi Cove. Your conversation will be interrupted by the arrival of the Mongol patrol.
Tomoe's Mongol archers are planning a surprise attack on Umugi Cove. I can't trust Tomoe, but Sensei Ishikawa and I need her help to stop the Mongols and save the town from annihilation.
3. Survive the Mongol ambush / Rejoin Ishikawa and Tomoe
Together with Ishikawa and Tomoe, kill all the Mongols, about a dozen of them.
When you get rid of all your enemies, speak with Tomoe and Ishikawa and after a short talk you will head towards Umugi Cove.
4. Stay with Ishikawa and Tomoe / Defeat the Mongol patrol / Rejoin Ishikawa and Tomoe
Go with Tomoe and Ishikawa. At some point you will come across a Mongolian patrol. Kill all the enemies.
Then talk to Ishikawa. You will come to the conclusion that you shouldn't move on the main roads and you will decide to go through the field.
5. Stay with Ishikawa and Tomoe / Defeat the Mongols
It will not help you much because after a while you will come across another group of Mongols whom you will of course have to kill.
6. Take cover in the nearby grove
When you get rid of all your opponents, go to a nearby grove. You will decide to wait there until it is nightfall.
7. Don't let the Mongols see you
When darkness falls, you will set off on your further way. You can't be noticed by any of the Mongols now.
7.1. Stay with Ishikawa and Tomoe / Kill one of the Mongol guards
Follow Tomoe to a nearby tall grass field.
When you get there, Tomoe will ask you to kill one of the two guards, she will take care of the other. You can use a bow or sneak up on him and stab him.
7.2. Stay with Ishikawa and Tomoe / Kill one of the Mongols in the camp
Go to the next high grass field next to the campfire. When you do that, three Mongols will arrive to the camp. Assassinate one of them, the other two will be taken care of by Ishikawa and Tomoe.
7.3. Stay with Ishikawa and Tomoe / Find a way through the bog
Go on with Ishikawa and Tomoe and after a while you will reach the bogs. You now have to get near the camp on the other side of the swamp. Passing on the left side seems to be relatively easy.
First sneak into a clump of tall grass.The mongol on the left side you can, but do not have to, assassinate.
Watch out for Mongols on the hill on your right. Sneak behind the back of two Mongols on the left. You can assassinate both of them.
Assassinate the second one and then you will be able to bypass the rocks next to which he stands on the left side.This way the Mongols from the hill will not notice you when you walk further.
Assassinate the last of the Mongols...
...and go further along the shore.
8. Wait for Tomoe to get in position
You and Ishikawa will wait in the tall grass and Tomoe will climb on the rocks above the Mongol camp and shoot barrels with explosives. This will be a signal for you to attack.
9. Defeat the force threatening Umugi Cove / Speak with Ishikawa
Kill all Mongols in the camp.
After the fight, it will turn out that Tomoe disappeared somewhere. Ishikawa will tell you that he saw her running towards Umugi Cove, so you decide to run after her.
10. Catch up to Tomoe / Ask the bystander about Tomoe
On the way you will come to the conclusion that Tomoe is probably trying to use the smugglers and escape from the island. Your guess will be confirmed by the man you will pass by. He will tell you that he saw a woman running to the beach.
11. Don't let Tomoe get off the island
Run after Ishikawa to the beach. Tomoe will already be sailing away on the boat, and Ishikawa will want to shoot her. But you will stop him, because you will notice the letter, Tomoe's mask and her bow lying on the ground.
Ishikawa will read a letter from Tomoe, which will turn out to be her farewell letter. Tomoe will sail away, Ishikawa will give you one last lesson and then this tale will be over.
One of the rewards you will receive after completing this tale is the Shattered Mask of Tomoe.
The second reward is a new look for your half bow - Midnight Shark.