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Old Villedor Dying Light 2 Map

Dying Light 2 Map - Old Villedor. An interactive map of Old Villedor, the first part of a fictional city (The City / Villedor) that is the open world setting of Dying Light 2 Stay Human. It shows the locations of various collectibles and activities such as Tapes, Mementos, Murals, Inhibitors, Side Quests, Windmills, Faction Structures, Airdrops, Metro Stations, Facilities, Bandit Camps, GRE Anomalies, GRE Quarantine Buildings, Nightrunner Trials and more.

Old Villedor Zones: Houndfield, Trinity, Horseshoe and Quarry End.

How to Fast Travel in Dying Light 2?

Fast travel will not be unlocked until you reach the Metro: Downtown Court station in Central Loop, so it's gonna take a while. In Dying Light 2 you can fast travel through the map screen to Metro Stations you've restored or to two friendly camps that unlock as you progress through the game. You can fast travel from anywhere, there's no need to visit the fast travel locations to fast travel between them.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Old Villedor" map.

Icon of Start Start Here you start your adventure in Villedor.

Icon of Subway Entrance Subway Entrance An alternative way to get to the area where the "Red Rat Run" graffiti / mural is.

Graffiti / MuralsGraffiti / Murals

There are 70 Graffiti / Murals in Dying Light 2, 35 of which are in Old Villedor. Finding all Graffiti Tag Murals unlocks the "Street Art Aficionado" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Angels and Demons Angels and Demons

Icon of Bad Wolf Bad Wolf

Icon of Bzyk Bzyk

Icon of Crouching Monster, Hidden Biter Crouching Monster, Hidden Biter

Icon of Diabou Diabou

Icon of Fallen Angel Fallen Angel

Icon of Happy Skeleton Happy Skeleton

Icon of Hell and Heaven Hell and Heaven

Icon of Hellgate Hellgate

Icon of Jar Jar Things Jar Jar Things

Icon of Living Dead Girl Living Dead Girl

Icon of Lullaby Lullaby You will pass this way when looking for Maya during the main story quest "The Only Way Out".

Icon of McHazmat McHazmat

Icon of Mechanical Animals Mechanical Animals

Icon of Memento Mori Memento Mori

Icon of Money Money Money Money Money Money

Icon of Monkey Business Monkey Business

Icon of Out of Blue Out of Blue

Icon of Peace of Mind Peace of Mind

Icon of Rambunny Rambunny

Icon of Red Rat Run Red Rat Run You visit this subway station during the "Into the Dark" quest, which you receive if you assign Horseshoe Water Tower (1) to the Peacekeepers. Otherwise, you can get here by using the manhole (Subway Entrance) located south of the Quarry End border.

Icon of Run Boy Run Run Boy Run

Icon of Shadow of the Nightrunners Shadow of the Nightrunners

Icon of Skullhammer Skullhammer

Icon of Sleeper Sleeper

Icon of So Different And So Similar So Different And So Similar

Icon of South Fish South Fish

Icon of Temper Temper Temper Temper

Icon of The 80s Are Back, Baby The 80s Are Back, Baby

Icon of The Grim Reaper The Grim Reaper

Icon of This is The End of The Beginning This is The End of The Beginning

Icon of Tick Tock Tick Tock

Icon of United in Fun - Everyone Can Play! United in Fun - Everyone Can Play!

Icon of Wonderland Wonderland

Icon of Your Whole World is A Bulka Your Whole World is A Bulka


There are 63 Tapes in Dying Light 2, 22 of which are in Old Villedor. Finding all Tape Recordings unlocks the "Audiophile" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Carl's Journal #1 Carl's Journal #1 The tape lies on a wooden crate which is on the upper level inside "Bazaar".

Icon of Carl's Journal #2 Carl's Journal #2 The tape lies on an upturned bucket, next to the bed which is on the upper level inside "Bazaar".

Icon of Carl's Journal #3 Carl's Journal #3 It's on the shelf inside the Bazaar, at ground level, near one of the the exits.

Icon of Carl's Journal #4 Carl's Journal #4 The tape is in the safe. You will get here when climbing the tower during the side mission "Missing Persons (1)". The code to open it is 5-1-0.

Icon of Cheatkins for Villedor Cheatkins for Villedor In one of the rooms at the top of the building.

Icon of Cpt. Posner Status Reports to Col. Williams #1 Cpt. Posner Status Reports to Col. Williams #1 This tape is in a locked crate that you will find in the guard tower.

Icon of Cpt. Posner Status Reports to Col. Williams #2 Cpt. Posner Status Reports to Col. Williams #2 The tape sits on a crate inside the guard tower.

Icon of For Alice #1 For Alice #1 You will find this tape in a room on the upper floor of the building.

Icon of For Alice #2 For Alice #2 You will find the tape on a cabinet in one of the rooms on the second floor.

Icon of GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #1 GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #1 You will find this tape inside THV Genomics Center (1).

Icon of GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #2 GRE Head Doctor Dr. Katsumi Report #2 You will find this tape inside Center for Stage IV THV Study (4).

Icon of Journal of a Nightrunner #1 Journal of a Nightrunner #1 You will find this tape in Cillian's Hideout, which you visit for the first time during the main story quest "Getting Stronger".

Icon of Journal of a Nightrunner #2 Journal of a Nightrunner #2 You will find this tape in the Nightrunner's Hideout located on the roof of Quarry End Swimming Pool.

Icon of Journal of a Nightrunner #3 Journal of a Nightrunner #3 This tape can be found in the Nightrunner's Hideout (2) on top of the building with the radio tower.

Icon of The City Classifieds - Baltazar The City Classifieds - Baltazar The tape sits on the shelf in a dark hallway in the attic of the house. You visit this place when looking for Cliff at the Devil's Dridge during the "Missing Persons (1)" side mission.

Icon of The City Classifieds - Egg Hunting The City Classifieds - Egg Hunting This tape sits on a table inside the Pumpkin Farm building.

Icon of Tourism Office of Villedor - Church of the Holy Trinity Tourism Office of Villedor - Church of the Holy Trinity You'll find this tape at a subway station - Metro: The Holy Trinity (Story).

Icon of Tourism Office of Villedor - Horseshoe Tourism Office of Villedor - Horseshoe You will find this tape lying on a crate in the room at the top of the Horseshoe Water Tower (1).

Icon of Tourism Office of Villedor - Old Villedor Tourism Office of Villedor - Old Villedor The tape is sitting on a shelf inside the Trading Post settlement so you need to unlock it first.

Icon of Turn on the Power Turn on the Power This location will be available when you reach a certain stage in the main storyline of the game.

Icon of Unit 404: The leg day is today Unit 404: The leg day is today You will receive this tape automatically when you come here to complete the side quest "Wall of Valor: Deadly Exchange".

Icon of Villedor Newscast #3 Villedor Newscast #3 This tape sits on a yellow cabinet inside the Rooftop School building.


There are 117 Mementos in Dying Light 2, 32 of which can be found in the prologue or during exploration of Old Villedor. Finding all Memento Notes unlocks the "Archivist" achievement / trophy.

Icon of A Postcard of Villedor in its Glory Days A Postcard of Villedor in its Glory Days This postcard can be found pinned to the counter in the Forsaken Store (1).

Icon of A posting from someone looking for eggs A posting from someone looking for eggs A note pinned to a wooden pole.

Icon of Aiden's Dating Card Aiden's Dating Card It's a reward for completing "The Matchmaker (1)" side quest.

Icon of An old Villedor tourist map annotated by someone An old Villedor tourist map annotated by someone It's a reward for completing the "Protecting the Boys Challenge (3)" side quest.

Icon of Bartez's Dog Tag Bartez's Dog Tag Finding this tag is the objective of the "Wall of Valor: Deadly Exchange" side quest.

Icon of Concert Ticket for Wrath Against the Virus Concert Ticket for Wrath Against the Virus It is located on a pile of bodies lying in a pit.

Icon of Confidential Notice to GRE Personnel Confidential Notice to GRE Personnel It's a reward for completing "The First Biomarker (2)" side quest.

Icon of First page of a comic book First page of a comic book It's inside Main Terminal Station, on the table in the room with bed and stash. It's the same room where you spawn after you fast travel to Main Terminal Station.

Icon of GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #1 GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #1 This note is located inside a military container in the basement of the military depot. To get to this place you must play the mission "The Ball is in Your Court (2)". Warning: This quest becomes unavailable when you leave Old Villedor.

Icon of GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #2 GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #2 This note is located inside a military container in the basement of the military depot. To get to this place you must play the mission "The Ball is in Your Court (2)". Warning: This quest becomes unavailable when you leave Old Villedor.

Icon of GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #3 GRE report - Quartermaster Pike #3 This note is located inside a military container in the basement of the military depot. To get to this place you must play the mission "The Ball is in Your Court (2)". Warning: This quest becomes unavailable when you leave Old Villedor.

Icon of Infected Playing Card - Ace of Hearts - Volatile Infected Playing Card - Ace of Hearts - Volatile The card sits on a couch standing next to the entrance inside one of the buildings.

Icon of Infected Playing Card - Ace of Spades - Demolisher Infected Playing Card - Ace of Spades - Demolisher The card is located in a room on the roof of the building. In this room you begin your adventure in Villedor.

Icon of Infected Playing Card - King of Spades - Goon Infected Playing Card - King of Spades - Goon It's a reward for completing "Infected Intelligence Quiz (1)" side quest.

Icon of Letter - Bittersweet End Letter - Bittersweet End The letter is on the bed in the bedroom on the upper floor of the building.

Icon of Letter - Goodbye Letter Letter - Goodbye Letter Prologue. Reading this letter is part of the main story quest "Pilgrim's Path" so you can't miss it.

Icon of Letter - Harsh Goodbye Letter - Harsh Goodbye A letter pinned to a board located on the lower level of Saint Joseph Hospital. You will visit this place during the "Markers of Plague" main story quest.

Icon of Letter - Helen’s Testimony Letter - Helen’s Testimony It's on a small table located inside a greenhouse. You visit this place while doing "The Rose Garden (1)" side quest.

Icon of Newspaper Article - March 7th, 2021 Newspaper Article - March 7th, 2021 It's in the Forsaken Store (1). You vist this this location during the "Unruly Brother" main story mission.

Icon of Newspaper Article - October 11th, 2015 Newspaper Article - October 11th, 2015 The newspaper sits on a table inside the old coffee shop.

Icon of Newspaper Article - October 11th, 2020 Newspaper Article - October 11th, 2020 You will find this newspaper in the prologue, at the very beginning of the game, when you search the house during the first main story quest "Pilgrim's Path".

Icon of Nightrunner's Journal Nightrunner's Journal It's a reward for completing the "Journal of a Nightrunner Challenge (2)" side quest.

Icon of Paradise Lost, Book IV (Location #1) Paradise Lost, Book IV (Location #1) Prologue, quest "Pilgrim's Path". After making contact via radio with the informant you will head towards the town. After you use the zip line you should see a church on the left. Go inside, the memento sits on the altar.

Icon of PK Lager-themed Beer Coaster PK Lager-themed Beer Coaster It's a reward for completing "The Master Brewer's Bees (2)" side quest or you'll find it on a shelf inside the Brewery building.

Icon of Recipe for Turn Me On Recipe for Turn Me On You will receive it as a reward for completing the quest "The Essence of Survival (1)".

Icon of Safe Code (1-0-1) Safe Code (1-0-1) You will find the note inside the container in the Nightrunner's Hideout.

Icon of Safe Code (22-67-66) Safe Code (22-67-66) The code for the safe is in a basket standing next to the bed in the bedroom on the upper floor of the house. Hint: (1000/10)+(3333*2)+220000=...

Icon of Safe Code (5-1-0) Safe Code (5-1-0) You will find the note when climbing the tower during the side mission "Missing Persons (1)". Hint: 5*100+15-5=....

Icon of Safe Code - A note from Dr. Katsumi containing a riddle (9-7-3) Safe Code - A note from Dr. Katsumi containing a riddle (9-7-3) You will receive this note when you accept / begin "The First Biomarker (2)" side quest.

Icon of The (end of) Times issue #1 The (end of) Times issue #1 The newspaper is inside a green container.

Icon of The Carriers Guild Assault The Carriers Guild Assault You will be able to get into this room during the quest "Carriers X" or later.

Icon of The Doctor Gambit The Doctor Gambit You will gain access to this room during the main quest "Veronika" or later.


In total, you can gather 126 Inhibitors in Dying Light 2, 43 of which can be found in Old Villedor. Inhibitors are the only way to increase your maximum Stamina and Health.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 Enter the building through a window at the top floor. At some point you will have to go through a ventilation duct.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 In the same crate as the Military Airdrop THB-04B (4).

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 It's a reward for completing "The First Biomarker (2)" side quest.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 It's in the Dark Hollow (1). You visit this place during the side quest "All in the Family (1) (Night)"

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 The crate is located inside a military container. You can get inside through a hatch on the roof.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 It's in the Metro: Hayward Square (2) (Night) station. On the table in the room with bed and stash.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1 The inhibitor is in the safe in the Nightrunner's Hideout. The code to open it is 1-0-1.

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1

Icon of Inhibitor x 1 Inhibitor x 1

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 You will pass this way when looking for Maya during the main story quest "The Only Way Out".

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 GRE Anomaly C-A-05 (1)

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 You will visit this place while doing the main quest "Unruly Brother".

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 It's inside the Horseshoe Water Tower (1).

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 GRE Anomaly C-A-22 (4)

Icon of Inhibitor x 2 Inhibitor x 2 GRE Anomaly C-A-01 (1)

Icon of Inhibitor x 3 Inhibitor x 3

Icon of Inhibitor x 3 Inhibitor x 3 You will find the crate on the upper floor of the building. You will visit this room during the main story quest "Into the Dark".

Icon of Inhibitor x 3 Inhibitor x 3 Finding this chest is an objective of the main story quest "Markers of Plague".

Icon of Inhibitor x 3 Inhibitor x 3 Story-related. Hakon will inject you with these inhibitors during the cutscene at the beginning of the main story quest "Getting Stronger".

Icon of Inhibitor x 4 Inhibitor x 4 Center for Stage IV THV Study (4)

Icon of Inhibitor x 4 Inhibitor x 4 THV Genomics Center (1)

Red DucksRed Ducks

There are 7 Red Ducks in total in Dying Light 2. One of them can be found in Old Villedor. When collected, they can be used to access a secret Parkour Challenge - Bicycle (4).

Icon of Red Duck #1 Red Duck #1 The safe is located on the upper floor of the house. The code that will allow you to open the safe is: 22-67-66.

Black DucksBlack Ducks

There are 5 Black Ducks in total in Dying Light 2. One of them can be found in Old Villedor. When collected, they can be used to access a secret Combat Challenge - Hangar (4).

Icon of Black Duck #1 Black Duck #1 You'll find this duck on a small patch of unpolluted land.


There are 17 Windmills in total in Dying Light 2, 7 of which are in Old Villedor. Windmills are a parkour challenges that require you to climb to the top of the windmill. Finding and activating all Windmills unlocks the "Don Quixote" achievement / trophy.

Icon of 'Alder' Windmill (1) 'Alder' Windmill (1) Stamina: 100+

Icon of 'Birch' Windmill (2) 'Birch' Windmill (2) Stamina: 160+

Icon of 'Cherry' Windmill (4) 'Cherry' Windmill (4) Stamina: 300+

Icon of 'Larch' Windmill (1) 'Larch' Windmill (1) Stamina: 100+

Icon of 'Maple' Windmill (1) 'Maple' Windmill (1) Stamina: 100+

Icon of 'Oak' Windmill (1) 'Oak' Windmill (1) Stamina: 100+

Icon of 'Willow' Windmill (1) 'Willow' Windmill (1) Stamina: 100+

Side QuestsSide Quests

Icon of All in the Family (1) (Night) All in the Family (1) (Night) Rewards: 500 Combat XP, 150 Old World Money.

Icon of Cheers! (2) Cheers! (2)

Icon of Color Run Challenge / Wounded in Action Challenge (2) Color Run Challenge / Wounded in Action Challenge (2) Rewards: Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Dirty Job Challenge (1) Dirty Job Challenge (1) Rewards: Combat Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Diva (1) Diva (1) Rewards: 750 Parkour XP, 250 Old World Money.

Icon of Double Time (2) Double Time (2)

Icon of Expiration Date Challenge (1) Expiration Date Challenge (1) Rewards: Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Fish Monk (1) Fish Monk (1) Rewards: Stavros' old fishing bait (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Handle with Care Challenge (3) Handle with Care Challenge (3) Rewards: Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Infected Intelligence Quiz (1) Infected Intelligence Quiz (1) Rewards: Gravedigger (Weapon), Infected Playing Card - King of Spades - Goon (Memento). Correct answers are: 1. Banshee, 2. Bolter, 3. Revenant, 4. Suicider.

Icon of Journal of a Nightrunner Challenge (2) Journal of a Nightrunner Challenge (2) Rewards: Nightrunner's Journal (Memento), Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Life Finds a Way (1) Life Finds a Way (1) Rewards: Alya's magic seeds (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Make Way for the Blastaway! (4) Make Way for the Blastaway! (4) Rewards: Combat Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Missing Persons (1) Missing Persons (1) Rewards: 750 Combat XP, 750 Parkour XP, Scraps, 250 x Old World Money, [Depends on the choices you make during the quest].

Icon of Out of Your League (2) Out of Your League (2) Rewards: 2,250 Combat XP, 750 Parkour XP, 550 Old World Money, [...]

Icon of Perfume (2) (Night) Perfume (2) (Night)

Icon of Protecting the Boys Challenge (3) Protecting the Boys Challenge (3) Rewards: An old Villedor tourist map annotated by someone (Memento), Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Running on Eggshells Challenge (3) Running on Eggshells Challenge (3)

Icon of Sentimental Value (1) Sentimental Value (1) Rewards: 750 Combat XP.

Icon of The Ball is in Your Court (2) The Ball is in Your Court (2) Rewards: 2,250 Combat XP, 750 Parkour XP, 550 Old World Money.

Icon of The Breadwinner (2) (Night) The Breadwinner (2) (Night) Rewards: 1,500 Combat XP, Billhook (Rare Weapon).

Icon of The Essence of Survival (1) The Essence of Survival (1) Rewards: 3 x UV Bar, Turn Me On (Unique Valuable), Recipe for Turn Me On (Memento).

Icon of The First Biomarker (2) The First Biomarker (2) Rewards: Inhibitor, Confidential Notice to GRE Personnel (Memento).

Icon of The History Lesson (1) The History Lesson (1) Rewards: Survivor's Trinket (Unique Valuable).

Icon of The Key to Humanity (1) (Night) The Key to Humanity (1) (Night) Rewards: 750 Combat XP, 150 Old World Money.

Icon of The Master Brewer's Bees (2) The Master Brewer's Bees (2) Rewards: PK Lager-themed Beer Coaster (Memento), 3 x Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of The Matchmaker (1) The Matchmaker (1) Rewards: Aiden's Dating Card (Memento).

Icon of The Princess in the Tower (1) The Princess in the Tower (1) Rewards: It depends on the choices you make during the quest - (Tell the truth): 1,250 Combat XP, Military Medkit, 150 Old World Money; (Lie): 1,500 Combat XP, 300 Old World Money.

Icon of The Rose Garden (1) The Rose Garden (1) Rewards: Helen's Rose Necklace (Unique Valuable).

Icon of The Runaways (2) The Runaways (2)

Icon of The Scarecrow Queen (2) The Scarecrow Queen (2) Rewards: 400 Old World Money.

Icon of The Spark of Invention (1) The Spark of Invention (1)

Icon of The Ultimate Weapon (1) The Ultimate Weapon (1) Rewards: 750 Parkour XP.

Icon of The Walls (2) The Walls (2) Rewards: Cornerstone (Unique Valuable).

Icon of The Water Fight (1) The Water Fight (1) Rewards: Maria's Lye Soap (Unique Valuable).

Icon of True Friends (1) True Friends (1) Rewards: 750 Combat XP, 750 Parkour XP, UV Bar, Medicine, 250 Old World Money.

Icon of Ultimate Fury Cricket (1) Ultimate Fury Cricket (1) Rewards: Combat Manual (Unique Valuable).

Icon of Water and Lightning Challenge (2) Water and Lightning Challenge (2) Rewards: Parkour Manual (Unique Valuable).

GRE Quarantine BuildingsGRE Quarantine Buildings

There are 6 GRE Quarantine Buildings in Dying Light 2. You may find a total of 24 inhibitors stored there. Collecting all these inhibitors unlocks the "Can't You Read the Signs?" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Center for Stage IV THV Study (4) Center for Stage IV THV Study (4) Rewards: 2,500 Combat XP, 2,500 Parkour XP, 4 x Inhibitor.

Icon of THV Genomics Center (1) THV Genomics Center (1) Rewards: 1,000 Combat XP, 1,000 Parkour XP, 4 x Inhibitor.

GRE AnomaliesGRE Anomalies

There are 12 GRE Anomalies in Dying Light 2. Finding and clearing all GRE Anomalies unlocks the "Revenants" achievement / trophy.

Icon of GRE Anomaly C-A-01 (1) GRE Anomaly C-A-01 (1)

Icon of GRE Anomaly C-A-05 (1) GRE Anomaly C-A-05 (1)

Icon of GRE Anomaly C-A-22 (4) GRE Anomaly C-A-22 (4)


There are 7 Facilities (Water Towers & Electrical Stations) in Dying Light 2. Finding and assigning all Facilities unlocks the "Municipal Services" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Horseshoe Water Tower (1) Horseshoe Water Tower (1) You will restore it during the main story mission "Water Tower".

Icon of Houndfield Electrical Station (4) Houndfield Electrical Station (4)


There are 26 Airdrops in Dying Light 2. Finding and opening all Airdrops unlocks the "Find Anything Interesting?" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Military Airdrop THB-04B (4) Military Airdrop THB-04B (4)

Icon of Military Airdrop THB-17U (1) Military Airdrop THB-17U (1)

Icon of Military Airdrop THB-22B (1) Military Airdrop THB-22B (1)

Parkour ChallengesParkour Challenges

Icon of A Pressing Matter A Pressing Matter Part of the "Color Run Challenge / Wounded in Action Challenge (2)" side quest.

Icon of Expiration Date Expiration Date Part of the "Expiration Date Challenge (1)" side quest.

Icon of Handle with care Handle with care Part of the "Handle with Care Challenge (3)" side quest.

Icon of Journal of a Nightrunner (2) Journal of a Nightrunner (2) Part of the "Journal of a Nightrunner Challenge (2)" side quest.

Icon of Nightrunner Trial I Nightrunner Trial I

Icon of Nightrunner Trial II Nightrunner Trial II

Icon of Protecting the Boys (3) Protecting the Boys (3) Part of the "Protecting the Boys Challenge (3)" side quest.

Icon of The Master Brewer's Bees The Master Brewer's Bees Part of "The Master Brewer's Bees (2)" side quest.

Icon of The Master Brewer's Bees II The Master Brewer's Bees II Part of "The Master Brewer's Bees (2)" side quest.

Icon of The Master Brewer's Bees III The Master Brewer's Bees III Part of "The Master Brewer's Bees (2)" side quest.

Icon of Water and Lightning (2) Water and Lightning (2) Part of the "Water and Lightning Challenge (2)" side quest.

Combat ChallengesCombat Challenges

Icon of Dirty Job (1) Dirty Job (1) Finishing this challenge with at least Bronze Medal is an objective of the "Dirty Job Challenge (1)" side quest.

Icon of Make Way for the Blastaway! (4) Make Way for the Blastaway! (4) Finishing this challenge with at least Bronze Medal is an objective of the "Make Way for the Blastaway! (4)" side quest.

Icon of Ultimate Fury Cricket (1) Ultimate Fury Cricket (1) Finishing this challenge with at least Bronze Medal is an objective of the "Ultimate Fury Cricket (1)" side quest.

Bandit CampsBandit Camps

There are 4 Bandit Camps in Dying Light 2, 1 of which is located in Old Villedor. Finding and clearing all Bandit Camps unlocks the "Ban Hammer" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Jack & Joe's Camp (1) Jack & Joe's Camp (1) Rewards: 1,500 Combat XP, 500 Parkour XP, Regeneration Booster. The liberation of this camp is an objective of the main story quest "The Raid".

Metro StationsMetro Stations

There are 9 Metro Stations in Dying Light 2. Metro Stations serve as fast travel locations. Finding and activating all Metro Stations unlocks the "Tube Map" achievement / trophy.

Icon of Metro: Hayward Square (2) (Night) Metro: Hayward Square (2) (Night) Overrun by infected.

Icon of Metro: The Holy Trinity (Story) Metro: The Holy Trinity (Story) Automatically unlocked after completing the main story quest - "Let's Waltz".

Safe ZonesSafe Zones

Icon of Bazaar Bazaar

Icon of Main Terminal Station Main Terminal Station

Icon of Cillian's Hideout Cillian's Hideout

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout Nightrunner's Hideout

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout Nightrunner's Hideout

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout Nightrunner's Hideout

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout (1) Nightrunner's Hideout (1)

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout (1) Nightrunner's Hideout (1)

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout (1) Nightrunner's Hideout (1)

Icon of Nightrunner's Hideout (2) Nightrunner's Hideout (2)

Forsaken StoresForsaken Stores

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (1) Forsaken Store (1)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Icon of Forsaken Store (2) Forsaken Store (2)

Dark HollowsDark Hollows

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (1) Dark Hollow (1)

Icon of Dark Hollow (2) Dark Hollow (2)

Icon of Dark Hollow (2) Dark Hollow (2)

Icon of Dark Hollow (2) Dark Hollow (2)

Evacuation ConvoysEvacuation Convoys

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (1) Evacuation Convoy (1)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (1) Evacuation Convoy (1)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (1) Evacuation Convoy (1)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (1) Evacuation Convoy (1)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (1) Evacuation Convoy (1)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (2) Evacuation Convoy (2)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (2) Evacuation Convoy (2)

Icon of Evacuation Convoy (2) Evacuation Convoy (2)

Military ConvoysMilitary Convoys

Icon of Military Convoy (1) Military Convoy (1)

Icon of Military Convoy (1) Military Convoy (1)

Icon of Military Convoy (1) Military Convoy (1)

Faction StructuresFaction Structures

Faction Structures are small settlements that contain merchants, as well as offer new quests, challenges and an additional source of UV light at night.

Icon of Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Birch' Windmill (2).

Icon of Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Willow' Windmill (1).

Icon of Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Cherry' Windmill (4).

Icon of Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop Artist Workshop / Uniform Workshop To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Maple' Windmill (1).

Icon of Bakery Bakery To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Larch' Windmill (1).

Icon of Bakery / Smokehouse Bakery / Smokehouse To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Birch' Windmill (2).

Icon of Bakery / Smokehouse Bakery / Smokehouse To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Cherry' Windmill (4).

Icon of Bakery / Smokehouse Bakery / Smokehouse To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Maple' Windmill (1).

Icon of Brewery Brewery To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Oak' Windmill (1).

Icon of Cadet Academy Cadet Academy To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Oak' Windmill (1).

Icon of Pumpkin Farm Pumpkin Farm Accessible with no need to unlock.

Icon of Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Willow' Windmill (1).

Icon of Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Cherry' Windmill (4).

Icon of Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Willow' Windmill (1).

Icon of Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Cherry' Windmill (4).

Icon of Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost Pumpkin Farm / Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Maple' Windmill (1).

Icon of Rooftop Outpost Rooftop Outpost To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Oak' Windmill (1).

Icon of Rooftop School Rooftop School Accessible with no need to unlock.

Icon of Rooftop School / Cadet Academy Rooftop School / Cadet Academy To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Birch' Windmill (2).

Icon of Rooftop School / Cadet Academy Rooftop School / Cadet Academy To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Birch' Windmill (2).

Icon of Smokehouse Smokehouse To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Oak' Windmill (1).

Icon of Trading Post Trading Post To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Alder' Windmill (1).

Icon of Trading Post Trading Post To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Alder' Windmill (1).

Icon of Trading Post Trading Post To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Larch' Windmill (1).

Icon of Trading Post / Brewery Trading Post / Brewery To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Maple' Windmill (1).

Icon of Trading Post / Brewery Trading Post / Brewery To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Maple' Windmill (1).

Icon of Uniform Workshop Uniform Workshop To unlock this settlement you have to activate the 'Oak' Windmill (1).

Radio TowersRadio Towers

Icon of Saint Joseph Medical Radio Relay Saint Joseph Medical Radio Relay


Icon of Old Villedor Master Windmill Old Villedor Master Windmill

Icon of Quarry End Swimming Pool Quarry End Swimming Pool

Icon of Saint Joseph Hospital Saint Joseph Hospital


Icon of Horseshoe (1-2) Horseshoe (1-2)

Icon of Houndfield (2-4) Houndfield (2-4)

Icon of Quarry End (1-2) Quarry End (1-2)

Icon of Trinity (1-2) Trinity (1-2)

User Comments

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