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Worthy of Trust Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Group: Secondary Quests

Location: Skellige

To start this quest, talk to the Skelliger you can meet at Kaer Trolde Harbor. He will introduce himself as a Novigrad merchant who needs help and he will ask you to lend him some money. If you agree, you will give him 150 crowns.

Note: This quest will not appear in your journal until you complete it.

The next day you will be able to meet the same Skelliger on the road leading south. This time he will introduce himself as a wandering juggler. When he realizes that he has already asked you for money once, he will offer to give you the whole amount plus interest back, if you won't turn him to the jarl.

You will get three possibilities:

  • Won't turn you in. - You will decide to give him a second chance. Then the next day you will be able to meet him again, this time in the village of Fyresdal - Skelliger.
  • Jarl can decide what to do with you. - You'll have to kill him. In his corpse you will find 150 orens.
  • Take care of you myself, you cheat. - You'll have to kill him. You will receive 20 crowns. In his corpse you will find 150 orens.

If you have chosen the second or third option (Teach the cheat a lesson.)

The borrower predictably turned out to be a swindler. The only way for Geralt to collect on his ill-considered loan was to kill the man.

If you have chosen the first option:

What would you do if a stranger walked up and asked to borrow a large sum of gold, swearing he would pay you back later? I know my answer, and I dare to guess I know yours, dear reader - but the witcher's different from you and me. He decided to extend the loan.

If you gave the man a second chance, then when you meet him in Fyresdal he will give you 200 crowns and you will also receive 50 XP.

Surprisingly, the borrower turned out to be altogether credit worthy and paid Geralt his gold back with a hefty amount of interest.

Related points of interest

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Icon of Skelliger Skelliger The Skellige Isles

Icon of Skelliger Skelliger The Skellige Isles

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