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In Wolf's Clothing Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 15

Group: Secondary Quests

Location: Skellige

You can start this quest by reading the notice posted on the Larvik Notice Board or by talking to the women in Lofoten while doing the "Missing Persons" main quest.

Depending on when and how you started this quest, the journal entry may be as follows:

The Skellige Isles have a long and rich history. Scattered throughout their rocky lands are many mysterious ruins, elven relics, ancient woods and natural marvels. One of the places that most stuck in Geralt's memory was the abandoned garden near Freya's temple. Geralt discovered it by accident, and found there was work waiting for him within - a powerful monster prowled inside its crumbling walls.


Ciri's trail had led Geralt and Yennefer to a derelict garden in Skellige. There they hoped to find the man called Craven, who alone could provide answers to their burning questions. Unfortunately, they were first greeted by an entirely different individual - a monster known as Morkvarg. It seemed Geralt once more would have to stain his silver sword with blood.

Related points of interest

Icon of Larvik Notice Board Larvik Notice Board The Skellige Isles

Icon of Lofoten Lofoten The Skellige Isles

Icon of Freya's Garden Freya's Garden The Skellige Isles

Icon of Morkvarg's Lair Morkvarg's Lair The Skellige Isles

Icon of Loan Shark Loan Shark Velen / Novigrad

Quest stages of In Wolf's Clothing

1. Talk to the priestess Josta about Morkvarg. / Talk to the priestesses of Melitele to learn what happened in the garden.

You will find Josta and the other priestesses in the village of Lofoten. Talk to them and they will tell you about Morkvarg and the curse that was cast on him.

Talk to the priestess Josta about Morkvarg. / Talk to the priestesses of Melitele to learn what happened in the garden.

2. Talk to Einar about the curse.

You'll find Einar at the marina, near Larvik. He'll tell you a bit about what happened in the garden.

Talk to Einar about the curse.

3. Find the garden where the monster dwells. / Find Morkvarg.

Head to Freya's Garden. You should get to the part of the garden where the Morkvarg's Lair is located.

Find the garden where the monster dwells. / Find Morkvarg.

When you enter the cave, you'll find Morkvarg talking about some key.

Find the garden where the monster dwells. / Find Morkvarg.

If you attack him, once you get his health down enough you will be able to talk to him and he'll tell you about the curse that was cast on him. It's everlasting hunger. Morkvarg will beg you to lift the curse from him, promising treasure in return.

4. Get rid of the werewolf in the garden. / Kill Morkvarg by feeding him his own flesh, or lift the curse using the fang.

You can get rid of a werewolf in two ways:

A. If you want to lift the curse placed on Morkvarg, then you should start by finding the key he was talking to his "friend" about.

4.1. Find the key Morkvarg mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Find a way into the flooded cave under Morkvarg's lair. / Search the cave using your Witcher Senses.

Get out of the cave and outside you'll find two levers with which you can control the flood gates. You need to open the right-hand flood gate. Use the right lever to move the peg in the middle to the right position and then use the left lever to open the flood gate.

Find the key Morkvarg mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Find a way into the flooded cave under Morkvarg's lair. / Search the cave using your Witcher Senses.

Enter the flood gate and swim to the end of the flooded tunnel. There you will find a skeleton and the Padlock key in it.

Find the key Morkvarg mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Find a way into the flooded cave under Morkvarg's lair. / Search the cave using your Witcher Senses.

4.2. Unlock the chapter house doors. / Search the chapter house. / Read Morkvarg's journal.

The chapter is located in the central part of the garden, next to a big tree.

Unlock the chapter house doors. / Search the chapter house. / Read Morkvarg's journal.

Go inside and find the Morkvarg's journal, which you will find in a chest in one of the rooms. You'll find out from it that Einar was one of Morkvarg's men.

Unlock the chapter house doors. / Search the chapter house. / Read Morkvarg's journal.

Morkvarg's journal

Day 24

Tjostar the Wise has proven unworthy of his moniker. He paid me not to attack his village and then, pleased at his own cleverness, called off the watch. Never had easier work in my life - we slit the men's throats in their sleep and ploughed the women till dawn. Not much loot, but primo entertainment.

Day 26

When we were sailing from Rannvaig, we heard owls hooting. An ill omen, so I ordered us to turn back to shore. Pukke laughed about how I'm supposed to be so brave, yet I'm afeard of the gods. I tossed him overboard with a knife between his ribs, but I could tell I'd lost a bit of respect in the lads' eyes. Will have to do something to prove I've still got the biggest prick on board, keep them from getting any stupid ideas.

Day 33

Our visit to Hindarsfjall was a success. Priestesses dead, monument smashed, holy tomes burned, mead barrels drained. We divvied up the silver - I took the votives, Norulf son of Oddleik took the basins and spoons, Mons son of Gudvar took the candlesticks and jewelry, while Einar son of Toradar forfeited his share out of fear for Freya's wrath. Fine, all the more for us. Tomorrow we'll sail to Spikeroog, see what the merchant wenches have brought to market.

4.3. Ask Einar of Larvik why he lied to you about Morkvarg.

Talk to Einar again and call him a liar. By choosing the right dialogue options you will be able to convince him to tell you the truth about what happened in the garden and give you a fang you can use to lift the curse.

We don't need to fight. > Couldn't care less what you think. or Lift curses - that's what I do. > Einar will show you the Cursed fang, and tell you how to use it to lift the curse. > Do it for the priestesses.

Ask Einar of Larvik why he lied to you about Morkvarg.

4.3.1. (Optional) Kill Einar and his helpers.

You can also kill Einar and take the Cursed fang from his corpse. But if you do this before he tells you about the curse, then you won't be able to lift it while talking to Morkvarg.

4.4. Use the fang to lift Morkvarg's curse, or find another way to lift it.

Go back to Morkvarg and beat him. This time, when you talk to him, there should be an option to lift the curse - [Hand him Toradar's fang.]. When you do that, Morkvarg will regain his human form and will want to go to sea again to burn and rob. You will be able to attack and kill him immediately or ask for the treasure he promised you.

Use the fang to lift Morkvarg's curse, or find another way to lift it.

If you attacked him immediately (Can't let you do that.):

Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not, as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse. Geralt took it from him, used it to return Morkvarg to human form - and then let him go free. This might strike you as strange, dear reader, considering this former pirate's many sins and complete unwillingness to reform. Remember, however, that it is a witcher's job to kill monsters, not people, no matter how rotten they might be.

If you asked him about the treasure (My reward first):

Geralt tracked down one of Morkvarg's former companions who lived in Larvik. His jaw dropped to learn this man - and not, as was commonly thought, Freya's high priestess - had cast the curse on the infamous pirate. The man also possessed an object he claimed could lift the curse. Geralt took it from him, and used it to return Morkvarg to human form - thus rendering him mortal. Geralt then struck an expert blow to hasten the inevitable end this condition implied. Clearly he felt that years of insatiable hunger were not punishment enough for this man's many sins.

Note: In this case, Geralt won't attack Morkvarg, but you can do it on your own as he will be standing next to you. If you kill him, you'll also be able to claim the reward from Josta.

4.4.1. Collect your reward from the pawnshop in Novigrad.

Travel to Novigrad and talk to the Loan Shark. He will give you Deithwen (Relic Silver Sword) and Torn-out page: Werewolf decoction.

Collect your reward from the pawnshop in Novigrad.

B. The second way to get rid of Morkvarg is to feed him his own meat.

4.5. Use Morkvarg's flesh to get rid of the werewolf, or find another way to lift the curse.

To do this you have to beat Morkvarg, and then select [Finish Morkvarg off.] or Farewell during the conversation with him. Morkvarg will disappear, but there will be a piece of Werewolf meat left over that you can pick up.

Use Morkvarg's flesh to get rid of the werewolf, or find another way to lift the curse.

When you meet him a next time, tell him (if you haven't done it yet): "Don't like being a werewolf?" and "See what I can do.". That way you can feed him - [Feed Morkvarg.]. Use the Werewolf meat and then Morkvarg will die after eating it.

Geralt decided to try an innovative curse-lifting method - feeding the werewolf his own flesh. Geralt's efforts were a partial success. The curse was lifted, but Morkvarg died without ever reassuming his human form. Considering the hideous deeds this cruel pirate had wrought, one's heart does not exactly burst with pity for him.

5. Collect your reward from the contract giver.

Return to Josta and get 85 crowns from her.

Collect your reward from the contract giver.

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