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Contract: Here Comes the Groom Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 19

Group: Witcher Contracts

Location: Skellige

You can start this quest by reading the "Nils' Disappearance" contract posted on the Svorlag Notice Board or by visiting the Sirens' Cave.

In Clan Brokvar's village on Spikeroog Geralt took on a search-and-rescue contract. Kevan, the man offering the bounty, claimed the missing man had developed cold feet and fled from his betrothed, yet the woman herself - Britt - insisted her lover had been snatched away by a monster.

...or, if you started the quest by going directly to the cave:

During his time on the isle of Spikeroog, Geralt came across a cave in which he found some unusual tracks. Suspecting a monster, he decided to look into the matter.

Related points of interest

Icon of Svorlag Notice Board Svorlag Notice Board The Skellige Isles

Icon of Kevan Kevan The Skellige Isles

Icon of Britt Britt The Skellige Isles

Icon of Sirens' Cave Sirens' Cave The Skellige Isles

Icon of Melusine Melusine The Skellige Isles

Quest stages of Contract: Here Comes the Groom

1. Ask Kevan about the contract.

Talk to Kevan. You can haggle with him about the money - 249+ crowns.

Ask Kevan about the contract.

2. Talk to Britt.

Go and talk to Britt. She will tell you how her beloved was taken by a monster.

Talk to Britt.

3. Explore the caves Britt mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Explore the caves on Spikeroog using your Witcher Senses.

Head to Sirens' Cave. Kill the drowners (15) you come across there and examine the large statue in one of the caves...

Explore the caves Britt mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Explore the caves on Spikeroog using your Witcher Senses.

...and the siren scales lying nearby. Geralt will come to the conclusion that he has to deal with Melusine who woke up from sleep.

Explore the caves Britt mentioned using your Witcher Senses. / Explore the caves on Spikeroog using your Witcher Senses.

Geralt searched the cave and discovered that he was dealing with an ekhidna. He defeated the beast and went to the village to collect his reward.

4. Find Melusine in the caves.

Get to the other end of the cave. On your way, kill some more drowners (15) and then get out.

Find Melusine in the caves.

You'll find a man's corpse outside. It's Niels. When you examine the corpse, Melusine will appear.

Find Melusine in the caves.

5. Kill the monster. / Take a trophy from the monster.

Kill the monster and take Ekhidna trophy (5% Bonus gold).

Kill the monster. / Take a trophy from the monster.

6. Collect your reward from Kevan.

Go back to Kevan and tell him about Nils' fate. He'll pay you for killing the monster and ask you to tell his sister the bad news. You can agree or tell him he should do it himself.

If you tell him to talk to his sister himself, the quest will end.

Kevan accepted Geralt's conclusions with a sad heart, yet did not let his disappointment keep him from paying the promised bounty.

7. (Optional) Tell Britt what happened to her betrothed.

If you decide to give Britt the bad news, go to the hill where he is and do it. She will thank you and she will want to pay you for avenging her beloved. You can accept her offer (20XP and 25 crowns) or refuse (25XP).

The hardest part, however, was informing Britt, the dead man's betrothed. Though her voice shook, she kept herself together and gave Geralt a gift by way of thanks for his trouble.

(Optional) Tell Britt what happened to her betrothed.

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