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Battlefield Loot Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 20

Group: Treasure Hunts

Location: Novigrad

To start this quest kill the bilge hag (18) and take the key attached to a crumpled note and the crumpled notes from the corpse.

Geralt found a mutilated corpse which was carrying some notes. The blood which had soaked through the paper had not completely obscured the writing - and made the witcher all the more curious as to its contents…

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Icon of Battlefield Loot (Quest) Battlefield Loot (Quest) Velen / Novigrad

Icon of Battlefield Loot (Treasure) Battlefield Loot (Treasure) Velen / Novigrad

Quest stages of Battlefield Loot

1. Read the notes you found.

Crumpled notes

I always said Musky was a clever pup! He understands more words than quite a few men. He can do all sorts of tricks - sit, roll over, and if you give him a scrap of bacon, he'll even shake your hand. But today, why, he's outdone himself today.

I look, and there's Musky, running in from the field carrying something in his mouth. I think, "Maybe it's a hare, and I'll be able to whip up a stew, sell the fur?" But no, it was a sack. All covered in blood, so no wonder he sniffed it out. I look inside... and inside there's a key. A little one, all engraved and ornamented, like it fits some fancy chest or box. So I think, "Maybe there's treasure hidden hereabouts, and that's what this key's for?" So I think I'll go for a walk, see what I can see. If I find it, I swear to Melitele, Musky's going to eat nothing but veal for the rest of his days!

That blood on the sack's got me a bit worried, though... But I'll take a thick club with me, so if anything pops out of the bushes, it'll get a thumping. You don't live but once, so you might as well take some risks, I always say!

2. Follow the blood trail from the battlefield to the loot using your Witcher Senses.

Traces of blood will lead you to a chest hidden behind the barrels, next to a wooden structure. Use your weapon or Aard sign to destroy the barrels then unlock the chest and take its contents.

Follow the blood trail from the battlefield to the loot using your Witcher Senses.

Perhaps Musky was indeed a clever pup, but his owner was not the wisest of men, and his club didn't seem to have helped him much. Geralt's swords, on the other hand, served him very well. He hunted down the place where the treasure was hidden and, with no small amount of satisfaction, took its contents for himself.

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