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A Hallowed Horn Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 12

Group: Secondary Quests

Location: Skellige

This quest may be started by reading the "Contract: Stolen Horn" notice posted on the Holmstein Notice Board or by finding the horn in the camp of renegades located north of Arinbjorn.

Holger Blackhand had stolen a great many priceless goods during his many plunderous raids. Yet none of these foreign trinkets could rival the carved horn passed down to him from his ancestors for his affections. The warriors he had recently banished must have known this - for they took this horn as an act of vengeance against Holger. Holger had let it be known that whoever found his prized possession would receive a hefty reward. Geralt, who could track thieves and stolen goods like no other, decided to investigate.

Related points of interest

Icon of Holmstein Notice Board Holmstein Notice Board The Skellige Isles

Icon of Holger Blackhand's Horn Holger Blackhand's Horn The Skellige Isles

Quest stages of A Hallowed Horn

1. Track down the thieves and retrieve Holger's horn. / Find the stolen horn.

The Holger Blackhand's Horn is in a chest in the camp located on an island north of Arinbjorn, occupied by several renegades (14,15).

Track down the thieves and retrieve Holger's horn. / Find the stolen horn.

2. (Optional) Read the journal you found in the chest with the horn.

Available if you found the horn before the notice on the notice board. In that case you have to read the journal to find out what to do with the horn.

Journal of a Thief, Part II

I, Kjarre, son of Knut, have twice disgraced myself. First by running from the field of battle out of fear of dying. The shield I abandoned then rests on the bottom of that marsh, and there it will stay until Ragh nar Roog, as testimony of my cowardice. The second time was when Orn Two Heads convinced me to help him steal Holger Blackhand’s horn. Orn thought I’d sell the horn to smugglers, but I won’t. If I’m to live like a thief and a bandit, I prefer not to live at all. The one thing I can do to regain my honor is to return the horn to where it belongs, to its ancestral home. Mathios, who Holger charged with getting the horn back, has family near these cliffs. I hope he’ll come here for the equinox festival. Then I’ll be able to give him back the stolen horn and ask for him to vouch for me with the jarl. That’s all the hope I have left.

3. Bring the stolen horn to Mathios.

Go back to Holmstein and hand the horn to Mathios, who you will find near the Holmstein Notice Board. He'll give you 20 crowns.

Bring the stolen horn to Mathios.

The witcher managed to retrieve the stolen horn, then returned it to Holger's envoy in Holmstein. Though this warrior was saddened when Geralt told him of the thieves' fate, he paid every copper of the promised reward.

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