Fallout 76 Game Guide
Fallout 76 is a post-nuclear online multiplayer action role-playing video game developed by Bethesda Game Studios and published by Bethesda Softworks. It is the ninth game in the Fallout series and serves as a narrative prequel to previous Fallout games.
Release date: November 14, 2018
Platforms: PC, Xbox One, Playstation 4
Official website: https://fallout.bethesda.net/
Appalachia / West Wirginia
The game world, approximately four times the size of that of Fallout 4, is modeled on West Virginia and features recreations of many real locations such as State Capitol, Woodburn Hall, New River Gorge Bridge, Watoga or the Greenbrier and many others. The game will also feature numerous monsters, several of which are inspired by local folklore. Your character will be able to travel through mountains, swamps, wastelands, ruined towns and floodplains.
The whole world of the game is divided into six regions with different climate and enemy levels:
- The Forest - low radiation zone, beautiful area packed with trees and vibrant vegetation. It is a starting area of Fallout 76 so Vault 76 is located here.
- The Ash Heap - home to a hollowed mountain stripped down by mining companies.
- Toxic Valley - after the bombs fell, chemicals discharged from the factories cloaked this area with white powder.
- Savage Divide - a barren desert wasteland with varying altitude.
- The Mire - a region of swampland up the eastern side of Appalachia.
- Cranberry Bog - collection of five bogs located in the southeast corner of the Fallout 76 map.

Appalachia / West Virginia - Appalachia is modeled on West Virginia and features recreations of many real locations. The whole world of the game is divided into six regions with different climate and enemy levels: The Forest, The Ash Heap, Cranberry Bog, Toxic Valley, Savage Divide and The Mire.
2 x Sewers; 35 x Treasure Map Location; 17 x Unique Location; 4 x Vault; 22 x Public Workshop; 2 x Elevated Highway; 4 x Compound; 2 x Railroad; 2 x Pier; 2 x Filling Station; 6 x Mansion; 3 x Graveyard; 3 x Golf Club; 7 x Trailer; 8 x Forested; 2 x Landmark; 8 x Electrical Substation; 3 x Radioactive; 3 x Satellite; 3 x Aviation; 11 x Raider Settlement; 11 x Pond; 4 x Amusement Park; 5 x Camp; 13 x Lookout; 3 x City; 14 x Town; 14 x Bunker; 5 x Town Ruins; 8 x Radio Tower; 7 x Cave; 6 x Overlook; 2 x Dam; 10 x Industrial; 14 x Farm; 12 x Military Base; 10 x Brownstone; 12 x Train Station; 5 x Train Track; 11 x Shack; 18 x Cabin; 19 x Quarry; 8 x Low Rise; 2 x Medical; 3 x Power Plant; 14 x High Tech Building; 4 x Ski Resort; 2 x Monument; 9 x Fissure Site; 12 x Others
Black Mountain Ordnance Works Domes
Location: The Forest, Black Mountain Ordnance Works. Currently only two of the bunkers are accessible. Perhaps in the future, in the next updates, more of them will be available. ...
Recently added or updated Quests
Here is a list of recently added or modified quests. To see the full list of quests, follow this link - List of Fallout 76 Quests.
Name / Title | Category | Description |
The Elusive Crane | You will receive this quest when you complete the "Strength in Numbers" quest. After saving her guards, she is going to tell you what she knows about Crane. | |
Strength in Numbers | You will receive this quest when you complete the "Hunter for Hire" quest. Duchess will ask you to help her find the two missing persons. | |
Hunter for Hire | You will receive this quest after completing the "Wayward Souls" mission. | |
Wayward Souls | You'll receive this quest as soon as you leave Vault 76. If you have a character at a higher level, an entry will appear in the "miscellaneous" section of your Pip-Boy, encouraging you to visit the Vault 76 area. | |
The New Arrivals | The Overseer needs your help. | |
Event: Free Range | This event can start near locations such as Big Fred's BBQ Shack, Southern Belle Motel, or Groves Family Cabin. | |
Overseer's Mission | In my case I received this quest at a later stage of the game when I approached one of the locations where the overseer's cache was located. At that time I already had tapes found in Overseer's Camp, Flatwoods and Morgantown Airport. | |
Event: AWOL Armaments | The event takes place in the area surrounding the RobCo Research Center building. | |
Possum Junior Roboticist Tour | Pioneer Scouts | To start this quest you should complete The Order of the Tadpole quest and then go to RobCo Research Center, find and activate one of the " tour speakerboxes". |
The Order of the Tadpole | Pioneer Scouts | The first stage of this quest will appear in your Pip-Boy in the miscellaneous section when you read the Pioneer Scouts Recruiting Poster. You can find one at the train station bulletin boards. |
To see the full list of quests, follow this link - List of Fallout 76 Quests.