Black Mountain Ordnance Works Domes
Location: The Forest, Black Mountain Ordnance Works. Currently only two of the bunkers are accessible. Perhaps in the future, in the next updates, more of them will be available.
TNT Dome #2
The entrance to the bunker is southeast of the Black Mountain Ordnance Works icon.
What is inside?
Inside this bunker you can find Plan: Alien Blaster Fusion Mag.
How to open it?
You need TNT Dome Key 2. This key can be found in a Locker located in a small room on the roof of the Mount Blair Trainyard building. To open the door to this room you need 2nd level of lockpicking skill.
TNT Dome #3
The entrance to the bunker is at some distance to the east and a bit to the north from the Black Mountain Ordnance Works icon.
What is inside?
Inside the bunker you can find Nuka-Cola themed items: Bottle and Cappy Red Jacket & Jeans, Nuka-World Jacket & Jeans, Plan: T-51 Power Armor Nuka-Cola Paint.
How to open it?
To open this bunker you need a total of four keys. The first one - Toolbox Key, is located to the northeast of Pylon V-13. You will find it in the Duffle Bag.
The second one - Key to Clara's Box, can be found in the red Toolbox to the east of Watoga. You must have the first key (Toolbox Key) to open it.
Then you need to visit Sutton and find a dog shed. In the Wooden Crate, which you can open with the second key (Key to Clara's Box), you will find another key - Nuka-Cola Locker Key.
Next, go to Kanawha Nuka-Cola Plant. Enter the building through the main entrance.
In the main room go upstairs and find the Snackability Research And Development lab. There are locked doors (lockpicking skill lvl 1 required) there. Unlock them and you will reach the back of the taste testing rooms. There you will find a Locker that you can open with the Nuka-Cola Locker Key. Inside the locker you will find the final key - TNT Dome Key 3.