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The Spartan Dog Assassin's Creed Odyssey Quest

Group: Bloodline (Legacy of the First Blade)

Category: Support Quest

This is a support quest for Two Knives Against the Dark quest.

Alexios and Darius needed help from a captured Athenian General, but they'd only get it if Alexios took out his mortal enemy, a brutal Spartan Commander.

Objectives of The Spartan Dog

1. Free the Athenian General and his men

Free the Athenian General and his men

Free the Athenian General and his men

Free the Athenian General and his men

2. Escort the Athenian General to safety

Escort the Athenian General to safety

3. Talk to the Athenian General

Talk to the Athenian General

4. Destroy the Spartan Commander's ship and his fleet

You must destroy the Spartan Commander's ship and three smaller ships. There will be two Greek ships to help you.

Destroy the Spartan Commander's ship and his fleet

Destroy the Spartan Commander's ship and his fleet

5. Return to the Athenian General

Return to the Athenian General

6. Quest Completed

Rewards: Legendary XP, Legendary Drachmae, Order Soldier's Gauntlets (Rare Arms), Letter to the Spartans (Ancient Clue).

After completing The Spartan Dog you will get or will be able to get The Trap Is Set (1 of 3).

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