The Root of All Confusion Blacktail Quest
Group: Main Story
Season: Autumn
Baba had no mercy for Dragoy and Slavitza. Yaga had little hope for Volko, but she wished with all her heart that Zora was still safe somewhere out there.
Prior quests
To begin The Root of All Confusion you must first complete Guilt Trip.
Objectives of The Root of All Confusion
1. Get out
Something went very wrong this time around. The Faceless Idol in the Hut seemed to malfunction. Having survived its energy burst, Yaga found herself in a mysterious tomb. She needed to leave as soon as possible as something was there, lurking in the shadows.
2. Solve all the riddles
In this dark place forsaken by the gods, Yaga was not alone. She was now facing Baba. Yet the demon seemed preoccupied with some dilemmas beyond mortal reasoning.
But perhaps there was a method to its madness.
Q: ... not much thicker than water... but binds stronger than iron...
A: Blood
Q: ... white as chalk but not as brittle... tales stronger than death in it can be written...
A: Bone
Q: ... even when of stone, only heavy at times... it can leap, even as it bleeds...
A: Heart
3. Think of a way to escape
With the demon gone, the way out seemed clearer, albeit not crystal clear. Still, crystals were to play a role in Yaga’s great escape.
4. Run for your life
An inevitable confrontation finally happened. Baba turned out not to be a very hospitable host. Which may or may not have had something to do with a poor choice of words.
It was high time for Yaga to run as fast as she could. The promise of safety lay just around the corner.
5. Find your way to the trail of crumbs
Our heroine survived her encounter with Baba. The demon’s words remain a mystery, yet some answers seemed to crawl around Yaga’s mind. She would rather not give them much thought as a far more pressing matter remained at hand.
She needed to find Zora. It was the only thing that really mattered.
After completing The Root of All Confusion you will get or will be able to get The Fall.