Guilt Trip Blacktail Quest
Group: Main Story
Season: Summer
Having emerged from both an emotional and literal chasm, Yaga was ready to weigh her past. A morbid conclusion to Slavitza’s story did not make things easier. It would appear that Baba’s victims were always those who, one way or another, crossed Yaga.
This did not bode well for Volko’s fate.
Prior quests
To begin Guilt Trip you must first complete Frenemies.
Objectives of Guilt Trip
1. Confront the Faceless Idol
Yaga’s mask was shattered yet again, as if it was becoming harder and harder for her to hide her face... The familiar idol awaited nearby. It was once again time to face it.
2. Bring the mask to the Hut
It was time to clear the way forward. Yaga already knew how to proceed. The Hut awaited her return.
Twin Idols unlocked.
After completing Guilt Trip you will get or will be able to get The Root of All Confusion.