Black Ducks Dying Light 2 Points of interest
While exploring the game world in Dying Light 2, you may come across mysterious Black Ducks. There are 5 such ducks in total. When collected they can be used to access a secret room in the VNC Tower.
Hangar Combat Challenge
One you have all 5 Black Ducks go to VNC Tower, call the elevator and use it to get to the basement. Swim through the water and continue through the door on the right to get to the second elevator.
Take this elevator down to level 0. Doing so will take you to a secret room.
Place the black ducks on each of the five tables. This activates the electrical stations next to each table. Extend and connect the electric cables so that they form a pentagram.
When you do this correctly, a gun will appear in the middle of the room. Interact with it to start the challenge.
All known locations on the map Old Villedor
All known locations on the map Central Loop
Black Duck #3▶ show the map ◀
The safe with this black duck is located in a small room slightly below the roof of the VNC Tower building. To get there you can drop down from the roof. The code that will allow you to open the safe is: 6-6-6.
Black Duck #4▶ show the map ◀
This duck is inside the trunk of a sunken police car north of GRE Anomaly C-A-83 (3).