You Lucky Bastard Mafia: Definitive Edition Mission
Group: Main Story
Year: 1935
This mission begins when Don Salieri tells you to kill Sergio Morello after Sam and Vincenzo failed to do so. Vincenzo will give you a bomb that you should install under Sergio's car.
Sergio Morello is next to die. Ensure he meets a fiery end.
Achievement / Trophy: When God Stops Smiling (Complete "You Lucky Bastard")
Related points of interest
Salieri's Bar Lost Heaven
Sergio's House Lost Heaven
Giorgi's Restaurant Lost Heaven
A Horse of Another Killer (#10) (SM) Lost Heaven
Lost Heaven Harbor Lost Heaven
Sergio Morello (#9) (SM) Lost Heaven
Steam Boys (#10) (SM) Lost Heaven
Works Quarter #7 (SM) Lost Heaven
Prior missions
To begin You Lucky Bastard you must first complete Happy Birthday.
Objectives of You Lucky Bastard
1. Go to Sergio's house / Get to Sergio's house
Get in the car and go to Oakwood, where Sergio's house is located. The house and his car are guarded by one of his men.
2. Plant bomb beneath Sergio's car
Enter the courtyard of the house adjacent to the house of Sergio.
Then jump over the fence and sneak up to the car...
...and you will be able to plant a bomb under it unnoticed.
3. Wait and watch at phone booth
Step back the same way you came here and enter the telephone booth standing across the street. After a while you will see how it is Sergio's wife and not him getting into the car.
A huge explosion will occur and the woman will die in a tragic way.
Tommy will return to the phone booth and call Vincenzo. He will inform you that Sergio has been seen in the Giorgi's restaurant and will instruct you to go there immediately.
Sergio's been seen. Get to Giorgi's and whack him.
4. Meet Paulie and Sam
Drive to Giorgio's Dinner restaurant.
Paulie and Sam will be waiting for you on site.
Together you will enter the restaurant. When Sergio sees you, he will use the waitress as a cover thanks to that he will be able to escape to the back. Shooting with his bodyguards will begin.
5. Don't let Sergio escape
Don Salieri wants Sergio Morello dead. Finish the job.
Start by eliminating Sergio's men who are in the main restaurant hall.
Then take the "Dime Detective" magazine lying on one of the tables - A Horse of Another Killer (#10) (SM).
Then go to the kitchen, get rid of another opponent you run into there and run through the door to the parking area. Unfortunately Sergio will manage to get in the car and drive away.
Tommy will get on the bike and start chasing his car.
7. Don't let Sergio escape / Clear the yard
Sergio will escape to the harbor. First, get rid of the opponents who stayed near the car.
Then start chasing Sergio, killing his men along the way. Be especially careful of the sniper standing on the crane.
As usual, barrels with flammable materials can be a very good way to eliminate you enemies. The way through the harbor will be long and you will have to eliminate a lot of Sergio's men who will try to kill you. Be especially careful about the snipers who will occupy almost every crane you will pass.
In one of the buildings you will pass you will find another cigarette card - Sergio Morello (#9) (SM).
And a little further on, in the train car you will find a "Gangsters Monthly" comic book - Steam Boys (#10) (SM).
Even further on, on one of the cranes you will find a mystery fox - Works Quarter #7 (SM).
You should finally get to the railroad yard.
Kill the last opponents you run into there.
8. Find a way into the depot
Enter the control room and release the train brakes.
One of the wagons will roll down and smash the gate making a way into the depot.
9. Kill Sergio
Before you reach Sergio, you will first have to kill some of his bodyguards.
You will find Sergio a little further but you will not be able to kill him yet.
He will escape from you to a warehouse full of flammable materials.
Both of you will run out of ammunition so you will decide to end his lucky streak in another way.
After completing You Lucky Bastard you will get or will be able to get Crème De La Crème.