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Vaas' Mind Far Cry 6 Map

Far Cry 6 - Vaas: Insanity / Vaas' Mind map. Interactive map of the area where the Vaas: Insanity DLC for Far Cry 6 is set. The map highlights such places as: Diary Pages, Vaas Chibis, Visions, Armory Weapons, Power Chests, Citra's Trials, Memories, Safe Houses, Memory Links and more.

How to gain access to the Wingsuit, Parachute, and Grapple in Vaas Insanity Add-On?

To get access to the Wingsuit, Parachute, and Grapple you must use the mirror and unlock the corresponding trait. You can find it in the "Sloth" tab. To do that you must, of course, have a sufficient amount of cash.

This map is interactive. Use mouse/roller or mobile device gestures to move or resize it. Tap or mouse over map markers for more info.

Points of interest

Below you will find some information about the points of interest located on "Vaas' Mind" map.


Vaas Chibis are collectible items available in the Vaas: Insanity add-on for Far Cry 6. You can find a total of 10 of these figurines. Once you collect all of them, you will unlock the "Puff, Puff, Vaas" achievement / trophy and the "Lil Vaas" Dashboard Prop for your main game car.

Icon of Chibi 01 Chibi 01 Inside the building, under the ceiling. Poorly visible. Shoot it.

Icon of Chibi 02 Chibi 02 This one is on the bow of a boat floating in the air. Shoot it.

Icon of Chibi 03 Chibi 03 You will find it on the railing of the metal tower.

Icon of Chibi 04 Chibi 04 This one is in one of the buckets lying on the sand.

Icon of Chibi 05 Chibi 05 You will find it in the hollow of a tree.

Icon of Chibi 06 Chibi 06 This one is at the end of a wooden footbridge.

Icon of Chibi 07 Chibi 07 This one is in the hands of the statue. Shoot it.

Icon of Chibi 08 Chibi 08 This one stands atop a stone wall. Shoot it.

Icon of Chibi 09 Chibi 09 It is in the hand of a dead man hanging from a pole. Shoot it.

Icon of Chibi 10 Chibi 10 It is located on a small rock floating in the air. Shoot it.

Diary PagesDiary Pages

Diary Pages are collectible items available in the Vaas: Insanity add-on for Far Cry 6. You can find a total of 7 such documents. When you collect them all, you will unlock the "Dear Diary" achievement / trophy.

Icon of We're All Mad Here I We're All Mad Here I You will find it on the wall in the same building where you start the game.

Icon of We're All Mad Here II We're All Mad Here II It's hanging on the wall, inside the red shipping container.

Icon of We're All Mad Here III We're All Mad Here III It's on a corpse.

Icon of We're All Mad Here IV We're All Mad Here IV It' s inside the wreckage that is inside the volcano.

Icon of We're All Mad Here V We're All Mad Here V You will visit this room while doing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of We're All Mad Here VI We're All Mad Here VI On the desk in the doctor's house. You visit this place while doing "The Balancing Point" mindf*ck.

Icon of We're All Mad Here VII We're All Mad Here VII This one lies on a wooden crate in one of the buildings located on the grounds of the prison camp.


Visions are collectibles available in the Vaas: Insanity add-on for Far Cry 6. You can watch them by visiting 18 locations. When you watch them all, you will unlock the "So Much For Poetics" achievement / trophy.

Icon of #01 Family #01 Family Illusion of Vaas sitting on a rock.

Icon of #02 Rebel #02 Rebel You visit this area during the "Birthright" memory.

Icon of #03 Scripts #03 Scripts You visit this area during the "Birthright" memory.

Icon of #04 Birthright #04 Birthright You visit this area during the "Birthright" memory.

Icon of #05 Fatal Flaws #05 Fatal Flaws You visit this area during the "Birthright" memory.

Icon of #06 Temptress #06 Temptress You will reach this place when you complete the "Birthright" memory.

Icon of #07 Room 1991 #07 Room 1991 You visit this hotel room while playing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #08 Room 2003 #08 Room 2003 You visit this hotel room while playing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #09 Room 2006 #09 Room 2006 You visit this hotel room while playing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #10 Room 2007 #10 Room 2007 You visit this hotel room while playing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #11 Room 2012 #11 Room 2012 You visit this hotel room while playing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #12 Final Room #12 Final Room You will watch it during your visit to the hotel, while doing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #13 Meet Cute #13 Meet Cute Yoiu can watch it after you complete the "You Hit The Ground" memory.

Icon of #14 Roleplay #14 Roleplay On the edge of The Rabbit Hole.

Icon of #15 Copycat Motherf*ckers #15 Copycat Motherf*ckers Yoiu can watch it after you complete the "Radio Play" memory.

Icon of #16 Addict #16 Addict You can watch this vision in the greenhouse after completing "The Balancing Point" mindf*ck.

Icon of #17 Redefined #17 Redefined Before you enter the hotel while doing the "Checking Out" mindf*ck.

Icon of #18 Warrior #18 Warrior To watch this final vision you must collect all three parts of the dagger and return with them to the compound ("endgame").


Icon of .308 Carbine (Sniper Rifle) .308 Carbine (Sniper Rifle) Difficulty: 3. Enemies: 12.

Icon of 1911 (Pistol) 1911 (Pistol) "Starting weapon". In the armory inside the building where you start the game.

Icon of AK-47 (Rifle) AK-47 (Rifle) Difficulty: 4. Enemies: 20.

Icon of BZ19 (Submachine Gun) BZ19 (Submachine Gun) Difficulty: 4. Enemies: 17.

Icon of M-79 (Grenade Launcher) M-79 (Grenade Launcher) Difficulty: 4. Enemies: 22.

Icon of M60 NV (Light Machine Gun) M60 NV (Light Machine Gun) Difficulty: 3. Enemies: 14.

Icon of Recurve Bow (Bow) Recurve Bow (Bow) Difficulty: 2. Enemies: 8.

Icon of SBS (Shotgun) SBS (Shotgun) Difficulty: 3. Enemies: 18.

Icon of SMG-11 (Auto-Pistol) SMG-11 (Auto-Pistol) Difficulty: 3. Enemies: 10.

Power ChestsPower Chests

These are chests in which you are sure to find one of the "Powers" - passives that boost your character's capabilities.

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest Underwater, so you have to dive.

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest The chest is located on a small rock shelf. You can climb up here using a grappling hook.

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest

Icon of Power Chest Power Chest


Memories are the main missions in which you will collect the three parts of the Silver Dragon Blade that you need to complete the "Citra's Warrior" main mission.

Icon of Birthright Birthright Difficulty: 5. Rewards: 160 Cash, Silver Dragon Blade Tip.

Icon of Radio Play Radio Play Difficulty: 5. Rewards: 160 Cash, Silver Dragon Blade Base.

Icon of You Hit The Ground You Hit The Ground Difficulty: 5. Rewards: 160 Cash, Silver Dragon Blade Handle.


Icon of Checking Out Checking Out Difficulty: 1. Reward: 140 Cash.

Icon of The Balancing Point The Balancing Point Difficulty: 2. Reward: 140 Cash.

Citra's TrialsCitra's Trials

Icon of Endurance Endurance Difficulty: 4. Reward: 200 Cash.

Icon of Pain Pain Difficulty: 4. Reward: 200 Cash.

Icon of Survival Survival Difficulty: 4. Reward: 200 Cash.

Safe HousesSafe Houses

Safe houses are special locations after unlocking which you will be able to use a mirror or an armory located there. To unlock them you must kill all enemies around it.

Icon of Beach Safe House Beach Safe House Difficulty: 2

Icon of Jungle Safe House Jungle Safe House Difficulty: 3

Icon of The Compound The Compound Starting location, you don't have to take it over.

Icon of Volcanic Safe House Volcanic Safe House Difficulty: 2

Memory LinksMemory Links

A system of portals that allows you to move quickly from one place to another. The portals are paired with each other, you move between portals with the same number.

Icon of Memory Link (1) Memory Link (1)

Icon of Memory Link (1) Memory Link (1)

Icon of Memory Link (2) Memory Link (2)

Icon of Memory Link (2) Memory Link (2)

Icon of Memory Link (3) Memory Link (3)

Icon of Memory Link (3) Memory Link (3)


Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest It's underwater. You have to dive.

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

Icon of Chest Chest

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