Days Gone Map
Days Gone Game Guide
This guide contains an interactive map of the virtual Oregon, the area in which Days Gone is set. It shows you where to go to gather all the collectibles available in the game, as well as other places you will visit during the game.
Days Gone
Days Gone is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Bend Studio and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment. Days Gone is set in an open world environment which the player can explore, which includes many real life-inspired locations in Oregon such as Marion Forks, Belknap Crater, or Crater Lake.
Release dates: April 26, 2019 (PS4), May 18, 2021 (PC)

Oregon - An interactive map of virtual Oregon, the place where Days Gone is set. Locations of various collectibles and many other objects have been marked on this map. Encampments, NERO Injectors, Historical Markers, NERO Intel, IPCA Tech, Tourism Locations, Characters, Safehouses, Hordes, Ambush Camps, Infestation Zones & Freaker Nests, RIP Sermons, Cairns, etc.
6 x Encampment; 30 x NERO Injector; 43 x Historical Marker; 52 x NERO Intel; 18 x IPCA Tech; 28 x Tourism; 33 x Character; 28 x Anarchist Cairn; 13 x RIP Sermon; 27 x Safe Location; 30 x NERO Location; 14 x Ambush Camp; 14 x Bunker; 12 x Infestation Zone; 51 x Freaker Nest; 18 x Crier Infestation Nests; 37 x Horde; 33 x Herbology; 11 x Fuel Distributor; 4 x Miscellaneous; 2 x Others