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Rescue the Tieflings Baldur's Gate 3 Quest

Group: Shadow-Cursed Lands

"Rescue the Tieflings" is one of the quests available in Baldur's Gate 3. It falls under the "Shadow-Cursed Lands" group of quests.

Note: Currently, this page contains raw quest data only. I will try to update it with more valuable information as soon as possible.

Related points of interest

Icon of Cerys Cerys Shadow-Cursed Lands

Icon of Bex Bex Shadow-Cursed Lands

Quest stages of Rescue the Tieflings

1. Find out where the tieflings are being held in Moonrise Towers.


We learned from Alfira that some of the tieflings were taken to Moonrise Towers. She's asked us to save them.


We learned from Cerys that some of the other tieflings were taken to Moonrise Towers. We should investigate.

Find out where the tieflings are being held in Moonrise Towers.


Rolan's brother and sister were kidnapped by cultists, along with some of the other tieflings. They're likely being held at Moonrise Towers. We should investigate.


We learned from Alfira that some of the other tieflings were taken to Moonrise Towers. We should investigate.


Bex's lover was one of the tieflings taken by cultists. She's lost without him.

Find out where the tieflings are being held in Moonrise Towers.


Rolan's brother and sister were among the tiefling kidnapped by the cultists. He hasn't taken it well.


We ran into Alfira. Upset, she told us what happened in the darkness. She asked us to save her friends.


We learned from Bex that some of the tieflings, including her lover Danis, were taken to Moonrise Towers. We should investigate.

2. Break the tieflings out of captivity.


We met some tieflings from the Emerald Grove in the cells of Moonrise. Without us, they won't make it out alive.


We found the captured tieflings. They won't last long in Moonrise Towers. We should find a way to help them escape.

3. Speak to the gnomes.

The gnomes have a plan to break out of the prison. We should speak to them.

4. Protect the gnomes.


The gnomes plan to free the captured tieflings. We should watch their backs.


The gnomes are on their way to free the tiefling captives. We need to protect them.

5. Assist the tieflings' escape through the tunnels.

The tieflings are making their escape through the tunnels behind their cell. It will be dangerous without our help.

6. Assist the tieflings' escape through prison.


The boat departed before everyone could board. Those left behind ran to find some other way out.


The tieflings are making their escape through the prison. It will be dangerous without our help.

7. Find the tieflings' safe harbour.


The tieflings escaped by boat. We should look for them - they must have landed somewhere.


We couldn't save all the tieflings, but some managed to escape using a boat. We should look for them - they must have landed somewhere.


The tieflings were all able to escape Moonrise Towers on foot. We should look for them - they must have found somewhere in the darkness to hide.


We couldn't save all the tieflings, but some were able to escape Moonrise Towers on foot. We should look for them - they must have found somewhere in the darkness to hide.

8. Meet the tieflings in Last Light.


The tieflings escaped using a boat found in the tunnels of Moonrise Towers. We should meet them back in Last Light.


We couldn't save all the tieflings, but some managed to escape using a boat. We should reunite with the survivors back in Last Light.


All the tieflings escaped Moonrise Towers. We should meet them back in Last Light.


We couldn't save all the tieflings. The few who survived fled on foot. We should meet them back in Last Light.

9. Speak to the tieflings.


The tieflings arrived safely in Last Light. We should speak to them.


We found Last Light - a sanctuary in the shadow-cursed lands. Maybe the tieflings are here.


Alfira thanked us for rescuing her friends from Moonrise Towers.


Alfira was devastated to learn what happened in Moonrise Towers, but thanked us for doing what we could to save her friends.


Rolan thanked us for saving his family.


Bex thanked us for reuniting her with her lover, Danis.


Rolan departed Last Light to look for his siblings. Per his message, they'll wait for his return, but they're worried.


Rolan thanked us for reuniting him with his surviving family. They can now mourn their lost sibling together.


Rolan's reunion with his sibling didn't go as expected, and they separated on bad terms.

10. -


We failed to rescue the tieflings from Moonrise Towers.


The tieflings all escaped from Moonrise Towers.


We couldn't save all the tieflings, but some were able to escape Moonrise Towers.


We didn't save the tieflings. It is doubtful that they survived Moonrise Towers.


We never found the tieflings in Moonrise Towers.


The tieflings were brought together again in Last Light before it was razed to the ground.


We couldn't save all the tieflings, but those who survived managed to escape using a boat found in the tunnels of Moonrise Towers.


The tieflings escaped using a boat found in the tunnels of Moonrise Towers.


The tieflings are finally safe from the horrors of Moonrise Towers.


The tieflings are safe, but Rolan is nowhere to be found at Last Light Inn. His family is worried.

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