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Scenes From a Marriage Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Quest

Suggested level: 35

Group: Main Quests (Hearts of Stone)

Location: Novigrad

This quest will start when you complete the "Dead Man's Party" and the "Open Sesame!" quests. This time Olgierd wants Geralt to find and bring him the violet rose he gave his wife the last time he saw it.

With two wishes down and one more to go, Geralt reported back to Olgierd. There he received his third and final task, which, following in the vein of the its predecessors, seemed nigh unto impossible to complete. Olgierd wanted Geralt to find and bring him the violet rose he had given his wife the last time he saw her. As this was many years ago, and flowers are not noted for their longevity, the rose had certainly disintegrated by now. Yet since Geralt had grown used to finding the unfindable and doing the undoable, he nevertheless set out to try to recover this flower of yesteryear.

Related points of interest

Icon of Von Everec Estate Von Everec Estate Velen / Novigrad

Prior quests

To begin Scenes From a Marriage you must first complete Dead Man's Party and Open Sesame!.

Quest stages of Scenes From a Marriage

1. Go to the von Everec manor. / Find a way to get inside the manor.

Go to the Von Everec Estate and approach the main gate. It is rusty and overgrown with creepers so you will have to look for another entrance. Approach a thief standing in a breach in the wall near the main gate to the estate. He will tell you that his partner went inside to check the area and open the gate and did not come back.

Go to the von Everec manor. / Find a way to get inside the manor.

You will notice a strange figure on the grounds of the estate and you will decide to investigate it.

Go to the von Everec manor. / Find a way to get inside the manor.

2. Use your Witcher Senses to search the grounds of the von Everec estate for a violet rose.

You can examine several places like bags of fresh manure, wooden bench, small fountain, beehives, and easel, but you will not find the rose. You will only conclude that you should check the back of the house.

Use your Witcher Senses to search the grounds of the von Everec estate for a violet rose.

3. Search for the partner of the thief you met. / Follow the tracks on the ground. / Open the gate.

Approach the main door of the house and examine the broken lantern.

Search for the partner of the thief you met. / Follow the tracks on the ground. / Open the gate.

When you do this, you will notice traces on the ground. When you follow them, you will reach the gate leading to the back of the property. Open it and move on.

Search for the partner of the thief you met. / Follow the tracks on the ground. / Open the gate.

4. Examine the back garden. / Search the estate's back garden using your Witcher Senses.

If you want, you can skip checking the garden and front door and head straight to the gate. In the garden at the back of the house you will find some graves and a strange figure you have seen before, who will be digging a grave for the partner of the thief. As soon as he sees you, you will be attacked by him.

Examine the back garden. / Search the estate's back garden using your Witcher Senses.

5. Defeat the estate's caretaker.

His attacks are quite slow and predictable. You have to avoid this blows because when he hits you he will heal himself this way. From time to time he will summon some ghosts. You have to kill them before they reach him because it also heals him. It is best to give him a few blows when his spade is stuck in the ground for a short while.

Defeat the estate's caretaker.

Once the caretaker is dead, the mysterious black cat and dog will talk to you in a human voice. When you tell them why you came here, the animals will inform you that you can find Iris in the bedroom upstairs and they will give you the key to the door in the back of the building.

Defeat the estate's caretaker.

6. Search for Iris von Everec on the upper floor of the manor.

Enter the house, go through the room on the left side and go up the stairs to the top floor.

Search for Iris von Everec on the upper floor of the manor.

In one of the rooms go out onto the balcony.

Search for Iris von Everec on the upper floor of the manor.

Then walk on the balcony to the rest of the building.

Search for Iris von Everec on the upper floor of the manor.

When you enter the corridor, the light will go off for a while and you will be attacked by The Wraith from the Painting. When the wraith screams and causes one of the pictures in the hallway to glow green, quickly run up to it and hit it. This will stop the healing of the wraith.

Search for Iris von Everec on the upper floor of the manor.

When you get rid of the phantom, another door will open and you can enter the bedroom.

7. Examine the remains on the bed.

Iris will be lying dead on the bed. You will decide to talk to her spirit. In order to do so you will have to bury her first. The animals will tell you that Iris liked to sit in the garden in front of the house, so you will decide to bury her there. The dog will also give you another key, this time to the front door.

Examine the remains on the bed.

8. Find a fitting spot to bury Iris.

A suitable burial place is located near the easel. What you say during the funeral does not matter.

Find a fitting spot to bury Iris.

Then you will summon the spirit of Iris. She will not tell you anything, she will only make a picture appear on the easel and then enter it. You will follow her.

Find a fitting spot to bury Iris.

9. Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them.

You will find yourself in the surreal painted world reminiscent of the estate. The dog and cat will inform you that in order to truly awaken Iris, you have to complete the memories she has been denying, and defeat the nightmares that torment her.

Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them.

10. Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Place the items that fit the scene where they belong.

The first memory is just in front of you. Pick up a painter's palette from the bench...

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Place the items that fit the scene where they belong.

...and a book - "The spirit from the Steppe" off the railing.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Place the items that fit the scene where they belong.

Place the palette on the table and the book in Olgierd's hand.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Place the items that fit the scene where they belong.

11. Search the area around the memory using your Witcher Senses. / Place the item that belongs there in Iris von Everec's hand. / Defeat the wraiths.

Find the glass and place it into the Iris' hand.

Search the area around the memory using your Witcher Senses. / Place the item that belongs there in Iris von Everec's hand. / Defeat the wraiths.

When you do that and watch the memory, you will have to kill some giant spiders (34) that will attack you.

Search the area around the memory using your Witcher Senses. / Place the item that belongs there in Iris von Everec's hand. / Defeat the wraiths.

12. Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Carefully examine the painting in the dining room.

Look at the painting hanging on the wall. Notice which two candlesticks standing on the table are lit and that there is a fire in the fireplace.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Carefully examine the painting in the dining room.

Light a fire in the fireplace and two candlesticks as in the painting.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Carefully examine the painting in the dining room.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Carefully examine the painting in the dining room.

After watching the memory you will have to kill one specter (34).

13. Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

Go upstairs and enter the bedroom. Pick up a bloody towel lying on the floor...

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

...and put it next to the bowl where Olgierd washes his hands.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

14. Go to the painting studio. / Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as they are in Olgierd's portrait.

Examine the painting...

Go to the painting studio. / Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as they are in Olgierd's portrait.

...and collect a fruit bowl and a glass.

Go to the painting studio. / Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as they are in Olgierd's portrait.

Go to the painting studio. / Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as they are in Olgierd's portrait.

Place the items on the table where Olgierd stands:

  • apple on the right
  • grapes on the left
  • goblet in the middle

Go to the painting studio. / Arrange the elements of the tableau vivant as they are in Olgierd's portrait.

15. Go to Olgierd's study. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory./ Look around for candles and chalk. / Complete the partially erased pentagram.

On the way to the studio you will have to kill several more specters (34). In studio examine a pentagram drawn on the floor.

Go to Olgierd's study. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory./ Look around for candles and chalk. / Complete the partially erased pentagram.

Then find the chalk and candles.

Go to Olgierd's study. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory./ Look around for candles and chalk. / Complete the partially erased pentagram.

With chalk and candles finish the pentagram. Place candles on the circle surrounding the pentagram.

Go to Olgierd's study. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory./ Look around for candles and chalk. / Complete the partially erased pentagram.

16. Find a way to escape the fire.

After watching the memory, a fire will break out in the room. Approach the painting hanging on the wall and use it to move to an alternative version of the estate.

Find a way to escape the fire.

17. Escape from the blizzard and find a way back into the house.

You will end up in the middle of a blizzard.

Escape from the blizzard and find a way back into the house.

Quickly find the entrance to the basement. Previously it was blocked but now you can use it.

Escape from the blizzard and find a way back into the house.

18. Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Defeat the wraiths.

Find a marriage contract...

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Defeat the wraiths.

...and a mug.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Defeat the wraiths.

Place mug in Olgierd's hand and contract in father's hand.

Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory. / Defeat the wraiths.

After watching the memory you will have to kill a few specters (34).

19. Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

Go back to the dining room of the house and find a large and small bowl and a food tray.

Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

Place the small bowl on the floor in front of the cat, and the big bowl on the other side, in front of the dog.

Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

Place the tray in caretaker's hands.

Look for Iris von Everec's memories and find a way to restore them. / Use your Witcher Senses to find a way to restore the memory.

20. Go to the parlor. / Face Iris von Everec's greatest fear.

Go to the next room and read the farewell letter that Olgierd left on the table.

Go to the parlor. / Face Iris von Everec's greatest fear.

Nightmares will start to appear in the room and after a while the fight against them will begin.

Go to the parlor. / Face Iris von Everec's greatest fear.

21. Defeat Iris von Everec's nightmares.

You will see many opponents in the arena, but at the moment, only one of them will be active, unless you hit one of the inactive ones, which will cause it to join the fight. If you kill one, then the next one will become active. The subsequent opponents will be stronger and stronger, the last one will fight like Olgierd when you fought him in the "Evil's Soft First Touches" quest. So counter-attacking the opponents seems to be the best way to defeat them. The powered up strikes can be parried, but it is very challenging timing to do so. If you manage to do it, you can get in a few strong attacks.

If you provoke all Iris von Everec's Nightmares into fighting you at the same time and defeat them then you will unlock "When It's Many Against One..." achievement / trophy.

Defeat Iris von Everec's nightmares.

After the fight is over you will be able to talk to Iris. You will tell her why you came here and you will be able to ask her to give you the violet rose. If you ask her what this flower means to her ("The rose - more then a memento, isn't it?"), you will also receive the opportunity to let her keep the flower.

Defeat Iris von Everec's nightmares.

If you asked Iris to give you the rose:

Olgierd's abandoned residence was haunted by the ghost of his wife, Iris von Everec – or more accurately, by deadly spectral emanations coming from her dormant spirit. Geralt had to overcome many obstacles before finally awakening Iris' ghost from her tortured sleep so he could talk to her about the violet rose. After he did so, he traveled to the world of the ghost's imagination to revive memories repressed within it and defeat the embodiments of Iris' fears. In short, it was one of Geralt's more unusual adventures. At its end, our hero emerged from the imagined world with a very tangible rose in hand, ready to deliver to Olgierd in completion of his wish. The price of obtaining this rose? The ultimate end of Iris von Everec.

If you decided that Iris should keep the flower:

In this case, when you come out of the picture, you will see that the painting has changed and there is Iris painted on it holding a violet rose. You will cut out this fragment of the painting in order to bring it to Olgierd.

Defeat Iris von Everec's nightmares.

Olgierd's abandoned residence was haunted by the ghost of his wife, Iris von Everec – or more accurately, by deadly spectral emanations coming from her dormant spirit. Geralt had to overcome many obstacles before finally awakening Iris' ghost from her tortured sleep so he could talk to her about the violet rose. After he did so, he traveled to the world of the ghost's imagination to revive memories repressed within it and defeat the embodiments of Iris' fears. At its end, our hero emerged from the imagined world not with the rose itself, but with a very faithful likeness of it painted by Iris von Everec herself. In this way he fulfilled the letter of Olgierd's wish – the rose had been delivered, though in painted form, and with the eyes of Iris von Everec staring out of its canvas.

After completing Scenes From a Marriage you will get or will be able to get Whatsoever a Man Soweth….

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