The High Roller Star Wars Outlaws Quest
Group: Expert Quests
Planet: Kijimi
To be able to start this quest, you must complete the main quests on Akiva. Once you've done that, head to the Alcazar cantina and talk to the barman or overhear a conversation between two guys discussing the underground Sabacc parlor - "The High Roller #1: Taking your shot" and The High Roller #2: Private Parlor intel. This will give you access to the secret game table where you will meet the famous Lando Calrissian himself.
After a chance run-in at a shady underground Sabacc parlor, Lando Calrissian sends Kay to win back some prized possession he lost at a Crimson Dawn table on Kijimi.
Prior quests
To begin The High Roller you must first complete Viper.
Quest stages of The High Roller
1. Travel to Kijimi. / Win back Lando's Sabacc token.
Head to Kijimi City and enter the Crimson Dawn Cardroom located in the district controlled by Crimson Dawn. If your reputation with this faction is low then you will have to sneak in there. Play a game of Sabacc, and and when you win, you'll get back the token Lando mentioned.
Note: After you win the game, you will also improve your reputation with the Crimson Dawn.
2. Travel to Akiva Orbit. / Evade the Imperial patrol.
Once you reach Akiva Orbit, you will be intercepted by a few TIE fighters. You will have to lose them or defeat them. When you do so, Lando will explain to you what the token really is.
3. Travel to Akiva. / Meet with Lando.
Land on the planet and head to the location marked on the map. As you approach the location, Lando will start giving you instructions over the radio on exactly where to go.
At some point he instructs you to turn right.
4. Talk to Lando's associate.
At some point you will have to get off the speeder and continue on foot. Walk straight until you reach a clearing where a skirmish is taking place between some rebels and battle droids.
Help them to get rid of the droids or just wait, and then talk to Lando's associate. While you are talking, the camp will be attacked by Empire troops.
5. Defend the rebels.
Proceed to the left, take cover and kill the stormtroopers who will come soon.
After defeating the first wave, you must move towards the cliff, where more Stormtroopers will appear. Among them will be one with a shield.
The third wave will be the largest. Stormtroopers will be coming from the side of an Imperial shuttle that lands nearby. Be careful that you are not getting flanked by them and simply eliminate them all.
6. Talk to Lando.
Finally, after eliminating all waves of stormtroopers, you can talk to Lando and return him his token. Lando Calrissian will become a new expert, giving you the opportunity to acquire new abilities.
Lando Calrissian is a gambler, smuggler, and former baron administrator of a tibanna gas colony on Bespin. After losing the colony to an Imperial occupation, Lando's chief concern has been around rescuing his friend Han Solo, who is frozen in carbonite and put on display in Jabba's palace on Tatooine. Rumor has it that Lando is getting a bit too familiar with the Rebel Alliance lately.
Two new abilities will be automatically unlocked:
Plan A
Kay learns a Sabacc trick to help her even the odds.
Plan B
Modifies Kay's blaster for more kick, for when Plan A doesn't work out.
The High Roller Abilities
Plan A
Allows Kay to perform a Double Draw at Kessel Sabacc. Accept the prompt during the Draw Phase to start the cheat.
Plan B
Provides the components needed to craft the Heavy Blaster Module. Visit the workbench to craft and upgrade modules.
Roll Maneuver
Enables a strafing Dodge Roll maneuver that will dodge longer distances and avoid damage for a short duration. Hold [A] or [D] to Dodge Roll.
Unlock conditions:
- Defeat enemies in space x 10
- Find containers in space x 10
- Dodge incoming missiles x 5
Shoot First
The opening blaster shot from an out of combat state will cause a large burst of extra damage.
Unlock conditions:
- Win Sabacc games after cheating at least 3 times
- Defeat enemies with blaster hip fire x 10
- Defeat Sabacc High-Rollers x 2
Ask Later
For a brief period after un-holstering, any shot or near-miss from Hip-Fire Mode will grant a Small amount of Adrenaline.
Requires: Shoot First
Unlock conditions:
- ...
Just Improvise
After a Fast-Talk or Arrest sequence, instantly provide a Very High<font preset=""Light Bodytext""> amount of Adrenaline.
Unlock conditions:
- Have good or better reputation with 3 different syndicates at the same time
- Steal from syndicate vaults x 2