Sabotage Star Wars Outlaws Quest
Group: Syndicate Quests
Planet: Toshara
This quest will pop up in your journal after talking to Verrick in the cantina in Mirogana. You will be able to talk to Verrick once you complete the main quest "Underworld".
After discovering the Pyke Syndicate intruding on Jabba's creature smuggling business, a Hutt Cartel enforcer named Verrick hires Kay to steal their client list and sabotage their factory farm.
Rewards: 1,000 Credits, Hutt Cartel Reputation
Prior quests
To begin Sabotage you must first complete Hutt Cartel Opportunity.
Quest stages of Sabotage
1. Meet Verrick's contact.
The Pyke poaching station is located in the southwest corner of the Toshara map. The contact you are to meet is waiting for you on the cliff northwest of the farm. To reach him, you will have to climb a bit. First, climb up the wall, then use the grappling hook to climb higher, and then climb up the next, smaller wall.
Turn left and follow the path forward until you reach a contact who is watching the farm from the cliff. Turn left and follow the road forward until you reach your contact who is watching the farm from the cliff. Monda, for that is the contact's name, will explain to you what the plan is - you must steal the list and plant the bomb on the generator.
3. Break into the operations building.
You need to get to the central circular building located at the top of the hill. To the right of you there are two slopes that you can slide down. This way you will quickly get near the farm.
You can do it in many ways, depending on what your reputation is with Pykes and the like but one of the quicker and easier ways to get there is to use the route starting southeast of the farm.
There you will find a grappling point and rock walls that you can climb up to the back of the building you need to enter.
The area around the building is patrolled by two guards who occasionally stop. Wait until the one on the left walks away and the one on the right doesn't look in your direction and take out one of the guards quietly, then deal with the other one.
When both guards are no longer a threat, approach the door and open it with the data spike.
4. Find the Pyke client data.
After entering the building, head to the front of the building and enter a small room.
After entering the room, to the right of the door you will find a treasure chest in which you can find the Anaxes Ruffian Belt.
Approach the holopuck located on the round table in the opposite corner of the room.
When you do this, Monda will appear in the room. She will reveal that she works for Crimson Dawn, and will want you to let her take the list. You will have to decide what to do.
- Refuse and finish the job - You will have to kill Monda which will cause your reputation with Crimson Dawn to drop significantly. At the end of this quest, when you return to Verrick, you will receive 1000 credits from him and your reputation with Hutt Cartel will increase significantly.
- Double cross the Hutts - When you return to Verrick at the end of this quest you will only receive half of the reward from him, which is 500 credits, and your reputation with the Hutts will only slightly increase. After leaving the cantina you will be contacted by a Crimson Dawn agent,d you will receive 250 credits from him and your reputation with Crimson Dawn will increase significantly.
5. (Optional) Defeat Monda. / Pick up the holopuck.
If you refuse Monda and decide to complete the job then you will be attacked by her and will have to kill her.
Once she is dead, take the Pyke clients list from the table.
6. Sabotage the generator.
Whether you agreed to Monda's proposal or not, you must now go down to the basement of the building, where the generator is located.
Get rid of the guard who is standing by the generator and plant a bomb to sabotage it.
7. Escape the building.
Once the bomb is planted, the room will be locked. You must send Nix to press the button that will open the door.
Exit through the door, then climb the ladder and unlock the entrance to the ventilation duct. After a while you should reach the roof of the building.
8. Leave the facility.
Start by jumping from the roof to the rocks on the northeast side. Then continue down the rocks and try to leave the restricted area.
9. Meet Verrick in Jaunta's Hope.
Verrick will be waiting for you at Daruda Diner in Jaunta's Hope. You can hop on a speeder and head there, or use the fast travel option. If you refused Monda's offer then you will receive 1000 credits from him and your reputation with the Hutts will increase significantly. If you let Monda take the list then you will only receive 500 credits and your reputation with the Hutts will only increase slightly. After which this quest will end.
If you allowed Monda to take the list then once you leave the diner you will be contacted by the Crimson Dawn agent. You will receive 250 credits from him and your reputation with Crimson Dawn will increase significantly.