Passenger Star Wars Outlaws Quest
Group: Syndicate Quests
Planet: Kijimi
You will be able to start this quest as soon as you reach the planet Kijimi and enter the city. In your journal, under the Kijimi tab, you should see a new Crimson Dawn Opportunity entry.
A Crimson Dawn agent named Dart Subterra has a job offer for Kay.
Quest stages of Passenger
1. Talk to Dart Subterra.
Head to the Ridge Terrace district in Kijimi City. Dart Subterra is a lone guy leaning against the railing right next to the Hakan's Stash landmark. If you have at least a good reputation with Crimson Dawn, you can press Dart to say more. However, he will not be willing to say any more than necessary.
Crimson Dawn agent Dart Subterra hired Kay to track down and rob a Pyke ship in the Kijimi Nebula, but he was unusually light on details. There might be more to this cargo than it seems.
2. Travel to Kijimi Orbit. / Find the Pyke ship near the nebula.
Once you reach the Kijimi orbit, continue straight toward the nebula and the quest marker. Sadly, when you reach the place, you won't find the ship there.
3. Reach the containers. / Follow the trail of debris.
Proceed deeper into the nebula, to the next quest marker, and then follow the trail of debris to the next and the next quest marker. Eventually you will see the ship you are looking for in the distance.
4. Reach the Pyke ship.
Head towards the ship. As you approach it, a pirate ship will show up, steal the cargo and start fleeing.
5. Chase the pirate ship.
Do not try to damage the pirate ship. Only chase it until it makes a jump into hyperspace. Before it does so, you will hear a transmission from which you will learn where it went.
6. Travel to Akiva Orbit. / Travel to Achra Station.
Make a hyperspace jump to the Akiva system, fly through the asteroid field and land on the Achra space station.
7. Find the Crimson Dawn agent.
Leave the ship. As soon as you go through the red door leading from the landing pad to the rest of the station you should hear knocking coming from behind the door on the left.
8. Talk to the trapped person.
Approach the door and talk to the person imprisoned behind it. You will learn his name and who imprisoned him.
9. Find Procyon Wy in Achra station.
Head to the canteen located at the station. Procyon Wy is talking to someone via holotable. Sit on a nearby stool to listen to their conversation.
10. Steal the keycard from Procyon Wy.
After finishing the conversation, Procyon Wy will approach the bar. Use Nix to steal her keycard.
11. Release Jadd Flaxum.
Return to the locked door and free Jadd Flaxum. You will have to decide what to do with the list that Jadd stole from Pykes.
Let Jadd keep the list - If you choose this option, then at the end of this quest your reputation with Crimson Dawn will significantly increase, and your reputation with Pyke Syndicate will significantly decrease. You will also receive 1,000 credits.
Take the Pyke informant list - If you choose this option, then at the end of this quest your reputation with Pyke Syndicate will significantly increase, and your reputation with Crimson Dawn will significantly decrease. You will also receive 2,000 credits.
12. Leave Achra station. / Defeat Procyon Wy.
Get on the ship and take off to leave the station. When you do, Procyon Wy will arrive in her ship and after a short conversation full of threats from her, the combat will begin. Simply destroy her ship and this quest will end and you will receive rewards.