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Jabba's Gambit Star Wars Outlaws Quest

Group: Side Quests

Planet: Toshara

This quest is only available to Star Wars Outlaws season pass owners. It will begin after completing the main story quest "Jabba's Favor" on Tatooine.

ND-5's past has caught up with him, and now the Hutt Cartel are looking to cash in an old debt.

Related points of interest

Icon of Abandoned Skiff Abandoned Skiff Toshara

Prior quests

To begin Jabba's Gambit you must first complete Jabba's Favor.

Quest stages of Jabba's Gambit

1. Meet Jabba's contact

Head to Jaunta's Hope on Toshara. Behind the Daruda Diner cantina you will meet a Rodian. Talk to him.

Meet Jabba's contact

ND-5 owes Jabba the Hutt a debt and has decided to collect. Kay must help ND-5 retrieve a datapad with kompromat on Toshara's Imperial Governor Thorden.

2. Meet with ND-5.

Head to the location marked on the map called Abandoned Skiff. ND-5 will already be waiting for you there. Approach him and talk to him.

Meet with ND-5.

3. Search for the datapad.

You can investigate a few clues but all you need to do is find and investigate an empty satchel on the side of the skiff. When you do this, some hired guns will show up.

Search for the datapad.

4. Follow ND-5's lead.

ND-5 will approach the bandits and start talking to them. Get ready for the shooting that is about to begin.

Follow ND-5's lead.

5. Defeat the bandits.

Assist ND-5 to kill the opponents. Among them will be a battle droid and snipers. Soon after the shooting starts, additional ones will appear, arriving on speeders.

Defeat the bandits.

6. Follow Nix to track the datapad.

When all the enemies are dead, Nix will pick up the lead. Follow him east to a hill, where ND-5 will warn you of an incoming attack and suggest you flank them.

Follow Nix to track the datapad.

7. Defeat the Pykes.

Take your time. Find cover and eliminate the enemies who are shooting at you from the cliffs on the other side of the canyon.

Defeat the Pykes.

Then hop over the canyon and use the grappling point to climb up...

Defeat the Pykes.

...and kill the remaining enemies. There will be one with a shield among them.

Defeat the Pykes.

8. Search the Pykes' belongings.

Search the Pykes' belongings that you find near one of their speeders.

Search the Pykes' belongings.

9. Intercept Crimson Dawn.

Another location in the southeast, in the area controlled by Pykes, will be marked on the map. Head there. When you get there, you will see Pykes and Crimson Dawn fighting each other.

Intercept Crimson Dawn.

10. Recover the datapad.

It's best to wait a moment until Pykes and Crimson Dawn shoot each other. When only a few are left, sneak into the camp. If a guard stands in your way then you can eliminate him silently using stun mode of your blaster.

Recover the datapad.

Then approach a small round table located in the central part of the camp and steal the datapad.

Recover the datapad.

11. Escape from Toshara. / Escape from the Toshaal system.

Trailblazer is waiting on the landing pad in Mirogana. At the moment you can't travel fast so get on the speeder. On the way you will be attacked by Pykes on speeders. If you have Adrenaline Rush active then use it to get rid of them and if not then just drive as fast as you can to Mirogana.

Escape from Toshara. / Escape from the Toshaal system.

Once you enter the city they will stop chasing you. Enter the Trailblazer and proceed to the cockpit. You will automatically take off and after a while you will reach the orbit. As soon as you are in toshara Orbit, Imperial ships will intercept you and want to perform an inspection. You will have to choose what to do, ND-5 recommends waiting for the right moment.

  • Gun it - This is a worse choice because you will become wanted and will be attacked. Just try to escape, activate the hyperdrive and make the jump to Tatooine.
  • Stand down - Hutt ships will arrive and start fighting the Imperials. Take advantage of this situation to activate the hyperdrive and make the jump to Tatooine.

Escape from Toshara. / Escape from the Toshaal system.

As you land on Tatooine you will review the contents of the datapad. You will find information not mentioned by Jabba. Kay will suggest that it could be sold but ND-5 will suggest not to do so.

12. Deliver the datapad to Jabba.

Prior to the meeting with Jabba ND-5 will tell you not to try to trick Jabba because he always knows.

  • Give Jabba the schematics - You will hand over the schematics to Jabba, who will only give you a warning not to try to steal from him again. After leaving the palace, ND-5 will conclude that you acted very reasonably.
  • Keep the schematics - You will keep the schematics, which will turn into a valuable item that you will be able to sell for 1,500 credits and Jabba will say that now you owe him and someday he will claim it. ND-5 will conclude that trying to cheat Jabba was not a good choice.

What choice you make will not affect your reputation in any way, after which this quest will end.

Deliver the datapad to Jabba.

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