Defector Star Wars Outlaws Quest
Group: Syndicate Quests
Planet: Tatooine
This quest becomes available after completing the main story quest "Jabba's Favor". A new Crimson Dawn opportunity will pop up in your journal under the Tatooine tab.
A Crimson Dawn agent has asked to meet Kay in the Bestine Sabacc Parlor.
Related points of interest
EE'zok Tatooine
Daroona House Tatooine
Garrick Ranch Tatooine
Bestine Tatooine
Prior quests
To begin Defector you must first complete Jabba's Favor.
Quest stages of Defector
1. Meet EE'zok
You'll find the Crimson Dawn contact, EE'zok, in the Bestine cantina on Tatooine. EE'zok wants you to find the missing imperial engineer and will provide you with the coordinates of where you should start your search.
EE'zok hires Kay to find Ays Varga, an Imperial superweapons engineer who disappeared shortly after she decided to defect to Crimson Dawn.
3. Search for Clues of Ays' Location.
Use the data spike to get inside the small building on the right.
Use the computer you find inside, slice it and transfer the trade records. You will thus learn the coordinates of the next place you should go to.
5. Find Ays.
Approach the building located to the north. When you do so, you should hear a conversation coming from inside the building.
6. Rescue Ays.
Use the data pick to unlock the door and take out the bandit inside.
Then talk to Ays and you'll learn that the Empire is on its way.
7. Escape with Ays.
The moment you finish talking to Ays, you will become wanted by the Empire. When you open the door, the first group of Empire soldiers will already be waiting for you outside. Ays will run outside and start shooting at the imperials. Find a cover and shoot as many imperials as you can.
After a while Ays will start moving. Follow her.
She will run towards the speeders. Quickly mount one of the speeders and follow Ays.
Once your adrenaline rush is charged then use it to eliminate the stormtroopers chasing you on the speeders. When you reach the vicinity of the Bestine landing pad, the road will be blocked, so you will have to dismount the speeder and continue the further way to the Trailblazer on foot.
Run aboard the Trailblazer and enter the helm and you will automatically take off and fly into Tatooine Orbit.
8. Escape to Toshara.
When you reach the orbit of Tatooine, you can eliminate the TIE fighters that will attack you or just try to escape them and make a hyperspace jump to Toshara.
When you reach Toshara's orbit, you will be contacted by Bib Fortuna. He will want Ays to work for the Hutts. You will have to decide which option to recommend to Ays.
- Take Ays to Crimson Dawn - You will advise Ays to work for the Crimson Dawn. After completing this quest, you will receive 1000 credits, your reputation with the Crimson Dawn will increase significantly and your reputation with the Hutt Cartel will decrease significantly.
- Take Ays to the Hutts - You will advise Ays to work for the Hutt Cartel. After completing this quest, you will receive 2000 credits, your reputation with the Hutt Cartel will increase significantly and your reputation with the Crimson Dawn will decrease significantly.