Caves Star Wars Outlaws Points of interest
The caves featured in Star Wars: Outlaws are places where the treasure container is hidden. In order to enter many of them, you'll need a power module for your blaster so that you can use it to smash the wall blocking the entrance.
- Abandoned Mine
- Amberine Cave
- Collapsed Mine
- Desolate Cave
- Dusty Sinkhole
- Flooded Cave
- Gotà Cave
- Hermit's Hollow
- Xola's Stash
- Zain's Stash
All known locations on the map Toshara
Amberine Cave▶ show the map ◀
You must have a blaster upgraded with a power module so that you can destroy the rock wall blocking the entrance to the cave.
Desolate Cave▶ show the map ◀
You must have a blaster upgraded with a power module so that you can destroy the rock wall blocking the entrance to the cave.
Dusty Sinkhole▶ show the map ◀
There is a destructible wall at the bottom of the pit that you can destroy as long as your blaster has a Power module.
Flooded Cave▶ show the map ◀
You can get to this cave from the north, you need to use the upgraded speeder and jump over the cleft.
All known locations on the map Tatooine
Collapsed Mine▶ show the map ◀
Related intel: Abandoned Mine. To get inside you need a fusioncutter.